# Dummy_app # TODOs - Change email sender domain address and basic_auth info in `config/settings.yml` - Change email sender domain address in `config/initializers/devise.rb` - Create `.pronto.yml` file from `example.pronto.yml` file # Infos - Edit secret keys ➜ ✗ EDITOR=vi bin/rails credentials:edit # Docker development - run following commands on terminal ➜ ✗ docker-compose build ➜ ✗ docker-compose run app bundle install ➜ ✗ docker-compose run app bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed ➜ ✗ docker-compose up - open in your browser localhost:3000 or lvh.me:3000 - If you want to access rails console run this command before ➜ ✗ docker-compose run app bundle install --binstubs ➜ ✗ docker-compose run app bundle exec rails c # Local development - Change REDIS_URL and POSTGRESQL_HOST environment in `.env.local` file - run following commands on terminal ➜ ✗ bundle exec rails server - open in your browser localhost:3000 or lvh.me:3000 ➜ ✗ redis-server ➜ ✗ bundle exec rake sidekiq:start # Development ➜ ✗ pronto run ➜ ✗ pronto run -r haml - On feature branch ➜ ✗ pronto run -c origin/develop