module Krikri ## # Handles records as harvested, prior to mapping class OriginalRecord include Krikri::LDP::Resource attr_accessor :content, :local_name, :rdf_subject attr_writer :content_type ## # Instantiate an OriginalRecord object with a #local_name matching the # argument. # # @note calling will instantiate an empty object. Use # .load and .build to populate the object on instantiation. # # @param identifier [#to_s] a string to be prepended to the base URI # (container) to form a fully qualified name for the rdf source. def initialize(identifier) raise ArgumentError, "#{identifier} is an invalid local name" if identifier.include?('/') @local_name = identifier end class << self ## # Instantiate and populate an existing OriginalRecord Resource. # # @param identifier [#to_s] a string representing the #local_name or # fully qualified URI for the resource. Identifier may have a mime type # extension, ie. '123.xml'. # @return [OriginalRecord] the instantiated record. # @raise when no matching record is found in the LDP datastore def load(identifier) identifier = identifier.to_s.split('/').last if identifier.start_with? base_uri if identifier.include?('.') record = new(identifier.split('.').first) else record = new(identifier) end raise "No #{self} found with id: #{identifier}" unless record.exists? if identifier.include?('.') record.rdf_subject = "#{base_uri}/#{identifier}" else record.rdf_subject = nr_uri_from_headers(record.http_head) end record.reload end ## # Instantiate and populate an OriginalRecord Resource (new or existing) # with the specified content and content type. # # @param identifier [#to_s] a string representing the #local_name for the # resource. # @param content [String, #read] a string or IO object containing the # content to persist to the LDP NRSource. # @param content_type [String] a valid MIME type for the data contained # in #content. # @return [OriginalRecord] the instantiated record. # # @raise when no matching record is found in the LDP datastore # @note Marmotta interprets some content types universally as # LDP-RDFSources. Take care when passing new content types through to # Marmotta; you may get unexpected errors from the server. def build(identifier, content, content_type = nil) raise(ArgumentError, '`content` must be a readable IO object or String.'\ "Got a #{content.class}") unless content.is_a?(String) || content.respond_to?(:read) record = new(identifier) record.reload if record.exists? record.content = content record.content_type = content_type record end def base_uri Krikri::Settings['marmotta']['record_container'] end def build_uri(local_name) RDF::URI(base_uri) / local_name end ## # Gets the URI for the ldp:NonRDFSource from the Headers returned by the # containing ldp:RDFSource. # # @see # @todo figure out how to handle situations where more than one NR is # described by the same RDFSource (second file PUT to same URI) def nr_uri_from_headers(headers) links = headers['link'].split(',').select! do |link| link.include? 'rel="content"' end links.first[/.*<(.*)>/, 1] end end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a? OriginalRecord return false unless local_name == other.local_name return false unless content == other.content return false unless content_type == other.content_type true end def to_s content end def content_type @content_type || 'text/xml' end ## # @return [RDF::URI] the URI for the managing RDFSource created for # the record # @see def rdf_source @rdf_source ||= end ## # Saves over LDP, passing #content and #headers to the request. # # @param activity_uri the activity responsible for generation # @param update_etag forces an http_head request to update of the etag # @raise (see Krikri::LDP::Resource#save) # @return [Boolean] true for success; else false # # @see Krikri::LDP::Resource#save def save(activity_uri = nil, update_etag = false) response = super(@content, headers) @rdf_subject ||= response.env.response_headers['location'] http_head(true) if update_etag return response unless activity_uri rdf_source.wasGeneratedBy = activity_uri response end ## # Reloads the record from its LDP URI, updates #content to the response body # # @raise (see Krikri::LDP::Resource#get) # @return [OriginalRecord] self def reload @rdf_subject ||= self.class.nr_uri_from_headers(http_head) response = get(nil, true) self.content_type = response.env.response_headers['content-type'] self.content = response.env.body self end private ## # Marmotta creates a new ldp:RDFSource at the requested URL and adds # requested NRs with an appropriate file extension. This overrides requests # to use the rdf_source until the resource exists, and the appropriate # LDP-NR URI thereafter. # # @raise (see Krikri::LDP::Resource#make_request) # @return (see Krikri::LDP::Resource#make_request) # @see Krikri::LDP::Resource#make_request # @todo this might not be thread safe! Initializer checks existance of # rdf_source and sets rdf_subject appropriately, but race conditions # are possible. def make_request(method, body = nil, headers = {}) @rdf_subject ||= rdf_source.rdf_subject super ensure @rdf_subject = nil if rdf_subject == rdf_source.rdf_subject end ## # @return [Hash] request headers appropriate for PUT # requests. def headers { 'Content-Type' => content_type } end end end