class StreamWorkflowTask def initialize(app) @app = app end def read_normal_inputs(io, boundary, stream_input) content = "" content_start = false variable = nil filename = nil inputs = {} while line = io.gets line.chomp! if line == "--" + boundary if variable inputs[variable] = content end content_start = false content = "" elsif line =~ /^Content.* name="([^\s;"]*)"/ variable = $1 filename = line.match(/filename="([^"]+)"/)[1] if line =~ /filename/ content = "" elsif line.empty? content_start = true break if variable == stream_input else content << line if content_start end end [inputs, filename] end def parse_uri(env) uri = env["REQUEST_URI"] _n, workflow, task = uri.split("/") workflow = begin Kernel.const_get(workflow) rescue raise "Could not accept task for workflow: #{ workflow }" end [workflow, task] end EOL = "\r\n" def read_chunk(sin, rest = "") parts = [] c = sin.gets c = rest << c unless rest.empty? c = c[2..-1] if c[0..1] == EOL index = c.index EOL while index part = c[0..index-1] parts << part c = c[index+2..-1] index = c.index EOL end rest = c [parts, rest] end def copy_chunked_stream(sin, sout, boundary) rest = "" done = false content = true while not done parts, rest = read_chunk(sin, rest) while parts.any? part = parts.shift if content part.split("\n").each do |line| sout.puts line if line.include? boundary done = true break end end content = false else content = true end end end sout.write rest sout.close end def call(env) if env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" and env["rack.hijack"] and env["CONTENT_TYPE"] and env["CONTENT_TYPE"].include? "Rbbt_Param_Stream" and env["HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING"] == 'chunked' Log.high "Hijacking post data" inputs = {} content_type = env["CONTENT_TYPE"] boundary = content_type.match(/boundary=([^\s;]*)/)[1] stream_input = content_type.match(/stream=([^\s;]*)/)[1] post_stream = env["rack.hijack"].call begin inputs, filename = read_normal_inputs(post_stream, boundary, stream_input) input_stream_out, input_stream_in = Misc.pipe Misc.add_stream_filename(input_stream_out, filename) if filename inputs[stream_input] = input_stream_out workflow, task = parse_uri(env) name = inputs.delete "jobname" job = workflow.job(task, name, inputs) task = task.to_sym execution_type = case when workflow.exec_exports.include?(task) "exec" when workflow.synchronous_exports.include?(task) "synchronous" when workflow.asynchronous_exports.include?(task) "asynchronous" else raise "No known export type for #{ workflow } #{ task }. Accesses denied" end execution_type = "exec" if inputs["_cache_type"] == 'exec' "Streaming task with execution_type: #{ execution_type }" case execution_type when "exec", nil job.exec(:stream) when "sync", "synchronous", "async", "asynchronous" else raise "Unknown execution_type: #{execution_type}" end t_in = do begin copy_chunked_stream(post_stream, input_stream_in, boundary) rescue Log.exception $! end end job_output = TSV.get_stream job t_out = do begin post_stream.write "HTTP/1.1 200\r\n\r\n" while c = post_stream.write c end job_output.join if job_output.respond_to? :join post_stream.close rescue Log.exception $! job.abort end end end [200, {}, nil] else Log.high "NOT Hijacking post data" end end end