(* Test/exercise version: "1.1.0" *) open Core open OUnit2 open Change let printer = Option.value_map ~default:"None" ~f:(List.to_string ~f:Int.to_string) let ae exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal ~printer exp got let tests = [ "single coin change" >:: ae (Some [25]) (make_change ~target:25 ~coins:[1; 5; 10; 25; 100]); "multiple coin change" >:: ae (Some [5; 10]) (make_change ~target:15 ~coins:[1; 5; 10; 25; 100]); "change with Lilliputian Coins" >:: ae (Some [4; 4; 15]) (make_change ~target:23 ~coins:[1; 4; 15; 20; 50]); "change with Lower Elbonia Coins" >:: ae (Some [21; 21; 21]) (make_change ~target:63 ~coins:[1; 5; 10; 21; 25]); "large target values" >:: ae (Some [2; 2; 5; 20; 20; 50; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100]) (make_change ~target:999 ~coins:[1; 2; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100]); "possible change without unit coins available" >:: ae (Some [2; 2; 2; 5; 10]) (make_change ~target:21 ~coins:[2; 5; 10; 20; 50]); "another possible change without unit coins available" >:: ae (Some [4; 4; 4; 5; 5; 5]) (make_change ~target:27 ~coins:[4; 5]); "no coins make 0 change" >:: ae (Some []) (make_change ~target:0 ~coins:[1; 5; 10; 21; 25]); "error testing for change smaller than the smallest of coins" >:: ae None (make_change ~target:3 ~coins:[5; 10]); "error if no combination can add up to target" >:: ae None (make_change ~target:94 ~coins:[5; 10]); "cannot find negative change values" >:: ae None (make_change ~target:(-5) ~coins:[1; 2; 5]); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("change tests" >::: tests)