# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2010, Sebastian Staudt
module Rubikon
module Application
# This module contains all DSL-related instance methods of
# +Application::Base+ and its subclasses. The methods of this module may be
# used to define and enhance a Rubikon application.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see Application::Base
# @since 0.3.0
module DSLMethods
# @return [String] The (first) definition file of the application
attr_reader :base_file
# @return [String] The absolute path of the application
attr_reader :path
# Define a new application Command or an alias to an existing one
# @param [String, Hash] name The name of the Command as used in
# application parameters. This might also be a Hash where every
# key will be an alias to the corresponding value, e.g. {
# :alias => :command }.
# @param [String] description A description for this Command for use in
# the application's help screen
# @param [Proc] block A block that contains the code that should be
# executed when this Command is called, i.e. when the application
# is called with the associated parameter
# @return [Command]
# @since 0.2.0
def command(name, arg_count = nil, description = nil, &block)
if name.is_a? Hash
name.each do |alias_name, command_name|
command = @commands[command_name]
if command.nil?
@commands[alias_name] = command_name
command.aliases << alias_name
@commands[alias_name] = command
command = Command.new(self, name, arg_count, &block)
command.description = description unless description.nil?
@commands.each do |command_alias, command_name|
if command_name == command.name
@commands[command_alias] = command
command.aliases << command_alias
@commands[command.name] = command
unless command.nil? || @parameters.empty?
@parameters.each do |parameter|
# Prints a debug message if $DEBUG is +true+, e.g. if the user
# supplied the --debug (-d) flag.
# @since 0.2.0
def debug(message)
ostream.puts message if $DEBUG
# Define the default Command of the application, i.e. the Command that is
# called if no matching Command parameter can be found
# @param [String] description A description for this Command for use in
# the application's help screen
# @param [Proc] block A block that contains the code that should be
# executed when this Command is called, i.e. when no command
# parameter is given to the application
# @return [Command] The default Command object
# @since 0.2.0
def default(description = nil, &block)
if description.is_a? Symbol
command({ :__default => description })
command(:__default, description, &block)
# Create a new Flag with the given name for the next Command
# @param [Symbol, #to_sym] name The name of the flag (without dashes).
# Dashes will be automatically added (- for
# single-character flags, -- for other flags). This might
# also be a Hash where every key will be an alias to the
# corresponding value, e.g. { :alias => :flag }.
# @param [Proc] block An optional code block that should be executed if
# this flag is used
# @since 0.2.0
# @example
# flag :status
# flag :st => :status
# command :something do
# ...
# end
def flag(name, &block)
if name.is_a? Hash
@parameters << name
@parameters << Flag.new(self, name, &block)
# Checks whether parameter with the given name has been supplied by the
# user on the command-line.
# @param [#to_sym] name The name of the parameter to check
# @since 0.2.0
# @example
# flag :status
# command :something do
# print_status if active? :status
# end
def active?(name)
name = name.to_sym
parameter = @global_parameters[name]
parameter = @current_command.parameters[name] if parameter.nil?
return false if parameter.nil?
alias_method :given?, :active?
# Create a new flag with the given name to be used globally
# Global flags are not bound to any command and can therefore be used
# throughout the application with the same result.
# @param (see #flag)
# @see #flag
# @see Flag
# @since 0.2.0
# @example Define a global flag
# global_flag :quiet
# @example Define a global flag with a block to execute
# global_flag :quiet do
# @quiet = true
# end
# @example Define an alias to a global flag
# global_flag :q => :quiet
def global_flag(name, &block)
if name.is_a? Hash
name.each do |alias_name, flag_name|
flag = @global_parameters[flag_name]
if flag.nil?
@global_parameters[alias_name] = flag_name
flag.aliases << alias_name
@global_parameters[alias_name] = flag
flag = Flag.new(self, name, &block)
@global_parameters.each do |flag_alias, flag_name|
if flag_name == flag.name
@global_parameters[flag_alias] = flag
flag.aliases << flag_alias
@global_parameters[flag.name] = flag
# Create a new option with the given name to be used globally
# Global options are not bound to any command and can therefore be used
# throughout the application with the same result.
# @param (see #option)
# @see #option
# @see Option
# @since 0.2.0
# @example Define a global option
# global_option :user, 1
# @example Define a global option with a block to execute
# global_option :user, 1 do
# @user = args[0]
# end
# @example Define an alias to a global option
# global_option :u => :user
def global_option(name, arg_count = 0, &block)
if name.is_a? Hash
name.each do |alias_name, option_name|
option = @global_parameters[option_name]
if option.nil?
