i can't breathe :( :(
off course lol i can see fergie's hairdryer coming at half time. :(
thanks babe!... :(
ht ot #manutd man utd 0-1 chelsea chelski :-(
pgn nyanyiin ini,tp nggak ada di listnya :( never knew i needed-neyo
got no cam for tom kua eh... :(
umm something is wrong with my bestie ugh who the hell has hurt you now baby :(
softball practice : ( sooooo tired.
im so sorry for unfollowing you all :( i really didnt mean to :/ ask to be refollowed & i will <3
we have boring! :(
-_- sms aja duluan sms aku dong, bt nih :( koneksinya lemot bbm
good morning and happy saturday! wish i had more time to tweet right now, but i don't :(
yo wass gud wit chu flea u said u was free yesterdai :(
it's 930 in the morning and i'm awake and i have no idea why :( why can't i just sleep in a little for once :'(
the one of very hot dayy !!!! :(
it's raining outside i'm crying inside :(
damnnnn. it's coz i'm ugly. :(
noooooo, dont do that! :(
rofl <3 they've stopped tweeting people now :( the bums!
لا قلتلك ; روح أنـآ ضآيق ! :( يعني آحضني متضآيق ({})!
i really want a hot breakfast...but it looks like i'll be eating cereal again :(
just woke up to find we have the new moon dvd which i will watch today.. although my headache still hasn't gone arh! :(
it is starting to get too hot for me :(
wow, well that was cold, now to edit with frozen fingers :(
i'm actually not omg :( nobody ever believes me
i have to usher at this funeral , o my . guess i wont be texting during this service :-(
can't find something to eat :( haha xd
oh ffs i am so pissed off now :-(
maby, i'm never gonna see my cousin again, :(
want a blackberry fone. :(
damai lagi, yg dkt rumah saja lah.. jauh kl k there sher.. :(
gorgeous day outside...so can anyone tell me why i'm in such a crappy mood today? :-(
because i also abused them for silly reason, i also told sorry at fb and told vjs but they r not unblocking :(
pretty please can you answer your formspring questions on the website as it's filling up my timeline :( thanks xx
ups.. lali..t.t sbut merk oen . >< fair aaa..? yaa itu ull . :( ambu"ne tentang cowok ik
hahahahaha you have to wait for a ipad! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just have to wait til it comes out i the uk :(
getting ready to head to work.... then got 3 chapters 2 read :(
i do hope the new doctor will be good, i miss david tennant. :(
sure is hon! hope u keep urs! it seems its the same all over! belt tightening has become a way of life in this country now! :(
just had a dream my boyfriend called me crying :( that was so sad..
yikes, thats a bummer. it ain't cheap getting new ones. expecially since our the insurance company don't refund anymore. :(
i know right ! life is unfair !!! :(
i'm so hungryy :( i ate once today.
its raining and im not talking to you :(
damn u emily de ravin for touchin my pattz ;prt sedih gila!! :( finally
everyone hates me :( also,
ohmygod! i died a little when i read "took me the whole day" :( why must life be so hard? d:
i`m really depressed :( `cos i`ve lost diamond ring which my cup of tea!!!!!! sugar !!!! where is my eternity ring (tt)
most of it is online. but the structure is all wrong :( i don't know why i moan, i wouldn't have had enough to read it anyway
whhoops. im sorry :( i thought you had gone
leavin', white striped gloves, red carpet, hollywood girl .. legendary songs that was sung by but wasn't on his cd :(
it hurts to say it, but i'd agree :(
hell yeah man..tp gw lg diluar..sedih :( tp pasti ada re run nya ya kan the pacific 8pm tonight!! fucking stoked!!
if you here to gimme a prince's kiss. . . but you are just an ogre :(
women! the ones who want me i don't want them & the one i want doesn't want me. :(
ewwww my day is ruined :( this old white dude like 70 or 80 tried to talk to me... wtf man.. he said he wanna show me a good time..aaaah
ironing boo hoo :-(
wakakkaa.. hantu will take you out,, take me out from here pleasee.. :(
diary dong..kyak angel.. jdi sma siapa aku bsa mencurahkan isi hati :( jgn curhat
haha i know the exact feeling !! well 2mro i will :( i can't sleep anymore lool the little one woke up at the wrong time lool !
i don't wanna go to work :(
this is depressing. :(
im so deeply grieved by the passing of ms. jilyn almendross, eventhough we don't know each other, but then i know she's a good person. :(
omigosh! got removed on youtube...this is sad. :( this-- #biebersupportback on youtube! help them!
yes it is ! shit dunno y this is happening :(