# every_day_irb defines some helper methods that might be useful in every-day irb usage module EveryDayIrb VERSION = File.read( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../VERSION' ).chomp end # shows the contents of your current directory (more such commands available by FileUtils) def ls(path='.') Dir[ File.join( path, '*' )].map{|filename| File.basename filename } end alias dir ls # read file contents (also see ray for ruby source files ;) ) def cat(path) File.read path end # allows concise syntax like rq:mathn def rq(lib) require lib.to_s end # load shortcut, not suited for non-rb def ld(lib) load lib.to_s + '.rb' end # rerequire, not suited for non-rb, please note: can have non-intended side effects in rare cases def rerequire(lib) $".dup.each{ |path| if path =~ %r $".delete path.to_s require path.to_s end } require lib.to_s true end alias rrq rerequire # restart irb def reset! # remember history... reset_irb = proc{ exec$0 } if defined?(Ripl) && Ripl.respond_to?(:started?) && Ripl.started? Ripl.shell.write_history if Ripl.shell.respond_to? :write_history reset_irb.call else at_exit(&reset_irb) exit end end # just clear the screen def clear system 'clear' end # returns the last lines, needed for some copy_ methods def session_history(number_of_lines = nil) if !number_of_lines if defined?(Ripl) && Ripl.respond_to?(:started?) && Ripl.started? number_of_lines = Ripl.shell.line else number_of_lines = context.instance_variable_get(:@line_no) end end Readline::HISTORY.entries[-number_of_lines...-1]*"\n" end # J-_-L