# coding: utf-8 require 'uri' module RDF ## # A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). # Also compatible with International Resource Identifier (IRI) # # @example Creating a URI reference (1) # uri = RDF::URI.new("http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf") # # @example Creating a URI reference (2) # uri = RDF::URI.new(:scheme => 'http', host: 'rubygems.org', path: '/rdf') # #=> RDF::URI.new("http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf") # # @example Creating an interned URI reference # uri = RDF::URI.intern("http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf") # # @example Getting the string representation of a URI # uri.to_s #=> "http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf" # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_Resource_Identifier # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier # @see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt # @see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt # @see http://addressable.rubyforge.org/ class URI include RDF::Resource ## # Defines the maximum number of interned URI references that can be held # cached in memory at any one time. CACHE_SIZE = -1 # unlimited by default # IRI components UCSCHAR = Regexp.compile(<<-EOS.gsub(/\s+/, '')) [\\u00A0-\\uD7FF]|[\\uF900-\\uFDCF]|[\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]| [\\u{10000}-\\u{1FFFD}]|[\\u{20000}-\\u{2FFFD}]|[\\u{30000}-\\u{3FFFD}]| [\\u{40000}-\\u{4FFFD}]|[\\u{50000}-\\u{5FFFD}]|[\\u{60000}-\\u{6FFFD}]| [\\u{70000}-\\u{7FFFD}]|[\\u{80000}-\\u{8FFFD}]|[\\u{90000}-\\u{9FFFD}]| [\\u{A0000}-\\u{AFFFD}]|[\\u{B0000}-\\u{BFFFD}]|[\\u{C0000}-\\u{CFFFD}]| [\\u{D0000}-\\u{DFFFD}]|[\\u{E0000}-\\u{EFFFD}] EOS IPRIVATE = Regexp.compile("[\\uE000-\\uF8FF]|[\\u{F0000}-\\u{FFFFD}]|[\\u100000-\\u10FFFD]").freeze SCHEME = Regexp.compile("[A-za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9+-\.])*").freeze PORT = Regexp.compile("[0-9]*").freeze IP_literal = Regexp.compile("\\[[0-9A-Fa-f:\\.]*\\]").freeze # Simplified, no IPvFuture PCT_ENCODED = Regexp.compile("%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]").freeze GEN_DELIMS = Regexp.compile("[:/\\?\\#\\[\\]@]").freeze SUB_DELIMS = Regexp.compile("[!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=]").freeze RESERVED = Regexp.compile("(?:#{GEN_DELIMS}|#{SUB_DELIMS})").freeze UNRESERVED = Regexp.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\._~-]").freeze IUNRESERVED = Regexp.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\._~-]|#{UCSCHAR}").freeze IPCHAR = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IUNRESERVED}|#{PCT_ENCODED}|#{SUB_DELIMS}|:|@)").freeze IQUERY = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IPCHAR}|#{IPRIVATE}|/|\\?)*").freeze IFRAGMENT = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IPCHAR}|/|\\?)*").freeze.freeze ISEGMENT = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IPCHAR})*").freeze ISEGMENT_NZ = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IPCHAR})+").freeze ISEGMENT_NZ_NC = Regexp.compile("(?:(?:#{IUNRESERVED})|(?:#{PCT_ENCODED})|(?:#{SUB_DELIMS})|@)+").freeze IPATH_ABEMPTY = Regexp.compile("(?:/#{ISEGMENT})*").freeze IPATH_ABSOLUTE = Regexp.compile("/(?:(?:#{ISEGMENT_NZ})(/#{ISEGMENT})*)?").freeze IPATH_NOSCHEME = Regexp.compile("(?:#{ISEGMENT_NZ_NC})(?:/#{ISEGMENT})*").freeze IPATH_ROOTLESS = Regexp.compile("(?:#{ISEGMENT_NZ})(?:/#{ISEGMENT})*").freeze IPATH_EMPTY = Regexp.compile("").freeze IREG_NAME = Regexp.compile("(?:(?:#{IUNRESERVED})|(?:#{PCT_ENCODED})|(?:#{SUB_DELIMS}))*").freeze IHOST = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IP_literal})|(?:#{IREG_NAME})").freeze IUSERINFO = Regexp.compile("(?:(?:#{IUNRESERVED})|(?:#{PCT_ENCODED})|(?:#{SUB_DELIMS})|:)*").freeze IAUTHORITY = Regexp.compile("(?:#{IUSERINFO}@)?#{IHOST}(?::#{PORT})?").freeze IRELATIVE_PART = Regexp.compile("(?:(?://#{IAUTHORITY}(?:#{IPATH_ABEMPTY}))|(?:#{IPATH_ABSOLUTE})|(?:#{IPATH_NOSCHEME})|(?:#{IPATH_EMPTY}))").freeze IRELATIVE_REF = Regexp.compile("^#{IRELATIVE_PART}(?:\\?#{IQUERY})?(?:\\##{IFRAGMENT})?$").freeze IHIER_PART = Regexp.compile("(?:(?://#{IAUTHORITY}#{IPATH_ABEMPTY})|(?:#{IPATH_ABSOLUTE})|(?:#{IPATH_ROOTLESS})|(?:#{IPATH_EMPTY}))").freeze IRI = Regexp.compile("^#{SCHEME}:(?:#{IHIER_PART})(?:\\?#{IQUERY})?(?:\\##{IFRAGMENT})?$").freeze # Split an IRI into it's component parts IRI_PARTS = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/ # Remove dot expressions regular expressions RDS_2A = /^\.?\.\/(.*)$/.freeze RDS_2B1 = /^\/\.