@global_parameters[alias_name] = option_name
option.aliases << alias_name
@global_parameters[alias_name] = option
option = Option.new(self, name, arg_count, &block)
@global_parameters.each do |option_alias, option_name|
if option_name == option.name
@global_parameters[option_alias] = option
option.aliases << option_alias
@global_parameters[option.name] = option
# Prompts the user for input
# @param [String, #to_s] prompt A String or other Object responding to
# +to_s+ used for displaying a prompt to the user
# @since 0.2.0
# @example Display a prompt "Please type something: "
# command 'interactive' do
# user_provided_value = input 'Please type something'
# # Do something with the data
# ...
# end
def input(prompt = '')
unless prompt.to_s.empty?
ostream << "#{prompt}: "
# Create a new Option with the given name for the next Command
# @param [Symbol, #to_sym] name The name of the Option (without dashes).
# Dashes will be automatically added (+-+ for single-character
# options, +--+ for other options). This might also be a Hash
# where every key will be an alias to the corresponding value,
# e.g. { :alias => :option }.
# @param [Numeric] arg_count The number of arguments this option takes.
# Use +0+ for no required arguments or a negative value for an
# arbitrary number of arguments
# @param [Proc] block An optional code block that should be executed if
# this option is used
# @since 0.2.0
# @example
# option :message,1
# option :m => :message
# command :something do
# ...
# end
def option(name, arg_count = 0, &block)
if name.is_a? Hash
@parameters << name
@parameters << Option.new(self, name.to_s, arg_count, &block)
# Convenience method for accessing the user-defined output stream
# Use this if you want to work directly with the output stream
# @return [IO] The output stream object - usually +$stdout+
# @since 0.2.0
# @example
# ostream.flush
def ostream
# Defines a block of code used as a hook that should be executed after
# the command execution has finished
# @param [Proc] The code block to execute after the command execution has
# finished
# @since 0.4.0
def post_execute(&block)
@hooks[:post_execute] = block
# Defines a block of code used as a hook that should be executed after
# the application has been initialized
# @param [Proc] The code block to execute after the application has been
# initialized
# @since 0.4.0
def post_init(&block)
@hooks[:post_init] = block
# Defines a block of code used as a hook that should be executed before
# the command has been started
# @param [Proc] The code block to execute before the command has been
# started
# @since 0.4.0
def pre_execute(&block)
@hooks[:pre_execute] = block
# Defines a block of code used as a hook that should be executed before
# the application has been initialized
# @param [Proc] The code block to execute before the application has been
# initialized
# @since 0.4.0
def pre_init(&block)
@hooks[:pre_init] = block
# Displays a progress bar while the given block is executed
# Inside the block you have access to a instance of ProgressBar. So you
# can update the progress using ProgressBar#+.
# @param [Hash] options A Hash of options that should be passed to the
# ProgressBar object.
# @param [Proc] block The block to execute
# @yield [ProgressBar] The given block may be used to change the values
# of the progress bar
# @yieldparam [ProgressBar] progress The progress bar indicating the
# progress of the block
# @example
# progress_bar(:maximum => 5) do |progress|
# 5.times do |file|
# File.read("any#{file}.txt")
# progress.+
# end
# end
# @see ProgressBar
# @since 0.2.0
def progress_bar(*options, &block)
hidden_output do |ostream|
options = options[0]
options[:ostream] = ostream
progress = ProgressBar.new(options)
# Output text using +IO#<<+ of the output stream
# @param [String] text The text to write into the output stream
# @since 0.2.0
def put(text)
@settings[:ostream] << text
# Output a character using +IO#putc+ of the output stream
# @param [String, Numeric] char The character to write into the output
# stream
# @since 0.2.0
def putc(char)
@settings[:ostream].putc char
# Output a line of text using +IO#puts+ of the output stream
# @param [String] text The text to write into the output stream
# @since 0.2.0
def puts(text)
@settings[:ostream].puts text
# Sets an application setting
# @param [Symbol, #to_sym] setting The name of the setting to change
# @param [Object] value The value the setting should be changed to
# @since 0.2.0
# Available settings
# +autorun+:: If true, let the application run as soon as its
# class is defined
# +help_banner+:: Defines a banner for the help message
# (unused)
# +istream+:: Defines an input stream to use
# +name+:: Defines the name of the application
# +ostream+:: Defines an output stream to use
# +raise_errors+:: If true, raise errors, otherwise fail gracefully
# @example
# set :name, 'My App'
# set :autorun, false
def set(setting, value)
@settings[setting.to_sym] = value
# Displays a throbber while the given block is executed
# @param [Proc] block The block to execute while the throbber is
# displayed
# @since 0.2.0
# @yield While the block is executed a throbber is displayed
# @example Using the throbber helper
# command :slow do
# throbber do
# # Add some long running code here
# ...
# end
# end
def throbber(&block)
hidden_output do |ostream|
code_thread = Thread.new { block.call }
throbber_thread = Throbber.new(ostream, code_thread)