#+Title: Firetower README #+AUTHOR: Avdi Grimm #+EMAIL: avdi@avdi.org # Configuration: #+STARTUP: odd #+STARTUP: hi #+STARTUP: hidestars * Firetower [[file:images/BaldMountainLookout.jpg]] A command-line interface to the Campfire API (http://developer.37signals.com/campfire/) by [[mailto:avdi@avdi.org][Avdi Grimm]]. Also, a pretty simple way to create a Campfire bot. URL: http://github.com/avdi/firetower *** Requirements Linux - [[http://www.kfish.org/software/xsel/][xsel]] - [[apt:libnotify-bin][libnotify-bin]] OS X - growlnotify package from the Extras folder in Growl-1.x.y.dmg - 'Listen for incoming notifications' is checked in the Growl Preference Pane *** Install : sudo gem install firetower : firetower setup *** Command Usage ***** Say something in campfire : firetower say 'blah blah blah' ***** Say something to a non-default room : firetower say subdomain='mycompany' room='Water Cooler' 'blah blah blah' ***** Paste a code snippet into campfire : firetower paste < hello.rb ***** Paste from the clipboaord : firetower paste --from=clip ***** Paste the selected text : firetower paste --from=sel ***** Start server (for notifications, bots, etc.) : firetower start ***** Stop server : firetower stop *** Configuration Edit $HOME/.firetower/firetower.conf All configuration is done in Ruby. The context is a Firetower::Sesson object. You can add handlers for events: : receive do |session, event| : ... : end Or enable plugins: : use NotifyPlugin ***** Creating a bot Drop this in ~/.firetower/firetower.conf for a simple (and VERY UNSAFE!) demo of a Campfire bot which will eval arbitrary Ruby code whenever someone prefaces a message with "!eval": #+BEGIN_SRC ruby receive do |session, event| if event.text? && event =~ /^!eval (.*)$/ event.room.paste!(event.room.name, "Eval result:\n" + eval($1).to_s) end end #+END_SRC The event hooks are [[http://hookr.rubyforge.org][HookR]] events, so any number of handlers can be stacked on a given event. And more advanced usage are possible; for instance, you can attach a Listener object to receive all types of events. In fact, this last is how plugins are implemented. *** Plugin API If you want to write your own Firetower plugins, you should create a gem that contains a path something like this: : lib/firetower/plugins/my_awesome_plugin/init_v1.rb Firetower will load the init_v1.rb file on startup. Typically, a plugin will define a Firetower::Session::Listener class (or more than one) in the Firetower::Plugins namespace: #+BEGIN_SRC ruby module Firetower module Plugins class MyAwesomePlugin < Firetower::Session::Listener def startup(session) # Some one-time startup code... end def receive(session, event) # Some event-handling code... end end end end #+END_SRC Users can then enable your plugin by installing your gem and adding a line line to their firetower.conf: #+BEGIN_SRC ruby use MyAwesomePlugin #+END_SRC *** Not yet implemented: ***** TODO Join/leave rooms when subscribing/unsubscribing ***** TODO Fire all defined hooks, including :shutdown and :leave *** License (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2010 Avdi Grimm Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.