$/.freeze RDS_2B2 = /^(?:\/\.\/)(.*)$/.freeze RDS_2C1 = /^\/\.\.$/.freeze RDS_2C2 = /^(?:\/\.\.\/)(.*)$/.freeze RDS_2D = /^\.\.?$/.freeze RDS_2E = /^(\/?[^\/]*)(\/?.*)?$/.freeze # Remove port, if it is standard for the scheme when normalizing PORT_MAPPING = { "http" => 80, "https" => 443, "ftp" => 21, "tftp" => 69, "sftp" => 22, "ssh" => 22, "svn+ssh" => 22, "telnet" => 23, "nntp" => 119, "gopher" => 70, "wais" => 210, "ldap" => 389, "prospero" => 1525 } # List of schemes known not to be hierarchical NON_HIER_SCHEMES = %w( about acct bitcoin callto cid data fax geo gtalk h323 iax icon im jabber jms magnet mailto maps news pres proxy session sip sips skype sms spotify stun stuns tag tel turn turns tv urn javascript ).freeze ## # @return [RDF::Util::Cache] # @private def self.cache require 'rdf/util/cache' unless defined?(::RDF::Util::Cache) @cache ||= RDF::Util::Cache.new(CACHE_SIZE) end ## # Returns an interned `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri` # string. # # The maximum number of cached interned URI references is given by the # `CACHE_SIZE` constant. This value is unlimited by default, in which # case an interned URI object will be purged only when the last strong # reference to it is garbage collected (i.e., when its finalizer runs). # # Excepting special memory-limited circumstances, it should always be # safe and preferred to construct new URI references using # `RDF::URI.intern` instead of `RDF::URI.new`, since if an interned # object can't be returned for some reason, this method will fall back # to returning a freshly-allocated one. # # @param (see #initialize) # @return [RDF::URI] an immutable, frozen URI object def self.intern(*args) str = args.first (cache[str = str.to_s] ||= self.new(*args)).freeze end ## # Creates a new `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri` string. # # This is just an alias for {RDF::URI#initialize} for compatibity # with `Addressable::URI.parse`. Actual parsing is defered # until {#object} is accessed. # # @param [String, #to_s] str # @return [RDF::URI] def self.parse(str) self.new(str) end ## # Resolve paths to their simplest form. # # @todo This process is correct, but overly iterative. It could be better done with a single regexp which handled most of the segment collapses all at once. Parent segments would still require iteration. # # @param [String] path # @return [String] normalized path # @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4 def self.normalize_path(path) output, input = "", path.to_s if input.encoding != Encoding::ASCII_8BIT input = input.dup if input.frozen? input = input.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) end until input.empty? if input.match(RDS_2A) # If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./", then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise, input = $1 elsif input.match(RDS_2B1) || input.match(RDS_2B2) # if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.", where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise, input = "/#{$1}" elsif input.match(RDS_2C1) || input.match(RDS_2C2) # if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..", where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer input = "/#{$1}" # and remove the last segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output buffer; otherwise, output.sub!(/\/?[^\/]*$/, '') elsif input.match(RDS_2D) # if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove that from the input buffer; otherwise, input = "" elsif input.match(RDS_2E) # move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if any) and any subsequent characters up to, but not including, the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer.end seg, input = $1, $2 output << seg end end output.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end ## # @overload URI(uri, options = {}) # @param [URI, String, #to_s] uri # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :validate (false) # @option options [Boolean] :canonicalize (false) # # @overload URI(options = {}) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :validate (false) # @option options [Boolean] :canonicalize (false) # @option [String, #to_s] :scheme The scheme component. # @option [String, #to_s] :user The user component. # @option [String, #to_s] :password The password component. # @option [String, #to_s] :userinfo # The userinfo component. If this is supplied, the user and password # components must be omitted. # @option [String, #to_s] :host The host component. # @option [String, #to_s] :port The port component. # @option [String, #to_s] :authority # The authority component. If this is supplied, the user, password, # userinfo, host, and port components must be omitted. # @option [String, #to_s] :path The path component. # @option [String, #to_s] :query The query component. # @option [String, #to_s] :fragment The fragment component. def initialize(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : {} uri = args.first case uri when Hash %w( scheme user password userinfo host port authority path query fragment ).map(&:to_sym).each do |meth| if uri.has_key?(meth) self.send("#{meth}=".to_sym, uri[meth]) else self.send(meth) end end else @value = uri.to_s if @value.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8 @value = @value.dup if @value.frozen? @value.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end end validate! if options[:validate] canonicalize! if options[:canonicalize] end ## # Returns `true`. # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier def uri? true end ## # Returns `true` if this URI is a URN. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').urn? #=> false # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Name # @since 0.2.0 def urn? @object ? @object[:scheme] == 'urn' : start_with?('urn:') end ## # Returns `true` if the URI scheme is hierarchical. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').hier? #=> true # RDF::URI('urn:isbn:125235111').hier? #=> false # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme # @see {NON_HIER_SCHEMES} # @since 1.0.10 def hier? !NON_HIER_SCHEMES.include?(scheme) end ## # Returns `true` if this URI is a URL. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').url? #=> true # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator # @since 0.2.0 def url? !urn? end ## # A URI is absolute when it has a scheme # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def absolute?; !scheme.nil?; end ## # A URI is relative when it does not have a scheme # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def relative?; !absolute?; end # Attempt to make this URI relative to the provided `base_uri`. If successful, returns a relative URI, otherwise the original URI # @param [#to_s] base_uri # @return [RDF::URI] def relativize(base_uri) if base_uri.to_s.end_with?("/", "#") && self.to_s.start_with?(base_uri.to_s) RDF::URI(self.to_s[base_uri.to_s.length..-1]) else self end end ## # Returns the string length of this URI. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').length #=> 19 # # @return [Integer] # @since 0.3.0 def length to_s.length end alias_method :size, :length ## # Determine if the URI is a valid according to RFC3987 # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @since 0.3.9 def valid? # Validate relative to RFC3987 to_s.match(RDF::URI::IRI) || false end ## # Validates this URI, raising an error if it is invalid. # # @return [RDF::URI] `self` # @raise [ArgumentError] if the URI is invalid # @since 0.3.0 def validate! raise ArgumentError, "#{to_s.inspect} is not a valid IRI" if invalid? self end ## # Returns a copy of this URI converted into its canonical lexical # representation. # # @return [RDF::URI] # @since 0.3.0 def canonicalize self.dup.canonicalize! end alias_method :normalize, :canonicalize ## # Converts this URI into its canonical lexical representation. # # @return [RDF::URI] `self` # @since 0.3.0 def canonicalize! @object = { :scheme => normalized_scheme, :authority => normalized_authority, :path => normalized_path.sub(/\/+/, '/'), :query => normalized_query, :fragment => normalized_fragment } @value = nil self end alias_method :normalize!, :canonicalize! ## # Joins several URIs together. # # This method conforms to join normalization semantics as per RFC3986, # section 5.2. This method normalizes URIs, removes some duplicate path # information, such as double slashes, and other behavior specified in the # RFC. # # Other URI building methods are `#/` and `#+`. # # For an up-to-date list of edge case behavior, see the shared examples for # RDF::URI in the rdf-spec project. # # @example Joining two URIs # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/foo/bar').join('/foo') # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/foo') # @see <http://github.com/ruby-rdf/rdf-spec/blob/master/lib/rdf/spec/uri.rb> # @see <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2> # @see RDF::URI#/ # @see RDF::URI#+ # @param [Array<String, RDF::URI, #to_s>] uris # @return [RDF::URI] # @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.2 # @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3 def join(*uris) joined_parts = object.dup.delete_if {|k, v| [:user, :password, :host, :port].include?