# frozen_string_literal: true require 'hako/app_container' require 'hako/container' require 'hako/env_expander' require 'hako/error' require 'hako/fronts' require 'hako/loader' require 'hako/schedulers' require 'hako/scripts' module Hako class Commander def initialize(app) @app = app end def deploy(force: false, tag: 'latest', dry_run: false) containers = load_containers(tag, dry_run: dry_run) scheduler = load_scheduler(@app.yaml['scheduler'], force: force, dry_run: dry_run) scripts = @app.yaml.fetch('scripts', []).map { |config| load_script(config, dry_run: dry_run) } scripts.each { |script| script.before_deploy(containers) } scheduler.deploy(containers) scripts.each { |script| script.after_deploy(containers) } end def oneshot(commands, tag:, containers:, env: {}, dry_run: false) containers = load_containers(tag, dry_run: dry_run, with: containers) scripts = @app.yaml.fetch('scripts', []).map { |config| load_script(config, dry_run: dry_run) } scheduler = load_scheduler(@app.yaml['scheduler'], scripts, dry_run: dry_run) exit_code = with_oneshot_signal_handlers(scheduler) do scheduler.oneshot(containers, commands, env) end exit exit_code end def status load_scheduler(@app.yaml['scheduler'], []).status end def remove scripts = @app.yaml.fetch('scripts', []).map { |config| load_script(config, dry_run: dry_run) } load_scheduler(@app.yaml['scheduler'], scripts).remove scripts.each(&:after_remove) end private TRAP_SIGNALS = %i[INT TERM].freeze class SignalTrapped < StandardError; end def with_oneshot_signal_handlers(scheduler, &block) old_handlers = {} trapped = false exit_code = nil begin TRAP_SIGNALS.each do |sig| old_handlers[sig] = Signal.trap(sig) { raise SignalTrapped } end exit_code = block.call rescue SignalTrapped trapped = true ensure old_handlers.each do |sig, command| Signal.trap(sig, command) end end if trapped exit_code = scheduler.stop_oneshot end exit_code end def load_containers(tag, dry_run:, with: nil) app = AppContainer.new(@app, @app.yaml['app'].merge('tag' => tag), dry_run: dry_run) front = if @app.yaml.key?('front') load_front(@app.yaml['front'], dry_run: dry_run) end containers = { 'app' => app, 'front' => front } @app.yaml.fetch('additional_containers', {}).each do |name, container| containers[name] = Container.new(@app, container, dry_run: dry_run) end if with keys = ['app'] + with containers.keys.each do |key| unless keys.include?(key) containers.delete(key) end end end containers end def load_scheduler(yaml, scripts, force: false, dry_run: false) Loader.new(Hako::Schedulers, 'hako/schedulers').load(yaml.fetch('type')).new(@app.id, yaml, scripts: scripts, force: force, dry_run: dry_run) end def load_front(yaml, dry_run:) Loader.new(Hako::Fronts, 'hako/fronts').load(yaml.fetch('type')).new(@app, yaml, dry_run: dry_run) end def load_script(yaml, dry_run:) Loader.new(Hako::Scripts, 'hako/scripts').load(yaml.fetch('type')).new(@app, yaml, dry_run: dry_run) end end end