# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../puppet/face' require_relative '../../puppet/generate/type' # Create the Generate face Puppet::Face.define(:generate, '0.1.0') do copyright 'Puppet Inc.', 2016 license _('Apache 2 license; see COPYING') summary _('Generates Puppet code from Ruby definitions.') action(:types) do summary _('Generates Puppet code for custom types') description <<-'EOT' Generates definitions for custom resource types using Puppet code. Types defined in Puppet code can be used to isolate custom type definitions between different environments. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Generate Puppet type definitions for all custom resource types in the current environment: $ puppet generate types Generate Puppet type definitions for all custom resource types in the specified environment: $ puppet generate types --environment development EOT option '--format ' + _('<format>') do summary _('The generation output format to use. Supported formats: pcore.') default_to { 'pcore' } before_action do |_, _, options| raise ArgumentError, _("'%{format}' is not a supported format for type generation.") % { format: options[:format] } unless ['pcore'].include?(options[:format]) end end option '--force' do summary _('Forces the generation of output files (skips up-to-date checks).') default_to { false } end when_invoked do |options| generator = Puppet::Generate::Type inputs = generator.find_inputs(options[:format].to_sym) environment = Puppet.lookup(:current_environment) # get the common output directory (in <envroot>/.resource_types) - create it if it does not exists # error if it exists and is not a directory # path_to_env = environment.configuration.path_to_env outputdir = File.join(path_to_env, '.resource_types') if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(outputdir) && !Puppet::FileSystem.directory?(outputdir) raise ArgumentError, _("The output directory '%{outputdir}' exists and is not a directory") % { outputdir: outputdir } end Puppet::FileSystem::mkpath(outputdir) generator.generate(inputs, outputdir, options[:force]) exit(1) if generator.bad_input? nil end end end