(k)} uris.each do |uri| uri = RDF::URI.new(uri) unless uri.is_a?(RDF::URI) next if uri.to_s.empty? # Don't mess with base URI case when uri.scheme joined_parts = uri.object.merge(:path => self.class.normalize_path(uri.path)) when uri.authority joined_parts[:authority] = uri.authority joined_parts[:path] = self.class.normalize_path(uri.path) joined_parts[:query] = uri.query when uri.path.to_s.empty? joined_parts[:query] = uri.query if uri.query when uri.path[0,1] == '/' joined_parts[:path] = self.class.normalize_path(uri.path) joined_parts[:query] = uri.query else # Merge path segments from section 5.2.3 base_path = path.to_s.sub(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/') joined_parts[:path] = self.class.normalize_path(base_path + uri.path) joined_parts[:query] = uri.query end joined_parts[:fragment] = uri.fragment end # Return joined URI RDF::URI.new(joined_parts) end ## # 'Smart separator' URI builder # # This method attempts to use some understanding of the most common use # cases for URLs and URNs to create a simple method for building new URIs # from fragments. This means that it will always insert a separator of # some sort, will remove duplicate seperators, will always assume that a # fragment argument represents a relative and not absolute path, and throws # an exception when an absolute URI is received for a fragment argument. # # This is separate from the semantics for `#join`, which are well-defined by # RFC3986 section 5.2 as part of the merging and normalization process; # this method does not perform any normalization, removal of spurious # paths, or removal of parent directory references `(/../)`. # # See also `#+`, which concatenates the string forms of two URIs without # any sort of checking or processing. # # For an up-to-date list of edge case behavior, see the shared examples for # RDF::URI in the rdf-spec project. # # @param [Any] fragment A URI fragment to be appended to this URI # @return [RDF::URI] # @raise [ArgumentError] if the URI is invalid # @see RDF::URI#+ # @see RDF::URI#join # @see <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2> # @see <http://github.com/ruby-rdf/rdf-spec/blob/master/lib/rdf/spec/uri.rb> # @example Building a HTTP URL # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org') / 'jhacker' / 'foaf.ttl' # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/jhacker/foaf.ttl') # @example Building a HTTP URL # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/') / '/jhacker/' / '/foaf.ttl' # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/jhacker/foaf.ttl') # @example Using an anchored base URI # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/users#') / 'jhacker' # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/users#jhacker') # @example Building a URN # RDF::URI.new('urn:isbn') / 125235111 # #=> RDF::URI('urn:isbn:125235111') def /(fragment) frag = fragment.respond_to?(:to_uri) ? fragment.to_uri : RDF::URI(fragment.to_s) raise ArgumentError, "Non-absolute URI or string required, got #{frag}" unless frag.relative? if urn? RDF::URI.intern(to_s.sub(/:+$/,'') + ':' + fragment.to_s.sub(/^:+/,'')) else # !urn? res = self.dup if res.fragment case fragment.to_s[0,1] when '/' # Base with a fragment, fragment beginning with '/'. The fragment wins, we use '/'. path, frag = fragment.to_s.split('#', 2) res.path = "#{res.path}/#{path.sub(/^\/*/,'')}" res.fragment = frag else # Replace fragment res.fragment = fragment.to_s.sub(/^#+/,'') end else # Not a fragment. includes '/'. Results from bases ending in '/' are the same as if there were no trailing slash. case fragment.to_s[0,1] when '#' # Base ending with '/', fragment beginning with '#'. The fragment wins, we use '#'. res.path = res.path.to_s.sub!(/\/*$/, '') # Add fragment res.fragment = fragment.to_s.sub(/^#+/,'') else # Add fragment as path component path, frag = fragment.to_s.split('#', 2) res.path = res.path.to_s.sub(/\/*$/,'/') + path.sub(/^\/*/,'') res.fragment = frag end end RDF::URI.intern(res.to_s) end end ## # Simple concatenation operator. Returns a URI formed from concatenating # the string form of two elements. # # For building URIs from fragments, you may want to use the smart # separator, `#/`. `#join` implements another set of URI building # semantics. # # @example Concatenating a string to a URI # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/test') + 'test' # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/testtest') # @example Concatenating two URIs # RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/test') + RDF::URI.new('test') # #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/testtest') # @see RDF::URI#/ # @see RDF::URI#join # @param [Any] other # @return [RDF::URI] def +(other) RDF::URI.intern(self.to_s + other.to_s) end ## # Returns `true` if this URI's scheme is not hierarchical, # or its path component is equal to `/`. # Protocols not using hierarchical components are always considered # to be at the root. