= Flex Mock -- Making Mock Easy
FlexMock is a simple mock object for unit testing. The interface is
simple, but still provides a good bit of flexibility.
Version :: 0.3.0
= Links
Documents :: http://onestepback.org/software/flexmock
Download :: Use RubyGems to download the flexmock gem from http://gems.rubyforge.org
== Installation
You can install FlexMock with the following command.
$ gem install flexmock
== Simple Example
We have a data acquisition class (+TemperatureSampler+) that reads a
temperature sensor and returns an average of 3 readings. We don't
have a _real_ temperature to use for testing, so we mock one up with a
mock object that responds to the +read_temperature+ message.
Here's the complete example:
class TemperatureSampler
def initialize(sensor)
@sensor = sensor
def average_temp
total = (0...3).collect { @sensor.read_temperature }.inject { |i, s| i + s }
total / 3.0
class TestTemperatureSampler < Test::Unit::TestCase
include FlexMock::TestCase
def test_tempurature_sampler
readings = [10, 12, 14]
sensor = flexmock("temp")
sensor.should_receive(:read_temperature).and_return { readings.shift }
sampler = TemperatureSampler.new(sensor)
assert_equal 12, sampler.average_temp
# all mocks created by the +flexmock+ method will be
# automatically verified during the test teardown.
== Quick Reference
=== Expectation Declarators
Expectation declarators are used to specify the expectations placed
upon received method calls. The following declarators may be used to
create the proper expectations on a FlexMock object.
* should_receive(symbol) -- Declares that a
message named symbol will be sent to the mock object.
Further refinements on this expected message (called an expectation)
may be chained to the +should_receive+ call.
* should_expect -- Creates a mock recording object
that will translate received method calls into mock expectations.
The recorder is passed to a block supplied with the +should_expect+
method. See examples below.
* with(arglist) -- Declares that this
expectation matches messages that match the given argument list.
The === operator is used on a argument by argument basis to
determine matching. This means that most literal values match
literally, class values match any instance of a class and regular
expression match any matching string (after a +to_s+ conversion).
See argument validators (below) for details on argument validation
* with_any_args -- Declares that this expectation
matches the message with any argument (default)
* with_no_args -- Declares that this expectation
matches messages with no arguments
* returns(value) -- Declares that the message
will return the given value (returns(nil) is the default).
* returns { |args| code ... } -- Declares that the
message will return whatever the block calculates. The actual
arguments in the message will be passed to the block.
* zero_or_more_times -- Declares that the message is
may be sent zero or more times (default, equivalent to
* once -- Declares that the message is only sent once.
at_least / at_most modifiers are allowed.
* twice -- Declares that the message is only sent
twice. at_least / at_most modifiers are allowed.
* never -- Declares that the message is never sent.
at_least / at_most modifiers are allowed.
* times(n) -- Declares that the message is
sent n times. at_least / at_most
modifiers are allowed.
* at_least -- Modifies the immediately following
message count declarator so that it means the message is sent at
least that number of times. E.g. at_least.once means the
message is sent at least once during the test, but may be sent more
often. Both at_least and at_most may be specified
on the same expectation.
* at_most -- Similar to at_least, but puts an
upper limit on the number of messages. Both at_least and
at_most may be specified on the same expectation.
* ordered -- Declares that the message is ordered and
is expected to be received in a certain position in a sequence of
messages. The message should arrive after and previously declared
ordered messages and prior to any following declared ordered
messages. Unordered messages are ignored when considering the
message order.
* ordered(group) -- Declare that the given
method belongs to an order group. Methods within the group may be
received in any order. Ordered messages outside the group must be
received either before or after the grouped messages.
For example, in the following, messages +flip+ and +flop+ may be
received in any order (because they are in the same group), but must
occur strictly after +start+ but before +end+. The message
+any_time+ may be received at any time because it is not ordered.
m = FlexMock.new
=== Argument Validation
The values passed to the +with+ declarator determine the criteria for
matching expectations. The first expectation found that matches the
arguments in a mock method call will be used to validate that mock
method call.
