require 'socket' require 'semantic_logger' module Resque class Worker include SemanticLogger::Loggable @@local_ip = nil def local_ip @@local_ip ||= IPSocket.getaddress(Socket.gethostname) end # The string representation is the same as the id for this worker # instance. Can be used with `Worker.find`. def to_s @to_s || "#{hostname}(#{local_ip}):#{}:#{Thread.current.object_id}:#{Thread.current[:path]}:#{Thread.current[:queues]}" end alias_method :id, :to_s # When the worker gets the -USR2 signal, to_s may give a different value for the thread and queue portion def pause_key key = to_s.split(':') "worker:#{key.first}:#{key.second}:all_workers:paused" end def pid to_s.split(':').second end def thread to_s.split(':').third end def path to_s.split(':').fourth end def queue to_s.split(':').fifth end def workers_in_pid Array(Resque.redis.smembers(:workers)).select { |id| id =~ /\(#{ip}\):#{pid}/ }.map { |id| Resque::Worker.find(id) }.compact end def ip to_s.split(':').first[/\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b/] end def queues_in_pid workers_in_pid.collect { |w| w.queue }.compact end #OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers def queues Thread.current[:queues] == "*" ? Resque.queues.sort : Thread.current[:queues].split(',') end # Runs all the methods needed when a worker begins its lifecycle. #OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers def startup enable_gc_optimizations if Thread.current == Thread.main register_signal_handlers prune_dead_workers end run_hook :before_first_fork register_worker # Fix buffering so we can `rake resque:work > resque.log` and # get output from the child in there. $stdout.sync = true end # Schedule this worker for shutdown. Will finish processing the # current job. #OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers def shutdown_with_multithreading Thread.list.each { |t| t[:shutdown] = true } shutdown_without_multithreading end alias_method_chain :shutdown, :multithreading def paused Resque.redis.get pause_key end # are we paused? # OVERRIDE so UI can tell if we're paused def paused? @paused || paused.present? end # Stop processing jobs after the current one has completed (if we're # currently running one). #OVERRIDE to set a redis key so UI knows it's paused too def pause_processing_with_pause_key pause_processing_without_pause_key Resque.redis.set(pause_key, end alias_method_chain :pause_processing, :pause_key # Start processing jobs again after a pause #OVERRIDE to set remove redis key so UI knows it's unpaused too # Would prefer to call super but get no superclass method error def unpause_processing_with_pause_key unpause_processing_without_pause_key Resque.redis.del(pause_key) end alias_method_chain :unpause_processing, :pause_key # Looks for any workers which should be running on this server # and, if they're not, removes them from Redis. # # This is a form of garbage collection. If a server is killed by a # hard shutdown, power failure, or something else beyond our # control, the Resque workers will not die gracefully and therefore # will leave stale state information in Redis. # # By checking the current Redis state against the actual # environment, we can determine if Redis is old and clean it up a bit. def prune_dead_workers Worker.all.each do |worker| host, pid, thread, path, queues =':') next unless host.include?(hostname) next if worker_pids.include?(pid) log! "Pruning dead worker: #{worker}" worker.unregister_worker end end # Unregisters ourself as a worker. Useful when shutting down. # OVERRIDE to also remove the pause key # Would prefer to call super but get no superclass method error def unregister_worker_with_pause(exception = nil) unregister_worker_without_pause(exception) Resque.redis.del(pause_key) end alias_method_chain :unregister_worker, :pause def all_workers_in_pid_working { |w| (hash = w.processing) && !hash.empty? } end # This is the main workhorse method. Called on a Worker instance, # it begins the worker life cycle. # # The following events occur during a worker's life cycle: # # 1. Startup: Signals are registered, dead workers are pruned, # and this worker is registered. # 2. Work loop: Jobs are pulled from a queue and processed. # 3. Teardown: This worker is unregistered. # # Can be passed an integer representing the polling frequency. # The default is 5 seconds, but for a semi-active site you may # want to use a smaller value. # # Also accepts a block which will be passed the job as soon as it # has completed processing. Useful for testing. #OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers def work_with_multithreading(interval = 5.0, &block) work_without_multithreading(interval, &block) loop do #hang onto the process until all threads are done break if all_workers_in_pid_working.blank? sleep interval.to_i end end alias_method_chain :work, :multithreading def shutdown_with_multithreading? shutdown_without_multithreading? || Thread.current[:shutdown] end alias_method_chain :shutdown?, :multithreading # logic for mappged_mget changed where it returns keys with nil values in latest redis gem. def self.working names = all return [] unless names.any?! { |name| "worker:#{name}" } Resque.redis.mapped_mget(*names).map do |key, value| find key.sub("worker:", '') unless value.nil? end.compact end def overview_message=(message) data = encode(job.merge('overview_message' => message)) Resque.redis.set("worker:#{self}", data) end def overview_message job['overview_message'] end def self.start(options) ips = options[:hosts] application_path = options[:application_path] queues = options[:queues] if Rails.env =~ /development|test/, queues) { |application_path, queue| system("cd #{application_path || '.'}; bundle exec #{ResqueManager.resque_worker_rake || 'rake'} RAILS_ENV=#{Rails.env} QUEUE=#{queue} resque:work") } else, application_path, queues) { |ip_list, application_path, queue| system("cd #{Rails.root}; bundle exec cap #{Rails.env} resque:work host=#{ip_list} application_path=#{application_path} queue=#{queue}") } end end def quit if Rails.env =~ /development|test/ if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ #jruby doesn't trap the -QUIT signal #-TERM gracefully kills the main pid and does a -9 on the child if there is one. #Since jruby doesn't fork a child, the main worker is gracefully killed. system("kill -TERM #{}") else system("kill -QUIT #{}") end else system("cd #{Rails.root}; bundle exec cap #{Rails.env} resque:quit_worker pid=#{} host=#{self.ip} application_path=#{self.path}") end end def pause if Rails.env =~ /development|test/ system("kill -USR2 #{}") else system("cd #{Rails.root}; bundle exec cap #{Rails.env} resque:pause_worker pid=#{} host=#{self.ip}") end end def continue if Rails.env =~ /development|test/ system("kill -CONT #{}") else system("cd #{Rails.root}; bundle exec cap #{Rails.env} resque:continue_worker pid=#{} host=#{self.ip}") end end def restart queues = self.queues_in_pid.join('#') quit self.class.start(hosts: self.ip, queues: queues, application_path: self.path) end end end