= render('layout') do - cpd_audit = resource.cpd_audit %p #{cpd_audit.name} has submitted the following #{cpd_statements_label}: - datatable = EffectiveCpdCompletedStatementsDatatable.new(user: cpd_audit.user, actions: false) - if datatable.blank?(self) %p %strong There are no completed #{cpd_statements_label} from #{cpd_audit.name}. - else = render_datatable(datatable, simple: true) %h2 All #{cpd_statements_label} %p Click to expand - datatable.collection.sorted.each do |cpd_statement| .mb-3 = collapse("Show #{cpd_statement.to_s}...", card_class: 'mb-3') do = render('effective/cpd_statements/cpd_statement', cpd_statement: cpd_statement) = effective_form_with(model: resource, url: wizard_path(step), method: :put) do |f| = f.hidden_field :current_step %hr = f.text_area :comments, hint: "Not displayed to the #{cpd_auditee_label}" = f.submit 'Save and Continue', center: true