# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2008-16 Peter H. Boling of RailsBling.com # Released under the MIT license module SanitizeEmail # Tools for overriding addresses class OverriddenAddresses # Raised when after applying all sanitization rules there are no addresses to send the email to. class MissingTo < StandardError; end # Raised if there is a recipient type that sanitize_email doesn't recognize. # If you get this error please report it. # recognized recipient types are: TO, CC, and BCC class UnknownOverride < StandardError; end REPLACE_AT = [/@/, ' at '].freeze REPLACE_ALLIGATOR = [/[<>]/, '~'].freeze attr_accessor :overridden_to, :overridden_cc, :overridden_bcc, :good_list, # White-listed addresses will not be molested as to, cc, or bcc :bad_list, # Black-listed addresses will be removed from to, cc and bcc when sanitization is engaged :sanitized_to, :sanitized_cc, :sanitized_bcc # Replace non-white-listed addresses with these sanitized addresses. def initialize(message, **args) # Not using extract_options! because non-rails compatibility is a goal args = SanitizeEmail::Config.to_init.merge(args) @sanitized_to = args[:sanitized_to] @sanitized_cc = args[:sanitized_cc] @sanitized_bcc = args[:sanitized_bcc] @good_list = args[:good_list] || [] @bad_list = args[:bad_list] || [] @overridden_to = to_override(message.to) @overridden_cc = cc_override(message.cc) @overridden_bcc = bcc_override(message.bcc) end # Allow good listed email addresses, and then remove the bad listed addresses def good_listize(real_addresses) good_listed = clean_addresses(real_addresses, :good_list) good_listed = clean_addresses(good_listed, :bad_list) unless good_listed.empty? good_listed end def to_override(actual_addresses) to = override_email(:to, actual_addresses) raise MissingTo, "after overriding :to (#{actual_addresses}) there are no addresses to send in To: header." if to.empty? to.join(',') end def cc_override(actual_addresses) override_email(:cc, actual_addresses).join(',') end def bcc_override(actual_addresses) override_email(:bcc, actual_addresses).join(',') end def override_email(type, actual_addresses) # Normalized to an arrays # puts "override_email 1: #{type} - #{actual_addresses}" real_addresses = Array(actual_addresses) # puts "override_email 2: #{type} - #{real_addresses}" # If there were no original recipients, then we DO NOT override the nil with the sanitized recipients return [] if real_addresses.empty? good_listed = good_listize(real_addresses) # puts "override_email 3: #{type} - #{good_listed}" # If there are good_list addresses to send to then use them as is, no mods needed return good_listed unless good_listed.empty? # TODO: Allow overriding if an addressed email is on the good list? # If there are no sanitized addresses we can't override! sanitized_addresses = sanitize_addresses(type) # puts "override_email 4: #{type} - #{sanitized_addresses}" return [] if sanitized_addresses.empty? # At this point it is assured that the address list will need to be sanitized # One more check to ensure none of the configured sanitized email addresses are on the bad_list sanitized_addresses = clean_addresses(sanitized_addresses, :bad_list) # puts "override_email 5: #{type} - #{sanitized_addresses}" # If we don't want to inject the "email" in the "user name" section of the sanitized recipients, # then just return the default sanitized recipients return sanitized_addresses unless SanitizeEmail.use_actual_email_as_sanitized_user_name with_user_names = inject_user_names(real_addresses, sanitized_addresses) # puts "real_addresses 2: #{real_addresses}" # puts "override_email 6: #{type} - #{with_user_names}" # Otherwise inject the email as the "user name" with_user_names end def address_list_filter(list_type, address) # TODO: How does this handle email addresses with user names like "Foo Example " has_address = send(list_type).include?(address) case list_type when :good_list then has_address ? address : nil when :bad_list then has_address ? nil : address end end def inject_user_names(real_addresses, sanitized_addresses) real_addresses.each_with_object([]) do |real_recipient, result| new_recipient = if real_recipient.nil? sanitized_addresses else # puts "SANITIZED: #{sanitized_addresses}" sanitized_addresses.map { |sanitized| "#{real_recipient.gsub(REPLACE_AT[0], REPLACE_AT[1]).gsub(/[<>]/, '~')} <#{sanitized}>" } end result << new_recipient end.flatten end def clean_addresses(addresses, list_type) # Normalize addresses just in case it isn't an array yet addresses.map do |address| # If this address is on the good list then let it pass address_list_filter(list_type, address) end.compact.uniq end def sanitize_addresses(type) case type when :to then Array(sanitized_to) when :cc then Array(sanitized_cc) when :bcc then Array(sanitized_bcc) else raise UnknownOverride, 'unknown email override' end end end end