 * jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * @author  : Washington Botelho
 * @doc     : http://wbotelhos.com/raty
 * @version : 2.5.2

;(function($) {

    var methods = {
        init: function(settings) {
            return this.each(function() {

                this.opt = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.raty.defaults, settings);

                var that  = $(this),
                    inits = ['number', 'readOnly', 'score', 'scoreName'];

                methods._callback.call(this, inits);

                if (this.opt.precision) {

                this.opt.number = methods._between(this.opt.number, 0, this.opt.numberMax);

                this.opt.path = this.opt.path || '';

                if (this.opt.path && this.opt.path.charAt( this.opt.path.length - 1 ) !== '/') {
                    this.opt.path += '/';

                this.stars = methods._createStars.call(this);
                this.score = methods._createScore.call(this);

                methods._apply.call(this, this.opt.score);

                var space  = this.opt.space ? 4 : 0,
                    width  = this.opt.width || (this.opt.number * this.opt.size + this.opt.number * space);

                if (this.opt.cancel) {
                    this.cancel = methods._createCancel.call(this);

                    width += (this.opt.size + space);

                if (this.opt.readOnly) {
                } else {
                    that.css('cursor', 'pointer');

                if (this.opt.width !== false) {
                    that.css('width', width);

                methods._target.call(this, this.opt.score);

                that.data({ 'settings': this.opt, 'raty': true });
        }, _adjustPrecision: function() {
            this.opt.targetType = 'score';
            this.opt.half       = true;
        }, _apply: function(score) {
            if (score && score > 0) {
                score = methods._between(score, 0, this.opt.number);

            methods._fill.call(this, score);

            if (score) {
                methods._roundStars.call(this, score);
        }, _between: function(value, min, max) {
            return Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(value), min), max);
        }, _binds: function() {
            if (this.cancel) {

        }, _bindCancel: function() {
        }, _bindClick: function() {
            var self = this,
                that = $(self);

            self.stars.on('click.raty', function(evt) {
                self.score.val((self.opt.half || self.opt.precision) ? that.data('score') : this.alt);

                if (self.opt.click) {
                    self.opt.click.call(self, parseFloat(self.score.val()), evt);
        }, _bindClickCancel: function() {
            var self = this;

            self.cancel.on('click.raty', function(evt) {

                if (self.opt.click) {
                    self.opt.click.call(self, null, evt);
        }, _bindOut: function() {
            var self = this;

            $(this).on('mouseleave.raty', function(evt) {
                var score = parseFloat(self.score.val()) || undefined;

                methods._apply.call(self, score);
                methods._target.call(self, score, evt);

                if (self.opt.mouseout) {
                    self.opt.mouseout.call(self, score, evt);
        }, _bindOutCancel: function() {
            var self = this;

            self.cancel.on('mouseleave.raty', function(evt) {
                $(this).attr('src', self.opt.path + self.opt.cancelOff);

                if (self.opt.mouseout) {
                    self.opt.mouseout.call(self, self.score.val() || null, evt);
        }, _bindOverCancel: function() {
            var self = this;

            self.cancel.on('mouseover.raty', function(evt) {
                $(this).attr('src', self.opt.path + self.opt.cancelOn);

                self.stars.attr('src', self.opt.path + self.opt.starOff);

                methods._target.call(self, null, evt);

                if (self.opt.mouseover) {
                    self.opt.mouseover.call(self, null);
        }, _bindOver: function() {
            var self   = this,
                that   = $(self),
                action = self.opt.half ? 'mousemove.raty' : 'mouseover.raty';

            self.stars.on(action, function(evt) {
                var score = parseInt(this.alt, 10);

                if (self.opt.half) {
                    var position = parseFloat((evt.pageX - $(this).offset().left) / self.opt.size),
                        plus     = (position > .5) ? 1 : .5;

                    score = score - 1 + plus;

                    methods._fill.call(self, score);

                    if (self.opt.precision) {
                        score = score - plus + position;