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').root? #=> true # RDF::URI('http://example.org/path/').root? #=> false # RDF::URI('urn:isbn').root? #=> true # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def root? !self.hier? || self.path == '/' || self.path.to_s.empty? end ## # Returns a copy of this URI with the path component set to `/`. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').root #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/') # RDF::URI('http://example.org/path/').root #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/') # # @return [RDF::URI] def root if root? self else RDF::URI.new( object.merge(:path => '/'). keep_if {|k, v| [:scheme, :authority, :path].include?(k)}) end end ## # Returns `true` if this URI is hierarchical and it's path component isn't equal to `/`. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').has_parent? #=> false # RDF::URI('http://example.org/path/').has_parent? #=> true # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def has_parent? !root? end ## # Returns a copy of this URI with the path component ascended to the # parent directory, if any. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').parent #=> nil # RDF::URI('http://example.org/path/').parent #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/') # # @return [RDF::URI] def parent case when root? then nil else require 'pathname' unless defined?(Pathname) if path = Pathname.new(self.path).parent uri = self.dup uri.path = path.to_s uri.path << '/' unless uri.root? uri end end end ## # Returns a qualified name (QName) for this URI based on available vocabularies, if possible. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://purl.org/dc/terms/').qname #=> [:dc, nil] # RDF::URI('http://purl.org/dc/terms/title').qname #=> [:dc, :title] # RDF::DC.title.qname #=> [:dc, :title] # # @return [Array(Symbol, Symbol)] or `nil` if no QName found def qname if self.to_s =~ %r([:/#]([^:/#]*)$) local_name = $1 vocab_uri = local_name.empty? ? self.to_s : self.to_s[0...-(local_name.length)] Vocabulary.each do |vocab| if vocab.to_uri == vocab_uri prefix = vocab.equal?(RDF) ? :rdf : vocab.__prefix__ return [prefix, local_name.empty? ? nil : local_name.to_sym] end end else Vocabulary.each do |vocab| vocab_uri = vocab.to_uri if self.start_with?(vocab_uri) prefix = vocab.equal?(RDF) ? :rdf : vocab.__prefix__ local_name = self.to_s[vocab_uri.length..-1] return [prefix, local_name.empty? ? nil : local_name.to_sym] end end end return nil # no QName found end ## # Returns a string version of the QName or the full IRI # # @return [String] or `nil` def pname (q = self.qname) ? q.join(":") : to_s end ## # Returns a duplicate copy of `self`. # # @return [RDF::URI] def dup self.class.new((@value || @object).dup) end ## # @private def freeze unless frozen? # Create derived components authority; userinfo; user; password; host; port @value = value.freeze @object = object.freeze @hash = hash.freeze super end self end ## # Returns `true` if this URI starts with the given `string`. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').start_with?('http') #=> true # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').start_with?('ftp') #=> false # # @param [String, #to_s] string # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see String#start_with? # @since 0.3.0 def start_with?(string) to_s.start_with?(string.to_s) end alias_method :starts_with?, :start_with? ## # Returns `true` if this URI ends with the given `string`. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').end_with?('/') #=> true # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').end_with?('#') #=> false # # @param [String, #to_s] string # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see String#end_with? # @since 0.3.0 def end_with?(string) to_s.end_with?(string.to_s) end alias_method :ends_with?, :end_with? ## # Checks whether this URI the same term as `other`. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://t.co/').eql?