ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'rubyc/cli' include SpecHelper # require 'colorize' # # module ColorizeIO # def puts(str = "") # red = "\\e[31m" # blank = "\\e[0m" # green = "\\e[32m" # blue = "\\e[34m" # magenta = "\\e[35m" # # # url_regex = %r{(\\S*.rb):(\\d+)(.*)} # str.each_line do |line| # if line =~ url_regex # file_name = $1 # line_number = $2 # complement = $3 # if File.exist? file_name # full_path = File.expand_path(file_name) # app_trace = full_path.match(ROOT_PATH) && full_path !~ /vendor/ # new_line = "#{blue}txmt://open?url=file://#{File.dirname(full_path)}/#{red if app_trace }#{File.basename(full_path)}#{blank}&line=#{line_number # }#{complement}" # else # new_line = line # end # else # new_line = line # end # super(new_line + "\\n") # end # end # end # # MiniTest::Unit.output.extend ColorizeIO describe "A rubyc cli" do before do @cli = end it "should map stdin to stdout" do out_str = local_io("first\nsecond") do'l.upcase') end out_str.must_equal "FIRST\nSECOND\n" end it "should select line from stdin and send it to stdout" do out_str = local_io("first\nsecond\nthird") do'l =~ /third/') end out_str.must_equal "third\n" end it "should sum line from stdin and send it to stdout" do out_str = local_io("1\n2\nthird\n4") do @cli.sum('l.to_i * 2') end out_str.must_equal "14.0\n" end it "should sort by stdin and send the result to stdout" do out_str = local_io("a\nbbb\ncc\ndddd") do @cli.sort_by('l.length') end out_str.must_equal "a\ncc\nbbb\ndddd\n" end it "should grep stdin and send the result to stdout" do out_str = local_io("bbbb\nbbb\ncc\ndddd") do @cli.grep('/^b/', 'l.upcase') end out_str.must_equal "BBBB\nBBB\n" end it "should count_by an algorithm and output to stdout" do out_str = local_io("bbbb\nbbb\ncc\ndddd") do @cli.count_by('l =~ /^(..)/;$1') end expected = {"bb" => 2, "cc" => 1, "dd" => 1} YAML.load(out_str).must_equal expected end it "should remove empty lines from stdin and output to stdout" do out_str = local_io("bbbb\n\ncc\n") do @cli.compact end out_str.must_equal "bbbb\ncc\n" end it "should keep unique lines from stdin and output them to stdout" do out_str = local_io("1\n2\n2\n3") do @cli.uniq end out_str.must_equal "1\n2\n3\n" end it "should merge lines in group of n output them to stdout" do out_str = local_io("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8") do @cli.merge(3, ",") end out_str.must_equal "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8\n" end end