                    methods._roundStars.call(self, score);

                    that.data('score', score);
                } else {
                    methods._fill.call(self, score);

                methods._target.call(self, score, evt);

                if (self.opt.mouseover) {
                    self.opt.mouseover.call(self, score, evt);
        }, _callback: function(options) {
            for (var i in options) {
                if (typeof this.opt[options[i]] === 'function') {
                    this.opt[options[i]] = this.opt[options[i]].call(this);
        }, _createCancel: function() {
            var that   = $(this),
                icon   = this.opt.path + this.opt.cancelOff,
                cancel = $('<img />', { src: icon, alt: 'x', title: this.opt.cancelHint, 'class': 'raty-cancel' });

            if (this.opt.cancelPlace == 'left') {
            } else {

            return cancel;
        }, _createScore: function() {
            return $('<input />', { type: 'hidden', name: this.opt.scoreName }).appendTo(this);
        }, _createStars: function() {
            var that = $(this);

            for (var i = 1; i <= this.opt.number; i++) {
                var title = methods._getHint.call(this, i),
                    icon  = (this.opt.score && this.opt.score >= i) ? 'starOn' : 'starOff';

                icon = this.opt.path + this.opt[icon];

                $('<img />', { src : icon, alt: i, title: title }).appendTo(this);

                if (this.opt.space) {
                    that.append((i < this.opt.number) ? '&#160;' : '');

            return that.children('img');
        }, _error: function(message) {

        }, _fill: function(score) {
            var self  = this,
                hash  = 0;

            for (var i = 1; i <= self.stars.length; i++) {
                var star   = self.stars.eq(i - 1),
                    select = self.opt.single ? (i == score) : (i <= score);

                if (self.opt.iconRange && self.opt.iconRange.length > hash) {
                    var irange = self.opt.iconRange[hash],
                        on     = irange.on  || self.opt.starOn,
                        off    = irange.off || self.opt.starOff,
                        icon   = select ? on : off;

                    if (i <= irange.range) {
                        star.attr('src', self.opt.path + icon);

                    if (i == irange.range) {
                } else {
                    var icon = select ? 'starOn' : 'starOff';

                    star.attr('src', this.opt.path + this.opt[icon]);
        }, _getHint: function(score) {
            var hint = this.opt.hints[score - 1];
            return (hint === '') ? '' : (hint || score);
        }, _lock: function() {
            var score = parseInt(this.score.val(), 10), // TODO: 3.1 >> [['1'], ['2'], ['3', '.1', '.2']]
                hint  = score ? methods._getHint.call(this, score) : this.opt.noRatedMsg;

            $(this).data('readonly', true).css('cursor', '').attr('title', hint);

            this.score.attr('readonly', 'readonly');
            this.stars.attr('title', hint);

            if (this.cancel) {
        }, _roundStars: function(score) {
            var rest = (score - Math.floor(score)).toFixed(2);

            if (rest > this.opt.round.down) {
                var icon = 'starOn';                                 // Up:   [x.76 .. x.99]

                if (this.opt.halfShow && rest < this.opt.round.up) { // Half: [x.26 .. x.75]
                    icon = 'starHalf';
                } else if (rest < this.opt.round.full) {             // Down: [x.00 .. x.5]
                    icon = 'starOff';

                this.stars.eq(Math.ceil(score) - 1).attr('src', this.opt.path + this.opt[icon]);
            }                              // Full down: [x.00 .. x.25]
        }, _target: function(score, evt) {
            if (this.opt.target) {
                var target = $(this.opt.target);

                if (target.length === 0) {
                    methods._error.call(this, 'Target selector invalid or missing!');

                if (this.opt.targetFormat.indexOf('{score}') < 0) {
                    methods._error.call(this, 'Template "{score}" missing!');

                var mouseover = evt && evt.type == 'mouseover';

