# intercom-ruby Ruby bindings for the Intercom API (https://developers.intercom.io/reference). [API Documentation](https://developers.intercom.io/docs) [Gem Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/intercom/intercom-ruby/master/frames) For generating Intercom javascript script tags for Rails, please see https://github.com/intercom/intercom-rails. ## Upgrading information Version 3 of intercom-ruby is not backwards compatible with previous versions. Version 3 moves away from a global setup approach to the use of an Intercom Client. This version of the gem is compatible with `Ruby 2.1` and above. ## Installation gem install intercom Using bundler: gem 'intercom', '~> 3.5.10' ## Basic Usage ### Configure your client > If you already have a personal access token you can find it [here](https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/_/settings/personal-access-token). If you want to create or learn more about personal access tokens then you can find more info [here](https://developers.intercom.io/docs/personal-access-tokens). ```ruby # With an OAuth or Personal Access token: intercom = Intercom::Client.new(token: 'my_token') ``` If you are building a third party application you can get your access_tokens by [setting-up-oauth](https://developers.intercom.io/page/setting-up-oauth) for Intercom. You can also use the [omniauth-intercom lib](https://github.com/intercom/omniauth-intercom) which is a middleware helping you to handle the authentication process with Intercom. ### Resources Resources this API supports: https://api.intercom.io/users https://api.intercom.io/contacts https://api.intercom.io/companies https://api.intercom.io/counts https://api.intercom.io/tags https://api.intercom.io/notes https://api.intercom.io/segments https://api.intercom.io/events https://api.intercom.io/conversations https://api.intercom.io/messages https://api.intercom.io/subscriptions https://api.intercom.io/jobs ### Examples #### Users ```ruby # Find user by email user = intercom.users.find(email: "bob@example.com") # Find user by user_id user = intercom.users.find(user_id: "1") # Find user by id user = intercom.users.find(id: "1") # Create a user user = intercom.users.create(email: "bob@example.com", name: "Bob Smith", signed_up_at: Time.now.to_i) # Delete a user user = intercom.users.find(id: "1") deleted_user = intercom.users.delete(user) # Update custom_attributes for a user user.custom_attributes["average_monthly_spend"] = 1234.56 intercom.users.save(user) # Perform incrementing user.increment('karma') intercom.users.save(user) # Perform decrementing user.decrement('karma', 5) intercom.users.save(user) # Iterate over all users intercom.users.all.each {|user| puts %Q(#{user.email} - #{user.custom_attributes["average_monthly_spend"]}) } intercom.users.all.map {|user| user.email } # List your users create in the last two days intercom.users.find_all(type: 'users', page: 1, per_page: 10, created_since: 2, order: :asc).to_a.each_with_index {|usr, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{usr.name}"}; # Paginate through your list of users choosing how many to return per page (default and max is 50 per page) intercom.users.find_all(type: 'users', page: 1, per_page: 10, order: :asc).to_a.each_with_index {|usr, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{usr.name}"} # If you have over 10,000 users then you will need to use the scroll function to list your users # otherwise you will encounter a page limit with list all your users # You can use the scroll method to list all your users intercom.users.scroll.each { |user| puts user.name} # Alternatively you can use the scroll.next method to get 100 users with each request result = intercom.users.scroll.next # The result object then contains a records attributes that is an array of your user objects and it also contains a scroll_param which # you can then use to request the next 100 users. Note that the scroll parameter will time out after one minute and you will need to # make a new request result.scroll_param => "0730e341-63ef-44da-ab9c-9113f886326d" result = intercom.users.scroll.next("0730e341-63ef-44da-ab9c-9113f886326d"); ``` #### Admins ```ruby # Find access token owner (only with Personal Access Token and OAuth) intercom.admins.me # Find an admin by id intercom.admins.find(id: admin_id) # Iterate over all admins intercom.admins.all.each {|admin| puts admin.email } ``` #### Companies ```ruby # Add a user to one or more companies user = intercom.users.find(email: "bob@example.com") user.companies = [{company_id: 6, name: "Intercom"}, {company_id: 9, name: "Test Company"}] intercom.users.save(user) # You can also pass custom attributes within a company as you do this user.companies = [{id: 6, name: "Intercom", custom_attributes: {referral_source: "Google"} } ] intercom.users.save(user) # Find a company by company_id company = intercom.companies.find(company_id: "44") # Find a company by name company = intercom.companies.find(name: "Some company") # Find a company by id company = intercom.companies.find(id: "41e66f0313708347cb0000d0") # Update a company company.name = 'Updated company name' intercom.companies.save(company) # Iterate over all companies intercom.companies.all.each {|company| puts %Q(#{company.name} - #{company.custom_attributes["referral_source"]}) } intercom.companies.all.map {|company| company.name } # Get a list of users in a company intercom.companies.users(company.id) ``` #### Tags ```ruby # Tag users tag = intercom.tags.tag(name: 'blue', users: [{email: "test1@example.com"}]) # Untag users intercom.tags.untag(name: 'blue', users: [{user_id: "42ea2f1b93891f6a99000427"}]) # Iterate over all tags intercom.tags.all.each {|tag| "#{tag.id} - #{tag.name}" } intercom.tags.all.map {|tag| tag.name } # Tag companies tag = intercom.tags.tag(name: 'blue', companies: [{id: "42ea2f1b93891f6a99000427"}]) ``` #### Segments ```ruby # Find a segment segment = intercom.segments.find(id: segment_id) # Iterate over all segments intercom.segments.all.each {|segment| puts "id: #{segment.id} name: #{segment.name}"} ``` #### Notes ```ruby # Find a note by id note = intercom.notes.find(id: note) # Create a note for a user note = intercom.notes.create(body: "

Text for the note

", email: 'joe@example.com') # Iterate over all notes for a user via their email address intercom.notes.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com').each {|note| puts note.body} # Iterate over all notes for a user via their user_id intercom.notes.find_all(user_id: '123').each {|note| puts note.body} ``` #### Conversations ```ruby # FINDING CONVERSATIONS FOR AN ADMIN # Iterate over all conversations (open and closed) assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: '7').each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all open conversations assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: true).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over closed conversations assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: false).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over closed conversations which are assigned to an admin, and where updated_at is before a certain moment in time intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: false, before: 1374844930).each {|convo| ... } # FINDING CONVERSATIONS FOR A USER # Iterate over all conversations (read + unread, correct) with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user').each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over through all conversations (read + unread) with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user', unread: false).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all unread conversations with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user', unread: true).each {|convo| ... } # FINDING A SINGLE CONVERSATION conversation = intercom.conversations.find(id: '1') # INTERACTING WITH THE PARTS OF A CONVERSATION # Getting the subject of a part (only applies to email-based conversations) conversation.rendered_message.subject # Get the part_type of the first part conversation.conversation_parts[0].part_type # Get the body of the second part conversation.conversation_parts[1].body # REPLYING TO CONVERSATIONS # User (identified by email) replies with a comment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'user', email: 'joe@example.com', message_type: 'comment', body: 'foo') # Admin (identified by id) replies with a comment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'comment', body: 'bar') # User (identified by email) replies with a comment and attachment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'user', email: 'joe@example.com', message_type: 'comment', body: 'foo', attachment_urls: ['http://www.example.com/attachment.jpg']) # Open intercom.conversations.open(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123') # Close intercom.conversations.close(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123') # Assign intercom.conversations.assign(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123', assignee_id: '124') # Reply and Open intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'open', body: 'bar') # Reply and Close intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'close', body: 'bar') # ASSIGNING CONVERSATIONS TO ADMINS intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', assignee_id: assignee_admin.id, admin_id: admin.id, message_type: 'assignment') # MARKING A CONVERSATION AS READ intercom.conversations.mark_read(conversation.id) ``` #### Full loading of an embedded entity ```ruby # Given a conversation with a partial user, load the full user. This can be # done for any entity intercom.users.load(conversation.user) ``` #### Sending messages ```ruby # InApp message from admin to user intercom.messages.create({ message_type: 'inapp', body: "What's up :)", from: { type: 'admin', id: "1234" }, to: { type: "user", user_id: "5678" } }) # Email message from admin to user intercom.messages.create({ message_type: 'email', subject: 'Hey there', body: "What's up :)", template: "plain", # or "personal", from: { type: "admin", id: "1234" }, to: { type: "user", id: "536e564f316c83104c000020" } }) # Message from a user intercom.messages.create({ from: { type: "user", id: "536e564f316c83104c000020" }, body: "halp" }) # Message from admin to contact intercom.messages.create({ body: "How can I help :)", from: { type: "admin", id: "1234" }, to: { type: "contact", id: "536e5643as316c83104c400671" } }) # Message from a contact intercom.messages.create({ from: { type: "contact", id: "536e5643as316c83104c400671" }, body: "halp" }) ``` #### Events ```ruby intercom.events.create( event_name: "invited-friend", created_at: Time.now.to_i, email: user.email, metadata: { "invitee_email" => "pi@example.org", invite_code: "ADDAFRIEND", "found_date" => 12909364407 } ) # Retrieve event list for user with id:'123abc' intercom.events.find_all("type" => "user", "intercom_user_id" => "123abc") ``` Metadata Objects support a few simple types that Intercom can present on your behalf ```ruby intercom.events.create( event_name: "placed-order", email: current_user.email, created_at: 1403001013, metadata: { order_date: Time.now.to_i, stripe_invoice: 'inv_3434343434', order_number: { value: '3434-3434', url: 'https://example.org/orders/3434-3434' }, price: { currency: 'usd', amount: 2999 } } ) ``` The metadata key values in the example are treated as follows- - order_date: a Date (key ends with '_date') - stripe_invoice: The identifier of the Stripe invoice (has a 'stripe_invoice' key) - order_number: a Rich Link (value contains 'url' and 'value' keys) - price: An Amount in US Dollars (value contains 'amount' and 'currency' keys) *NB:* This version of the gem reserves the field name `type` in Event data. ### Contacts `Contacts` represent logged out users of your application. ```ruby # Create a contact contact = intercom.contacts.create(email: "some_contact@example.com") # Update a contact contact.custom_attributes['foo'] = 'bar' intercom.contacts.save(contact) # Find contacts by email contacts = intercom.contacts.find_all(email: "some_contact@example.com") # Convert a contact into a user intercom.contacts.convert(contact, user) # Delete a contact intercom.contacts.delete(contact) ``` ### Counts ```ruby # App-wide counts intercom.counts.for_app # Users in segment counts intercom.counts.for_type(type: 'user', count: 'segment') ``` ### Subscriptions Subscribe to events in Intercom to receive webhooks. ```ruby # create a subscription intercom.subscriptions.create(url: "http://example.com", topics: ["user.created"]) # fetch a subscription intercom.subscriptions.find(id: "nsub_123456789") # delete a subscription subscription = intercom.subscriptions.find(id: "nsub_123456789") intercom.subscriptions.delete(subscription) # list subscriptions intercom.subscriptions.all ``` ### Errors There are different styles for error handling - some people prefer exceptions; some prefer nil and check; some prefer error objects/codes. Balancing these preferences alongside our wish to provide an idiomatic gem has brought us to use the current mechanism of throwing specific exceptions. Our approach in the client is to propagate errors and signal our failure loudly so that erroneous data does not get propagated through our customers' systems - in other words, if you see a `Intercom::ServiceUnavailableError` you know where the problem is. You do not need to deal with the HTTP response from an API call directly. If there is an unsuccessful response then an error that is a subclass of `Intercom::IntercomError` will be raised. If desired, you can get at the http_code of an `Intercom::IntercomError` via its `http_code` method. The list of different error subclasses are listed below. As they all inherit off Intercom::IntercomError you can choose to rescue Intercom::IntercomError or else rescue the more specific error subclass. ```ruby Intercom::AuthenticationError Intercom::ServerError Intercom::ServiceUnavailableError Intercom::ServiceConnectionError Intercom::ResourceNotFound Intercom::BlockedUserError Intercom::BadRequestError Intercom::RateLimitExceeded Intercom::AttributeNotSetError # Raised when you try to call a getter that does not exist on an object Intercom::MultipleMatchingUsersError Intercom::HttpError # Raised when response object is unexpectedly nil ``` ### Rate Limiting Calling your client's `rate_limit_details` returns a Hash that contains details about your app's current rate limit. ```ruby intercom.rate_limit_details #=> {:limit=>180, :remaining=>179, :reset_at=>2014-10-07 14:58:00 +0100} ``` ### Pull Requests - **Add tests!** Your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests. - **Document any change in behaviour**. Make sure the README and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date. - **Create topic branches**. Don't ask us to pull from your master branch. - **One pull request per feature**. If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests. - **Send coherent history**. Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before sending them to us.