module Hawkins module Commands class Post < Jekyll::Command class << self COMMAND_OPTIONS = { "date" => ["-d", "--date [DATE]", "Date to mark post"], "editor" => ["-e", "--editor [EDITOR]", "Editor to open"], "source" => ["-s", "--source SOURCE", "Custom source directory"], "config" => [ "--config CONFIG_FILE[,CONFIG_FILE2,...]", Array, "Custom configuration file" ], }.freeze def init_with_program(prog) prog.command(:post) do |cmd| cmd.syntax("post [options]") cmd.description("create a new post") COMMAND_OPTIONS.each do |key, val| cmd.option(key, *val) end cmd.action do |args, options| Hawkins::Commands::Post.create(args, options) end end end def create(args, options) options["date"] ||= options["editor"] ||= ENV['VISUAL'] || ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vi' begin date = Date.parse(options["date"]) rescue Jekyll.logger.abort_with("Could not convert #{options['date']} into date format.") end if args.length != 1 Jekyll.logger.abort_with( "Please provide an argument to use as the post title.\n Remember to quote multiword strings.") else title = args[0] end slug = Jekyll::Utils.slugify(title) site_opts = configuration_from_options(options) site = posts = site.in_source_dir('_posts') filename = File.join(posts, "#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{slug}.md") # TODO incorporate Highline and allow users to elect to create the directory # Like Thor does unless File.exist?(posts) Jekyll.logger.abort_with("#{posts} does not exist. Please create it.") end # TODO ask if user wishes to overwrite if File.exist?(filename) Jekyll.logger.abort_with( "#{filename} already exists. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.") end content = <<-CONTENT --- title: #{title} --- CONTENT, 'w') do |f| f.write(Jekyll::Utils.strip_heredoc(content)) end"Wrote #{filename}") case options["editor"] when /g?vim/ editor_args = "+" when /x?emacs/ editor_args = "+#{content.lines.count}" else editor_args = nil end exec(*[options["editor"], editor_args, filename].compact) end end end end end