require 'rake' require 'pathname' require 'spec' require 'spec/rake/spectask' require 'fileutils' require 'mack-facets' namespace :test do task :setup do end desc "Run test code." do |t| require File.join_from_here('..', 'boot', 'configuration.rb') t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = configatron.mack.send("#{configatron.mack.testing_framework}_file_pattern") t.verbose = true end desc 'Run specifications' do |t| require File.join_from_here('..', 'boot', 'configuration.rb') t.spec_opts << '--options' << 'test/spec.opts' if File.exists?('test/spec.opts') t.spec_files = Dir.glob(configatron.mack.send("#{configatron.mack.testing_framework}_file_pattern")) end desc "Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application. Requires the rcov gem." task :stats do |t| res = common_coverage res.each do |line| case line when /^\+[\+\-]*\+$/, /^\|.*\|$/, /\d+\sLines\s+\d+\sLOC/ puts line end end end desc "Generates test coverage from the application. Requires the rcov gem." task :coverage do |t| common_coverage unless PLATFORM['i386-mswin32'] system("open coverage/index.html") if PLATFORM['darwin'] else system("\"C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe\" " + "coverage/index.html") end end task :empty do |t| ENV["TEST:EMPTY"] = "true" end task :raise_exception do |t| raise "Oh No!" end private def common_coverage ENV['MACK_ENV'] = 'test' Rake::Task["mack:environment"].invoke Rake::Task["test:setup"].invoke rm_f Mack::Paths.root("coverage") rm_f Mack::Paths.root("") unless PLATFORM['i386-mswin32'] rcov = "rcov --sort coverage --rails --aggregate " + "--text-summary -Ilib -T -x gems/*,rcov*,lib/tasks/*,Rakefile" else rcov = "rcov.cmd --sort coverage --rails --aggregate " + "--text-summary -Ilib -T" end puts "Generating... please wait..." res = `#{rcov} --html #{configatron.mack.send("#{configatron.mack.testing_framework}_file_pattern")}` res end end task :default do require File.join_from_here('..', 'boot', 'configuration.rb') tf = "rspec" begin tf = configatron.mack.testing_framework rescue Exception => e end Rake::Task["test:setup"].invoke Rake::Task["test:#{tf}"].invoke end alias_task :stats, "test:stats" alias_task :coverage, "test:coverage"