module UPM class Tool module DSL def identifying_binary(id_bin=nil) if id_bin @id_bin = id_bin else @id_bin || @name end end def prefix(name) @prefix = name end def command(name, shell_command=nil, root: false, paged: false, highlight: nil, &block) @cmds ||= {} if block_given? if root and Process.uid != 0 exec("sudo", $PROGRAM_NAME, *ARGV) else @cmds[name] = block end elsif shell_command if shell_command.is_a? String shell_command = shell_command.split elsif not shell_command.is_a? Array raise "Error: command argument must be a String or an Array; it was a #{cmd.class}" end @cmds[name] = proc do |args| query = highlight ? args.join("\\\\s+") : nil run(*shell_command, *args, paged: paged, root: root, highlight: query) end else raise "Error: Must supply a block or shell command" end end def os(*names) names.any? ? @os = names : @os end ## Helpers def run(*args, root: false, paged: false, grep: nil, highlight: nil) if root if Process.uid != 0 if File.which("sudo") args.unshift "sudo" elsif File.which("su") args = ["su", "-c"] + args else raise "Error: You must be root to run this command. (And I couldn't find the 'sudo' *or* 'su' commands.)" end end end if !paged and !grep system(*args) else IO.popen(args, err: [:child, :out]) do |command_io| # if grep # pattern = grep.is_a?(Regexp) ? grep.source : grep.to_s # grep_io = IO.popen(["grep", "--color=always", "-Ei", pattern], "w+") # IO.copy_stream(command_io, grep_io) # grep_io.close_write # command_io = grep_io # end # if paged # lesspipe do |less| # IO.copy_stream(command_io, less) # end # else # IO.copy_stream(command_io, STDOUT) # end # highlight_proc = if highlight # proc { |line| line.gsub(highlight) { |m| "\e[33;1m#{m}\e[0m" } } # else # proc { |line| line } # end grep_proc = if grep proc { |line| line[grep] } else proc { true } end lesspipe(disabled: !paged, search: highlight, always: true) do |less| command_io.each_line do |line| # less.puts highlight_proc.(line) if grep_proc.(line) less.puts line if grep_proc.(line) end end end $?.to_i == 0 end end def curl(url) IO.popen(["curl", "-Ss", url], &:read) rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "Error: 'curl' isn't installed. You need this!" exit 1 end def print_files(*paths, include: nil, exclude: nil) lesspipe do |less| paths.each do |path| less.puts "<8>=== <11>#{path} <8>========".colorize open(path) do |io| enum = io.each_line enum = enum.grep(include) if include enum = enum.reject { |line| line[exclude] } if exclude enum.each { |line| less.puts line } end less.puts end end end def call_command(name, *args) if block = (@cmds[name] || @cmds[ALIASES[name]]) args else puts "Command #{name.inspect} not supported by #{@name.inspect}" end end def help if osname = Tool.nice_os_name puts " Detected OS: #{osname}" end puts "Package manager: #{@name}" puts puts "Available commands:" available = do |name, desc| names = name.split("/") names.any? { |name| @cmds[name] } end max_width = available.each do |name, desc| puts " #{name.rjust(max_width)} | #{desc}" end end end # DSL end # Tool end # UPM