# lib/gemwarrior/world.rb # World where the locations, monsters, items, etc. exist require_relative 'entities/item' require_relative 'entities/location' module Gemwarrior class World # CONSTANTS ## WORLD DIMENSIONS WORLD_DIM_WIDTH = 10 WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT = 10 ## ERRORS ERROR_LIST_PARAM_INVALID = 'That is not something that can be listed.' ERROR_LOCATION_DESCRIBE_ENTITY_INVALID = 'You do not see that here.' attr_accessor :monsters, :locations, :player, :debug_mode def initialize self.monsters = init_monsters self.locations = init_locations self.player = nil end def print_all_vars puts "======================\n" puts "All Variables in World\n" puts "======================\n" puts "#{list("players", true)}\n" puts "#{list("monsters", true)}\n\n" puts "#{list("items", true)}\n\n" puts "#{list("locations", true)}\n" end def print_map 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT-1) do |count_y| print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH-1) do print '---' end print "\n" print "#{(WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT-1) - count_y} " 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH-1) do |count_x| cur_map_coords = {:x => count_x, :y => (WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT-1) - count_y} if self.player.cur_coords.eql?(cur_map_coords) print '|O|' elsif location_by_coords(cur_map_coords) print '|X|' else print '| |' end end print "\n" end print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH-1) do print '---' end puts print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH-1) do |count_x| print "#{count_x} " end return end def list(param, details = false) case param when 'players' puts '[PLAYERS]' player.check_self(false) when 'monsters' puts '[MONSTERS]' if details monsters.map { |m| print m.describe unless m.is_boss} monsters.map { |m| print m.describe if m.is_boss } return else monster_text = ">> monsters: #{monsters.map(&:name).join(', ')}" end when 'items' puts '[ITEMS]' if details locations.each do |l| l.items.map { |i| print i.status } end return else item_list = [] locations.each do |l| l.items.map { |i| item_list << i.name } end ">> #{item_list.sort.join(', ')}" end when 'locations' puts '[LOCATIONS]' if details locations.map { |l| print l.status } return else ">> #{locations.map(&:name).join(', ')}" end else ERROR_LIST_PARAM_INVALID end end def location_by_coords(coords) locations.each do |l| if l.coords.eql?(coords) return l end end return nil end def location_coords_by_name(name) locations.each do |l| if l.name.eql? name return l.coords end end return nil end def describe(point) desc_text = "" desc_text << "[ #{point.name} ]\n" desc_text << point.description point.populate_monsters(self.monsters) unless point.checked_for_monsters? desc_text << point.list_items unless point.list_items.nil? desc_text << point.list_monsters unless point.list_monsters.nil? desc_text << point.list_bosses unless point.list_bosses.nil? desc_text << point.list_paths end def describe_entity(point, entity_name) if point.items.map(&:name).include?(entity_name) point.items.each do |i| if i.name.eql?(entity_name) return "#{i.description}" end end elsif if point.monsters_abounding.map(&:name).include?(entity_name) point.monsters_abounding.each do |m| if m.name.eql?(entity_name) return "#{m.description}" end end end elsif if point.bosses_abounding.map(&:name).include?(entity_name) point.bosses_abounding.each do |b| if b.name.eql?(entity_name) return "#{b.description}" end end end else ERROR_LOCATION_DESCRIBE_ENTITY_INVALID end end def can_move?(direction) location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).has_loc_to_the?(direction) end def has_monster_to_attack?(monster_name) possible_combatants = location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).monsters_abounding.map(&:name) | location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).bosses_abounding.map(&:name) possible_combatants.each do |combatant| if combatant.downcase.eql?(monster_name.downcase) return true end end return false end private def init_monsters require_relative 'entities/monsters/alexandrat' require_relative 'entities/monsters/amberoo' require_relative 'entities/monsters/amethystle' require_relative 'entities/monsters/apatiger' require_relative 'entities/monsters/aquamarine' require_relative 'entities/monsters/bloodstorm' require_relative 'entities/monsters/citrinaga' require_relative 'entities/monsters/coraliz' require_relative 'entities/monsters/cubicat' require_relative 'entities/monsters/diaman' require_relative 'entities/monsters/bosses/emerald' require_relative 'entities/monsters/bosses/garynetty' self.monsters = [ Alexandrat.new, Amberoo.new, Amethystle.new, Apatiger.new, Aquamarine.new, Bloodstorm.new, Citrinaga.new, Coraliz.new, Cubicat.new, Diaman.new, Emerald.new, Garynetty.new ] end def init_locations require_relative 'entities/items/bed' require_relative 'entities/items/feather' require_relative 'entities/items/gun' require_relative 'entities/items/stalactite' require_relative 'entities/items/stonemite' require_relative 'entities/items/stone' require_relative 'entities/items/throne' require_relative 'entities/items/tree' locations = [] locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Home', :description => 'The little, unimportant, decrepit hut that you live in.', :coords => {:x => 5, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => true, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :none, :items => [Bed.new, Stone.new], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Cave (Entrance)', :description => 'A nearby, dank entrance to a cavern, surely filled with stacktites, stonemites, and rocksites.', :coords => {:x => 6, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => true, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :low, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Cave (Antechamber)', :description => 'Now inside the entrance to the cavern, you confirm that there are stacktites, stonemites, rocksites, and even one or two pebblejites.', :coords => {:x => 7, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => true, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :moderate, :items => [Stalactite.new, Stonemite.new], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Cave (Nook)', :description => 'A depression in the cave wall casts a shadow over a small rock shelf.', :coords => {:x => 7, :y => 1}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => true, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :moderate, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Cave (Dropoff)', :description => 'Caves do not usually feature sudden chasms spilling down into an unknowable void, but this one does.', :coords => {:x => 8, :y => 1}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => false, :south => true, :west => true}, :danger_level => :moderate, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Cave (Causeway)', :description => 'Paths lead north and west, but nothing of interest is in this causeway.', :coords => {:x => 8, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => false, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :moderate, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Forest', :description => 'Trees exist here, in droves.', :coords => {:x => 4, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => true, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :low, :items => [Feather.new, Tree.new], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Pain Desert (Southeast)', :description => 'Horrible terribleness emanates from this desolate land of unkind misery.', :coords => {:x => 3, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => true, :south => false, :west => true}, :danger_level => :assured, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [Garynetty.new] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Pain Desert (Northeast)', :description => 'Horrible terribleness emanates from this desolate land of unkind misery.', :coords => {:x => 3, :y => 1}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => false, :south => true, :west => true}, :danger_level => :assured, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [Garynetty.new] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Pain Desert (Northwest)', :description => 'Horrible terribleness emanates from this desolate land of unkind misery.', :coords => {:x => 2, :y => 1}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => true, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :assured, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [Garynetty.new] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Pain Desert (Southwest)', :description => 'Horrible terribleness emanates from this desolate land of unkind misery.', :coords => {:x => 2, :y => 0}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => true, :south => false, :west => false}, :danger_level => :assured, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [Garynetty.new] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Plains', :description => 'A lot of grass and nothing, but you see a mysterious tower further north, and your home to the south.', :coords => {:x => 5, :y => 1}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => false, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :low, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Sky Tower (Entrance)', :description => 'The craziest guy that ever existed is inside the towering structure of cloud floors and snow walls standing before you.', :coords => {:x => 5, :y => 2}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => false, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :high, :items => [Gun.new], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Sky Tower (Foyer)', :description => 'There appears to be one path forward, towards the throne room.', :coords => {:x => 5, :y => 3}, :locs_connected => {:north => true, :east => false, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :high, :items => [], :bosses_abounding => [] }) ) locations.push(Location.new({ :name => 'Sky Tower (Throne Room)', :description => 'There, on a mighty seat made of broken dreams, sits Emerald himself, staring at you coldly, silently.', :coords => {:x => 5, :y => 4}, :locs_connected => {:north => false, :east => false, :south => true, :west => false}, :danger_level => :high, :items => [Throne.new], :bosses_abounding => [Emerald.new] }) ) end end end