                if (score === undefined) {
                    score = this.opt.targetText;
                } else if (score === null) {
                    score = mouseover ? this.opt.cancelHint : this.opt.targetText;
                } else {
                    if (this.opt.targetType == 'hint') {
                        score = methods._getHint.call(this, Math.ceil(score));
                    } else if (this.opt.precision) {
                        score = parseFloat(score).toFixed(1);

                    if (!mouseover && !this.opt.targetKeep) {
                        score = this.opt.targetText;

                if (score) {
                    score = this.opt.targetFormat.toString().replace('{score}', score);

                if (target.is(':input')) {
                } else {
        }, _unlock: function() {
            $(this).data('readonly', false).css('cursor', 'pointer').removeAttr('title');

            this.score.removeAttr('readonly', 'readonly');

            for (var i = 0; i < this.opt.number; i++) {
                this.stars.eq(i).attr('title', methods._getHint.call(this, i + 1));

            if (this.cancel) {
                this.cancel.css('display', '');
        }, cancel: function(click) {
            return this.each(function() {
                if ($(this).data('readonly') !== true) {
                    methods[click ? 'click' : 'score'].call(this, null);
        }, click: function(score) {
            return $(this).each(function() {
                if ($(this).data('readonly') !== true) {
                    methods._apply.call(this, score);

                    if (!this.opt.click) {
                        methods._error.call(this, 'You must add the "click: function(score, evt) { }" callback.');

                    this.opt.click.call(this, score, $.Event('click'));

                    methods._target.call(this, score);
        }, destroy: function() {
            return $(this).each(function() {
                var that = $(this),
                    raw  = that.data('raw');

                if (raw) {
                    that.off('.raty').empty().css({ cursor: raw.style.cursor, width: raw.style.width }).removeData('readonly');
                } else {
                    that.data('raw', that.clone()[0]);
        }, getScore: function() {
            var score = [],
                value ;

            $(this).each(function() {
                value = this.score.val();

                score.push(value ? parseFloat(value) : undefined);

            return (score.length > 1) ? score : score[0];
        }, readOnly: function(readonly) {
            return this.each(function() {
                var that = $(this);

                if (that.data('readonly') !== readonly) {
                    if (readonly) {

                    } else {

                    that.data('readonly', readonly);
        }, reload: function() {
            return methods.set.call(this, {});
        }, score: function() {
            return arguments.length ? methods.setScore.apply(this, arguments) : methods.getScore.call(this);
        }, set: function(settings) {
            return this.each(function() {
                var that   = $(this),
                    actual = that.data('settings'),
                    news   = $.extend({}, actual, settings);

        }, setScore: function(score) {
            return $(this).each(function() {
                if ($(this).data('readonly') !== true) {
                    methods._apply.call(this, score);
                    methods._target.call(this, score);

    $.fn.raty = function(method) {
        if (methods[method]) {
            return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
            return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
        } else {
            $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist!');

    $.fn.raty.defaults = {
        cancel        : false,
        cancelHint    : 'Cancel this rating!',
        cancelOff     : 'cancel-off.png',
        cancelOn      : 'cancel-on.png',
        cancelPlace   : 'left',
        click         : undefined,
        half          : false,
        halfShow      : true,
        hints         : ['bad', 'poor', 'regular', 'good', 'gorgeous'],
        iconRange     : undefined,
        mouseout      : undefined,
        mouseover     : undefined,
        noRatedMsg    : 'Not rated yet!',
        number        : 5,
        numberMax     : 20,
        path          : '',
        precision     : false,
        readOnly      : false,
        round         : { down: .25, full: .6, up: .76 },
        score         : undefined,
        scoreName     : 'score',
        single        : false,
        size          : 16,
        space         : true,
        starHalf      : 'star-half.png',
        starOff       : 'star-off.png',
        starOn        : 'star-on.png',
        target        : undefined,
        targetFormat  : '{score}',
        targetKeep    : false,
        targetText    : '',
        targetType    : 'hint',
        width         : undefined