(RDF::URI('http://t.co/')) #=> true # RDF::URI('http://t.co/').eql?('http://t.co/') #=> false # RDF::URI('http://purl.org/dc/terms/').eql?(RDF::DC) #=> false # # @param [RDF::URI] other # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def eql?(other) other.is_a?(URI) && self.hash == other.hash && self == other end ## # Checks whether this URI is equal to `other` (type checking). # # Per SPARQL data-r2/expr-equal/eq-2-2, numeric can't be compared with other types # # @example # RDF::URI('http://t.co/') == RDF::URI('http://t.co/') #=> true # RDF::URI('http://t.co/') == 'http://t.co/' #=> true # RDF::URI('http://purl.org/dc/terms/') == RDF::DC #=> true # # @param [Object] other # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#func-RDFterm-equal def ==(other) case other when Literal # If other is a Literal, reverse test to consolodate complex type checking logic other == self when String then to_s == other when URI then hash == other.hash && to_s == other.to_s else other.respond_to?(:to_uri) && to_s == other.to_uri.to_s end end ## # Checks for case equality to the given `other` object. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/') === /example/ #=> true # RDF::URI('http://example.org/') === /foobar/ #=> false # RDF::URI('http://t.co/') === RDF::URI('http://t.co/') #=> true # RDF::URI('http://t.co/') === 'http://t.co/' #=> true # RDF::URI('http://purl.org/dc/terms/') === RDF::DC #=> true # # @param [Object] other # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @since 0.3.0 def ===(other) case other when Regexp then other === to_s else self == other end end ## # Performs a pattern match using the given regular expression. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/') =~ /example/ #=> 7 # RDF::URI('http://example.org/') =~ /foobar/ #=> nil # # @param [Regexp] pattern # @return [Integer] the position the match starts # @see String#=~ # @since 0.3.0 def =~(pattern) case pattern when Regexp then to_s =~ pattern else super # `Object#=~` returns `false` end end ## # Returns `self`. # # @return [RDF::URI] `self` def to_uri self end ## # Returns the base representation of this URI. # # @return [Sring] def to_base "<#{escape(to_s)}>" end ## # Returns the string representation of this URI. # # @example # RDF::URI('http://example.org/').to_str #=> 'http://example.org/' # # @return [String] def to_str; value; end alias_method :to_s, :to_str ## # Returns a <code>String</code> representation of the URI object's state. # # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a <code>String</code>. def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x URI:%s>", URI.to_s, self.object_id, self.to_s) end ## # lexical representation of URI, either absolute or relative # @return [String] def value @value ||= [ ("#{scheme}:" if absolute?), ("//#{authority}" if authority), path, ("?#{query}" if query), ("##{fragment}" if fragment) ].compact.join("") end ## # Returns a hash code for this URI. # # @return [Fixnum] def hash return @hash ||= (to_s.hash * -1) end ## # Returns object representation of this URI, broken into components # # @return [Hash{Symbol => String}] def object @object ||= begin parse @value end end alias_method :to_hash, :object ##{ # Parse a URI into it's components # # @param [String, to_s] value # @return [Object{Symbol => String}] def parse(value) value = value.to_s.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) parts = {} if matchdata = value.to_s.match(IRI_PARTS) scheme, authority, path, query, fragment = matchdata.to_a[1..-1] userinfo, hostport = authority.to_s.split('@', 2) hostport, userinfo = userinfo, nil unless hostport user, password = userinfo.to_s.split(':', 2) host, port = hostport.to_s.split(':', 2) parts[:scheme] = (scheme.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if scheme) parts[:authority] = (authority.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if authority) parts[:userinfo] = (userinfo.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if userinfo) parts[:user] = (user.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if user) parts[:password] = (password.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if password) parts[:host] = (host.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if host) parts[:port] = (::URI.decode(port).to_i if port) parts[:path] = (path.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) unless path.empty?) parts[:query] = (query[1..-1].force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if query) parts[:fragment] = (fragment[1..