class Auth::Work::Communication include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern ################################################################### ## ## ## ACCESSORS FOR CYCLE AND PRODUCT IDS. ## ## ################################################################### ## since we already find the cart item, instruction, cycle or product at the beginning, will store these as attr accessors, not naming as instruction/cycle/cart_item/product because i don't want to interfere with mongoid, which ideally should be setting these , but is not. attr_accessor :_instruction attr_accessor :_instruction_index attr_accessor :_cart_item ## the communications own index in the instruction, or whatever is its parent. attr_accessor :_index attr_accessor :_product attr_accessor :_cycle attr_accessor :_cycle_index ################################################################### ## ## ## RELATIONS. ## ## ################################################################### ## now give the view to show this embedded_in :cycle, :class_name => "Auth::Work::Cycle", :polymorphic => true ## add embedded in products. embedded_in :instruction, :class_name => "Auth::Work::Instruction", :polymorphic => true ################################################################### ## ## ## METHODS FOR DEFER JOB. ## ## ################################################################### field :method_to_determine_defer_job, type: String ################################################################### ## ## ## BASIC DESCRIPTION ## ## ################################################################### field :name, type: String field :description, type: String ################################################################### ## ## ## EMAIL ## ## ################################################################### field :send_email, type: String field :email_template_path, type: String ################################################################### ## ## ## RECIPIENT DETERMINATION. ## ## ################################################################### ## this method is called on self. ## and the self id is passed as an argument. ## eg : self.send("instruction.cart_item.get_recipients", field :method_to_determine_recipients, type: String ## this is got by calling the above method. ## this is not a permitted parameter. ## so this consists of what exactly ? ## the hash is checked for the existence of two keys. ## ## how to configure notification repeats ? ## for eg someone books a 3 times a year diabetes plan. ## when should the notifications be set ? ## how to configure that ? field :recipients, type: Hash ################################################################### ## ## ## communication REPEATS ## ## ################################################################### ## "daily,weekly,monthly,yearly" field :repeat, type: String ## how many times to repeat it. field :repeat_times, type: Integer, default: 1 ## this is called to determine when to send this communication. field :method_to_determine_communication_timing, type: String ## enqueue_at_time ## this is not a permitted parameters. field :enqueue_at_time, type: Time ## how many times was this notification repeated till now? field :repeated_times, type: Integer, default: 0 def set_recipients self.recipients = {:users => [],:topics => []} if self.method_to_determine_recipients.nil? puts "no method to determine recipients." if self._instruction if self._cart_item resource_id = self._cart_item.resource_id resource_class = self._cart_item.resource_class self.recipients[:users] << resource_class.constantize.find(resource_id) elsif self.product_id resource_id = self._product.resource_id resource_class = self._product.resource_class self.recipients[:users] << resource_class.constantize.find(resource_id) end else puts "no instruction found." end else self.recipients = self.send("#{self.method_to_determine_recipients}", end end def set_enqueue_at if self.method_to_determine_communication_timing.nil? self.enqueue_at_time = else self.enqueue_at_time = self.send("#{self.method_to_determine_communication_timing}", end self.enqueue_at_time end def repeat_options [ ["Daily","Daily"], ["Weekly","Weekly"], ["Monthly","Monthly"], ["Yearly","Yearly"], ["Half-Monthly","Half-Monthly"], ["Saturday","Saturday"], ["Sunday","Sunday"], ["Monday","Monday"], ["Tuesday","Tuesday"], ["Wednesday","Wednesday"] ] end def decrement_repeated_times if self._product Auth.configuration.product_class.constantize.where({ "instructions.#{self._instruction_index}.communications.#{self._index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId( }).find_one_and_update( { "$inc" => { "instructions.#{self._instruction_index}.communications.#{self._index}.repeated_times" => 1 } }, { :return_document => :after } ) elsif self._cart_item Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.where({ "instructions.