require 'pg' class PgReindex MIN_SIZE = 50 # megabyte min, total table size def initialize(conf) @cfg = {:host => conf['host'] || '', :dbname => conf['database'], :user => conf['username'] || `whoami`.chop, :password => conf['password'] || 'password', :port => conf['port'].to_s} @conn = @cfg end def get_struct_relations(min_size = nil) res = get_raw_relations result = {} res.each do |row| next if row['total_size'].to_i < ((min_size || MIN_SIZE).to_f * 1024 * 1024).to_i result[row['table']] ||= [] result[row['table']] << row end result = result.sort_by{|el| el[1][0]['total_size'].to_i}.reverse result = do |table, res| [table, res] end result end def filter_relations(filter) # filter is a string with , return [] if !filter || filter.empty? filter = filter.split(",") do |row| filter.include?(row['index']) || filter.include?(row['table']) end end def get_raw_relations res = @conn.exec <<-SQL SELECT C.relname AS "table", i.relname "index", i.oid "index_oid", pg_relation_size(C.oid) AS "size", pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) AS "total_size", pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "size_p", pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size_p", pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) - pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_i_size_p", pg_relation_size(i.oid) as "i_size", pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(i.oid)) as "i_size_p", ix.indisprimary as "primary" FROM pg_class C, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_namespace N WHERE nspname IN ('public') AND C.oid = ix.indrelid and i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND C.oid = ix.indrelid and i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND C.relname not like 'pg_%' AND N.oid = C.relnamespace ORDER BY c.relname, i.relname SQL end def get_index_size(relation_name) res = @conn.exec "SELECT pg_relation_size(oid) as i_size, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(oid)) as i_size_p from pg_class WHERE relname = E'#{relation_name}'" res[0] rescue {} end def install_swap_for_pkey @conn.exec("create language plpgsql") rescue nil @conn.exec(swap_for_pkey_sql) end def check_swap_for_pkey res = @conn.exec <<-SQL SELECT proname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON pronamespace = n.oid WHERE nspname = 'public' and proname = 'swap_for_pkey' SQL res.count == 1 end def swap_for_pkey_sql <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION swap_for_pkey(text,text,text) returns integer AS $$ DECLARE cmd text; oid1 integer; oid2 integer; filenode1 integer; filenode2 integer; relation text; BEGIN select oid::integer into oid1 from pg_class where relname=$2 and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname=$1); RAISE NOTICE 'PKEY OID: %',oid1; select relfilenode::integer into filenode1 from pg_class where oid=oid1; select oid::integer into oid2 from pg_class where relname=$3 and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname=$1); RAISE NOTICE 'PKEY OID: %',oid2; select relfilenode::integer into filenode2 from pg_class where oid=oid2; select (indrelid::regclass)::text into relation from pg_index where indexrelid=oid1; RAISE NOTICE 'RELATION NAME: %',relation; cmd:='LOCK '||relation||';'; RAISE NOTICE 'Executing :- %',cmd; Execute cmd; cmd:='UPDATE pg_class SET relfilenode='||filenode2|| ' WHERE oid='||oid1||';'; RAISE NOTICE 'Executing :- %',cmd; Execute cmd; cmd:='UPDATE pg_class SET relfilenode='||filenode1|| ' WHERE oid='||oid2||';'; RAISE NOTICE 'Executing :- %',cmd; Execute cmd; cmd:='DROP INDEX '||$1||'.'||$3||';'; RAISE NOTICE 'Executing :- %',cmd; Execute cmd; return 0; END; $$language plpgsql; SQL end def database_size(database) res = @conn.exec("SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('#{database}')) as db_size") res.first['db_size'] end def index_sqls(index_row) index_sql_array(index_row['table'], index_row['index_oid'], index_row['index'], index_row['primary'] == 't') end def index_sql_array(table, oid, name, primary = false) new_name = if name.size < 61 name + "_2" else name[0..-3] + "_2" end if primary [ index_sql(oid, name, new_name), "ANALYZE #{table}", "SELECT swap_for_pkey('public', '#{name}', '#{new_name}')" ] else [ index_sql(oid, name, new_name), "ANALYZE #{table}", "DROP INDEX #{name}", "ALTER INDEX #{new_name} RENAME TO #{name}" ] end end def index_sql(oid, name, new_name) str = index_def(oid).sub(name, new_name) pos = str.index(new_name) before = str[0..pos-2] after = str[pos..-1] "#{before} CONCURRENTLY #{after}" end def index_def(oid) sql = "SELECT pg_get_indexdef(#{oid}) as q" exec(sql)[0]['q'] end def exec(sql) @conn.exec sql end def queries @conn.exec <<-SQL SELECT procpid, now() - query_start as age, current_query FROM pg_stat_activity AS a JOIN pg_locks AS l ON a.procpid = WHERE virtualxid IS NOT NULL order by age desc; SQL end def cancel(procpid) @conn.exec("select pg_cancel_backend(#{procpid.to_i})") end def have_rebuild_for_relation?(relation) res = @conn.exec "select has_table_privilege(E'#{@cfg[:user]}', E'#{relation}', 'update,references')" res[0]['has_table_privilege'] == 't' ? true : false rescue false end end