-1].force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if fragment) end parts end ## # @return [String] def scheme object.fetch(:scheme) do nil end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def scheme=(value) object[:scheme] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @value = nil self end ## # Return normalized version of scheme, if any # @return [String] def normalized_scheme scheme.strip.downcase if scheme end ## # @return [String] def user object.fetch(:user) do @object[:user] = (userinfo.split(':', 2)[0] if userinfo) end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def user=(value) object[:user] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @object[:userinfo] = format_userinfo("") @object[:authority] = format_authority @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of user # @return [String] def normalized_user ::URI.encode(::URI.decode(user), /[^#{IUNRESERVED}|#{SUB_DELIMS}]/) if user end ## # @return [String] def password object.fetch(:password) do @object[:password] = (userinfo.split(':', 2)[1] if userinfo) end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def password=(value) object[:password] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @object[:userinfo] = format_userinfo("") @object[:authority] = format_authority @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of password # @return [String] def normalized_password ::URI.encode(::URI.decode(password), /[^#{IUNRESERVED}|#{SUB_DELIMS}]/) if password end ## # @return [String] def host object.fetch(:host) do @object[:host] = ($1 if @object[:authority].to_s.match(/(?:[^@]+@)?([^:]+)(?::.*)?$/)) end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def host=(value) object[:host] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @object[:authority] = format_authority @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of host # @return [String] def normalized_host # Remove trailing '.' characters normalize_segment(host, IHOST, true).sub(/\.*$/, '') if host end ## # @return [String] def port object.fetch(:port) do @object[:port] = ($1 if @object[:authority].to_s.match(/:(\d+)$/)) end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def port=(value) object[:port] = (value.to_s.to_i if value) @object[:authority] = format_authority @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of port # @return [String] def normalized_port if port np = normalize_segment(port.to_s, PORT) if PORT_MAPPING[normalized_scheme] == np.to_i nil else np.to_i end end end ## # @return [String] def path object.fetch(:path) do nil end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def path=(value) if value # Always lead with a slash value = "/#{value}" if host && value.to_s =~ /^[^\/]/ object[:path] = value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) else object[:path] = nil end @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of path # @return [String] def normalized_path segments = path.to_s.split('/', -1) # preserve null segments norm_segs = case when authority # ipath-abempty segments.map {|s| normalize_segment(s, ISEGMENT)} when segments.first.nil? # ipath-absolute res = [nil] res << normalize_segment(segments[1], ISEGMENT_NZ) if segments.length > 1 res += segments[2..-1].map {|s| normalize_segment(s, ISEGMENT)} if segments.length > 2 res when segments.first.to_s.index(':') # ipath-noscheme res = [] res << normalize_segment(segments[1], ISEGMENT_NZ_NC) res += segments[1..-1].map {|s| normalize_segment(s, ISEGMENT)} if segments.length > 1 when segments.first # ipath-rootless # ipath-noscheme res = [] res << normalize_segment(segments[0], ISEGMENT_NZ) res += segments[1..-1].map {|s| normalize_segment(s, ISEGMENT)} if segments.length > 1 res else # Should be empty segments end res = self.class.normalize_path(norm_segs.join("/")) # Special rules for specific protocols having empty paths res.empty? ? (%w(http https ftp tftp).include?(normalized_scheme) ? '/' : "") : res end ## # @return [String] def query object.fetch(:query) do nil end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def query=(value) object[:query] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of query # @return [String] def normalized_query normalize_segment(query, IQUERY) if query end ## # @return [String] def fragment object.fetch(:fragment) do nil end end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def fragment=(value) object[:fragment] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of fragment # @return [String] def normalized_fragment normalize_segment(fragment, IFRAGMENT) if fragment end ## # Authority is a combination of user, password, host and port def authority object.fetch(:authority) { @object[:authority] = (format_authority if @object[:host]) } end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def authority=(value) object.delete_if {|k, v| [:user, :password, :host, :port, :userinfo].include?