#!/usr/bin/env bash . git-drover.demo.common.sh drover_c "This change needs to go to branch 9999" echo "# Make sure we have the most up-to-date branch sources." run git fetch echo echo "# Here's a commit (from some.committer) that we want to 'drover'." run git log -n 1 --pretty=fuller echo echo "# Checkout the branch we want to 'drover' to." run git checkout -b drover_9999 branch-heads/9999 echo echo "# Now do the 'drover'." echo "# IMPORTANT!!! Do Not leave off the '-x' flag" run git cherry-pick -x $(git show-ref -s pick_commit) echo echo "# That took the code authored by some.committer and committed it to" echo "# the branch by the person who drovered it (i.e. you)." run git log -n 1 --pretty=fuller echo echo "# Looks good. Ship it!" pcommand git cl upload echo "# Wait for LGTM or TBR it." run git cl land echo "# Or skip the LGTM/TBR and just 'git cl land --bypass-hooks'"