require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/common', __FILE__) describe "File.expand_path" do before :each do platform_is :windows do @base = `cd` '\\', '/' @tmpdir = "c:/tmp" @rootdir = "c:/" end platform_is_not :windows do @base = Dir.pwd @tmpdir = "/tmp" @rootdir = "/" end end =begin it "converts a pathname to an absolute pathname" do File.expand_path('').should == @base File.expand_path('a').should == File.join(@base, 'a') File.expand_path('a', nil).should == File.join(@base, 'a') end not_compliant_on :ironruby do it "converts a pathname to an absolute pathname, Ruby-Talk:18512 " do # Because of Ruby-Talk:18512 File.expand_path('a.').should == File.join(@base, 'a.') File.expand_path('.a').should == File.join(@base, '.a') File.expand_path('a..').should == File.join(@base, 'a..') File.expand_path('..a').should == File.join(@base, '..a') File.expand_path('a../b').should == File.join(@base, 'a../b') end end =end it "converts a pathname to an absolute pathname, using a complete path" do File.expand_path("", "#{@tmpdir}").should == "#{@tmpdir}" File.expand_path("a", "#{@tmpdir}").should =="#{@tmpdir}/a" File.expand_path("../a", "#{@tmpdir}/xxx").should == "#{@tmpdir}/a" File.expand_path(".", "#{@rootdir}").should == "#{@rootdir}" end =begin # FIXME: do not use conditionals like this around #it blocks unless not home = ENV['HOME'] platform_is_not :windows do it "converts a pathname to an absolute pathname, using ~ (home) as base" do File.expand_path('~').should == home File.expand_path('~', '/tmp/gumby/ddd').should == home File.expand_path('~/a', '/tmp/gumby/ddd').should == File.join(home, 'a') end end platform_is :windows do it "converts a pathname to an absolute pathname, using ~ (home) as base" do File.expand_path('~').should =="\\", '/') File.expand_path('~', '/tmp/gumby/ddd').should =="\\", '/') File.expand_path('~/a', '/tmp/gumby/ddd').should == File.join("\\", '/'), 'a') end end end =end platform_is_not :windows do # FIXME: these are insane! it "expand path with " do File.expand_path("../../bin", "/tmp/x").should == "/bin" File.expand_path("../../bin", "/tmp").should == "/bin" File.expand_path("../../bin", "/").should == "/bin" File.expand_path("../bin", "tmp/x").should == File.join(@base, 'tmp', 'bin') File.expand_path("../bin", "x/../tmp").should == File.join(@base, 'bin') end it "expand_path for commoms unix path give a full path" do File.expand_path('/tmp/').should =='/tmp' File.expand_path('/tmp/../../../tmp').should == '/tmp' #File.expand_path('').should == Dir.pwd #File.expand_path('./////').should == Dir.pwd #File.expand_path('.').should == Dir.pwd #File.expand_path(Dir.pwd).should == Dir.pwd #File.expand_path('~/').should == ENV['HOME'] #File.expand_path('~/..badfilename').should == "#{ENV['HOME']}/..badfilename" #File.expand_path('..').should == Dir.pwd.split('/')[0...-1].join("/") #File.expand_path('~/a','~/b').should == "#{ENV['HOME']}/a" end not_compliant_on :rubinius, :macruby do it "does not replace multiple '/' at the beginning of the path" do File.expand_path('////some/path').should == "////some/path" end end deviates_on :rubinius, :macruby do it "replaces multiple '/' with a single '/' at the beginning of the path" do File.expand_path('////some/path').should == "/some/path" end end it "replaces multiple '/' with a single '/'" do File.expand_path('/some////path').should == "/some/path" end it "raises an ArgumentError if the path is not valid" do lambda { File.expand_path("~a_not_existing_user") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end #it "expands ~ENV['USER'] to the user's home directory" do # File.expand_path("~#{ENV['USER']}").should == ENV['HOME'] # File.expand_path("~#{ENV['USER']}/a").should == "#{ENV['HOME']}/a" #end it "does not expand ~ENV['USER'] when it's not at the start" do File.expand_path("/~#{ENV['USER']}/a").should == "/~#{ENV['USER']}/a" end it "expands ../foo with ~/dir as base dir to /path/to/user/home/foo" do File.expand_path('../foo', '~/dir').should == "#{ENV['HOME']}/foo" end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "accepts objects that have a #to_path method" do File.expand_path(mock_to_path("a"), mock_to_path("#{@tmpdir}")) end end it "raises a TypeError if not passed a String type" do lambda { File.expand_path(1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.expand_path(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.expand_path(true) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end platform_is_not :windows do it "expands /./dir to /dir" do File.expand_path("/./dir").should == "/dir" end end platform_is :windows do it "expands C:/./dir to C:/dir" do File.expand_path("C:/./dir").should == "C:/dir" end end =begin #ruby_version_is "1.9" do # it "produces a String in the default external encoding" do # old_external = Encoding.default_external # Encoding.default_external = Encoding::SHIFT_JIS # File.expand_path("./a").encoding.should == Encoding::SHIFT_JIS # Encoding.default_external = old_external # end #end #it "does not modify the string argument" do # str = "./a/b/../c" # File.expand_path(str, @base).should == "#{@base}/a/c" # str.should == "./a/b/../c" #end #it "does not modify a HOME string argument" do # str = "~/a" # File.expand_path(str).should == "#{'\\', '/')}/a" # str.should == "~/a" #end it "returns a String when passed a String subclass" do str = "./a/b/../c" path = File.expand_path(str, @base) path.should == "#{@base}/a/c" path.should be_an_instance_of(String) end =end end platform_is_not :windows do describe "File.expand_path when HOME is not set" do before :each do @home = ENV["HOME"] end after :each do ENV["HOME"] = @home end it "raises an ArgumentError when passed '~' if HOME is nil" do ENV.delete "HOME" lambda { File.expand_path("~") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end ruby_version_is ""..."1.8.7" do it "returns '/' when passed '~' if HOME == ''" do ENV["HOME"] = "" File.expand_path("~").should == "/" end end ruby_version_is "1.8.7" do it "raises an ArgumentError when passed '~' if HOME == ''" do ENV["HOME"] = "" lambda { File.expand_path("~") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end