(k)} object[:authority] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) user; password; userinfo; host; port @value = nil self end ## # Return normalized version of authority, if any # @return [String] def normalized_authority if authority (userinfo ? "#{normalized_userinfo}@" : "") + normalized_host.to_s + (normalized_port ? ":#{normalized_port}" : "") end end ## # Userinfo is a combination of user and password def userinfo object.fetch(:userinfo) { @object[:userinfo] = (format_userinfo("") if @object[:user]) } end ## # @param [String, #to_s] value # @return [RDF::URI] self def userinfo=(value) object.delete_if {|k, v| [:user, :password, :authority].include?(k)} object[:userinfo] = (value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if value) user; password; authority @value = nil self end ## # Normalized version of userinfo # @return [String] def normalized_userinfo normalized_user + (password ? ":#{normalized_password}" : "") if userinfo end ## # Converts the query component to a Hash value. # # @example # RDF::URI.new("?one=1&two=2&three=3").query_values # #=> {"one" => "1", "two" => "2", "three" => "3"} # RDF::URI.new("?one=two&one=three").query_values(Array) # #=> [["one", "two"], ["one", "three"]] # RDF::URI.new("?one=two&one=three").query_values(Hash) # #=> {"one" => ["two", "three"]} # # @param [Class] return_type (Hash) # The return type desired. Value must be either # `Hash` or `Array`. # @return [Hash, Array] The query string parsed as a Hash or Array object. def query_values(return_type=Hash) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid return type. Must be Hash or Array." unless [Hash, Array].include?(return_type) return nil if query.nil? query.to_s.split('&'). inject(return_type == Hash ? {} : []) do |memo,kv| k,v = kv.to_s.split('=', 2) next if k.to_s.empty? k = ::URI.decode(k) v = ::URI.decode(v) if v if return_type == Hash case memo[k] when nil then memo[k] = v when Array then memo[k] << v else memo[k] = [memo[k], v] end else memo << [k, v].compact end memo end end ## # Sets the query component for this URI from a Hash object. # An empty Hash or Array will result in an empty query string. # # @example # uri.query_values = {:a => "a", :b => ["c", "d", "e"]} # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', 'c'], ['b', 'd'], ['b', 'e']] # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', ['c', 'd', 'e']]] # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['flag'], ['key', 'value']] # uri.query # # => "flag&key=value" # # @param [Hash, #to_hash, Array] value The new query values. def query_values=(value) if value.nil? self.query = nil return end value = value.to_hash if value.respond_to?(:to_hash) self.query = case value when Array value.map do |(k,v)| k = normalize_segment(k.to_s, UNRESERVED) if v.nil? k else "#{k}=#{normalize_segment(v.to_s, UNRESERVED)}" end end when Hash value.map do |k, v| k = normalize_segment(k.to_s, UNRESERVED) if v.nil? k else Array(v).map do |vv| if vv === TrueClass k else "#{k}=#{normalize_segment(vv.to_s, UNRESERVED)}" end end.join("&") end end else raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{value.class} into Hash." end.join("&") end ## # The HTTP request URI for this URI. This is the path and the # query string. # # @return [String] The request URI required for an HTTP request. def request_uri return nil if absolute? && scheme !~ /^https?$/ res = path.to_s.empty? ? "/" : path res += "?#{self.query}" if self.query return res end private ## # Normalize a segment using a character range # # @param [String] value # @param [Regexp] expr # @param [Boolean] downcase # @return [String] def normalize_segment(value, expr, downcase = false) if value value = value.dup if value.frozen? value = value.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) decoded = ::URI.decode(value) decoded.downcase! if downcase ::URI.encode(decoded, /[^(?:#{expr})]/) end end def format_userinfo(append = "") if @object[:user] @object[:user] + (@object[:password] ? ":#{@object[:password]}" : "") + append else "" end end def format_authority if @object[:host] format_userinfo("@") + @object[:host] + (object[:port] ? ":#{object[:port]}" : "") else "" end end end # RDF::IRI is a synonym for RDF::URI IRI = URI end # RDF