#{self._instruction_index}.communications.#{self._index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId( }).find_one_and_update( { "$inc" => { "instructions.#{self._instruction_index}.communications.#{self._index}.repeated_times" => 1 } }, { :return_document => :after } ) elsif self._cycle #coll = Auth.configuration.cycle_class.constantize.collection end end def enqueue_repeat if self.repeated_times < self.repeat_times if self.repeat if self.decrement_repeated_times puts "repeated times" puts self.repeated_times puts "repeat times." puts self.repeat_times enqueue_repeat_at = nil case self.repeat when "Daily" enqueue_repeat_at = + when "Weekly" enqueue_repeat_at = + 1.week when "Monthly" enqueue_repeat_at = + 1.month when "Yearly" enqueue_repeat_at = + 1.year when "Half-Monthly" enqueue_repeat_at = + 6.months end args = {} args[:instruction_id] = if self._instruction args[:communication_id] = args[:cart_item_id] = if self._cart_item args[:product_id] = if self._product args[:cycle_id] = if self._cycle CommunicationJob.set(wait_until: enqueue_repeat_at).perform_later(args) end end end end ## @return[Boolean] : will return false if there is no method defined which can help to determine if the job should be done or deferred. Will otherwise call that method, and return its result. ## that method is expected to return a Time object that will be used by the communicationJob to requeue itself. def defer_job return false if self.method_to_determine_defer_job.nil? self.send("#{self.method_to_determine_defer_job}", end ## @return[Time] : returns a time object at which this job should be reenqueud. If it does not return a time object, then the job is not to be reenqueud, and basically was done immediately. def deliver_all defer_job_result = defer_job unless defer_job_result == false return defer_job_result end set_recipients deliver_email deliver_sms deliver_mobile_notification enqueue_repeat return nil end def get_parent_object self._instruction || self._cycle end def deliver_email return unless self.send_email == "on" self.recipients[:users].each do |recipient| puts "checking email recipient." puts puts recipient.confirmed_at.to_s if && recipient.confirmed_at puts "sending email." Auth::SendMail.send_email({to:, subject: get_parent_object.get_email_subject, content: get_parent_object.get_email_content, link: get_parent_object.get_link}).deliver end end end def deliver_sms self.recipients[:users].each do |recipient| if recipient.additional_login_param ################################################### ## SET NUMBER ################################################### to_number = recipient.additional_login_param ################################################### ## SET TEMPLATE NAME ################################################### template_name = Auth.configuration.two_factor_otp_transactional_sms_template_name ################################################### ## ## ## SET VAR HASH ## ## ################################################### var_hash = {:var2 => get_parent_object.get_link, :var1 => get_parent_object.get_sms_content} ######################################################## ## SET TEMPLATE SENDER ID ####################################################### template_sender_id = Auth.configuration.two_factor_otp_transactional_sms_template_sender_id ######################################################## ## ONLY SEND THE SMS IF THE VAR HASH CONTAINS DATA. url = "" params = { apikey: Auth.configuration.third_party_api_keys[:two_factor_sms_api_key], to: to_number, from: template_sender_id, templatename: template_name, }.merge(var_hash) request = url, params: params, timeout: 10 ) response = end end end def deliver_mobile_notification end ##################################################################### ## ## ## CLASS METHODS. ## ## ##################################################################### def self.find_communication(arguments) communication_id = arguments[:communication_id] instruction_id = arguments[:instruction_id] cart_item_id = arguments[:cart_item_id] if communication_id && instruction_id && cart_item_id if cart_item = Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.find(cart_item_id) instruction = nil instruction_index = nil communication = nil communication_index = nil cart_item.instructions.each_with_index{|value,key| if == instruction_id instruction = value instruction_index = key end } instruction.communications.each_with_index{|value,key| if == communication_id communication = value communication_index = key end } instruction.cart_item_id = cart_item_id communication._instruction = instruction communication._cart_item = cart_item communication._instruction_index = instruction_index communication._index = communication_index return communication end elsif communication_id && instruction_id && product_id end end end