The following rules are used for argument matching:
* A +with+ parameter that is a class object will match any actual
argument that is an instance of that class.
with(Integer) will match f(3)
* A regular expression will match any actual argument that matches the
regular expression. Non-string actual arguments are converted to
strings via +to_s+ before applying the regular expression.
with(/^src/) will match f("src_object")
with(/^3\./) will match f(3.1415972)
* Most other objects will match based on equal values.
with(3) will match f(3)
with("hello") will match f("hello")
* If you wish to override the default matching behavior and force
matching by equality, you can use teh FlexMock.eq convenience
method. This is mostly used when you wish to match class objects,
since the default matching behavior for class objects is to match
instances, not themselves.
with(eq(Integer)) will match f(Integer)
with(eq(Integer)) will NOT match f(3)
Note: If you do not use the FlexMock::TestCase Test Unit integration
module, or the FlexMock::ArgumentTypes module, you will have to
fully qualify the +eq+ method:
with(FlexMock.eq(Integer)) will match f(Integer)
with(FlexMock.eq(Integer)) will NOT match f(3)
* If you wish to match _anything_, then use the FlexMock.any
method in the with argument list.
Examples (assumes either the FlexMock::TestCase or
FlexMock::ArgumentTypes mix-ins has been included):
with(any) will match f(3)
with(any) will match f("hello")
with(any) will match f(Integer)
with(any) will match f(nil)
* If you wish to specify a complex matching criteria, use the
FlexMock.on(&block) with the logic contained in the block.
Examples (assumes FlexMock::ArguementTypes has been included):
with(on { |arg| (arg % 2) == 0 } )
will match any even integer.
== Examples
=== Expect multiple queries and a single update
The queries my have any arguments. The update must have a specific
argument of 5.
class TestDb
include FlexMock::TestCase
def test_db
db = flexmock('db')
# test code here
=== Expect all queries before any updates
(This and following examples assume that the FlexMock::TestCase module
is being used.)
All the query message must occur before any of the update messages.
def test_query_and_update
db = flexmock('db')
# test code here
=== Expect several queries with different parameters
The queries should happen after startup but before finish. The
queries themselves may happen in any order (because they are in the
same order group). The first two queries should happen exactly once,
but the third query (which matches any query call with a four
character parameter) may be called multiple times (but at least once).
Startup and finish must also happen exactly once.
Also note that we use the +with+ method to match different arguement
values to figure out what value to return.
def test_ordered_queries
db = flexmock('db')
# test code here
=== Same as above, but using the Record Mode interface
The record mode interface offers much the same features as the
+should_receive+ interface introduced so far, but it allows the
messages to be sent directly to a recording object rather than be
specified indirectly using a symbol.
def test_ordered_queries_in_record_mode
db = flexmock('db')
db.should_expect do |rec|
rec.query("CPWR") { 12.3 }.once.ordered(:queries)
rec.query("MSFT") { 10.0 }.once.ordered(:queries)
rec.query("^....$/) { 3.3 }.at_least.once.ordered(:queries)
# test code here using +db+.
=== Using Record Mode to record a known, good algorithm for testing
Record mode is nice when you have a known, good algorithm that can use
a recording mock object to record the steps. Then you compare the
execution of a new algorithm to behavior of the old using the recorded
expectations in the mock. For this you probably want to put the
recorder in _strict_ mode so that the recorded expectations use exact
matching on argument lists, and strict ordering of the method calls.
Note: This is most useful when there are no queries on the mock
objects, because the query responses cannot be programmed into the
recorder object.
def test_build_xml
builder = flexmock('builder')
builder.should_expect do |rec|
known_good_way_to_build_xml(rec) # record the messages
new_way_to_build_xml(builder) # compare to new way
=== Expect multiple calls, returning a different value each time
Sometimes you need to return different values for each call to a
mocked method. This example shifts values out of a list for this
def test_multiple_gets
file = flexmock('file')
return_values = ["line 1\n", "line 2\n"]
file.should_receive(:gets).with_no_args.and_return { return_values.shift }
# test code here
=== Ignore uninteresting messages
Generally you need to mock only those methods that return an
interesting value or wish to assert were sent in a particular manner.
Use the +should_ignore_missing+ method to turn on missing method
def test_an_important_message
m = flexmock('m')
# test code here
Note: The original +mock_ignore_missing+ is now an alias for
== Classic +mock_handle+ Interface
FlexMock still supports the simple +mock_handle+ interface used in the
original version of FlexMock. +mock_handle+ is equivalent to the
def mock_handle(sym, expected_count=nil, &block)
== Other Mock Objects
ruby-mock :: http://www.b13media.com/dev/ruby/mock.html
test-unit-mock :: http://www.deveiate.org/code/Test-Unit-Mock.shtml
== License
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org).
All rights reserved.
Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the
above copyright notice is included.
= Other stuff
Author:: Jim Weirich
Requires:: Ruby 1.8.x or later
== Warranty
This software is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular