require 'logger' require 'httparty' require 'json' module EspressoPath ## # This class is the base client for the API class Client include HTTParty def initialize self.class.base_uri EspressoPath.configuration.base_url login(EspressoPath.configuration.user_name, EspressoPath.configuration.password) end def login(username, password) uri = URI.parse(EspressoPath.configuration.base_url + '/login') http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request.set_form_data(username: username, password: password) response = http.request(request) body = JSON.parse(response.body) @access_token = body['access_token'] @options = { headers: { Authorization: "Bearer #{@access_token}" } } end def map_services(type, level, ids, options = @options) options[:query] = { ids: ids } self.class.get("/mapservices/#{type}/#{level}", @options) end # Get Audience # # # ==== Attributes # * +daypart_ids+ - REQUIRED - Comma-separated list of daypart IDs. # * +demo_ids+ - Optional - Comma-separated list of demo IDs. Either this or custom_demo_ids must be provided. # * +custom_demo_ids+ - Optional - Comma-separated list of custom demo IDs. Either this or demo_ids must be provided. # * +panel_ids+ - REQUIRED - Comma-separated list of panel IDs. # * +market_id+ - REQUIRED - Market ID to get information for. # * +population_base+ - REQUIRED - Base population. def audience(daypart_ids, panel_ids, market_id, population_base, opts ={}) options = @options options[:query] = { daypart_ids: daypart_ids, panel_ids: panel_ids, market_id: market_id, population_base: population_base }.merge(opts) self.class.get('/audience', options) end # Get Home Audience # # # ==== Attributes # * +daypart_id+ - REQUIRED - Daypart ID to look for. # * +demo_id+ - Optional - Comma-separated list of demo IDs. Either this or custom_demo_ids must be provided. # * +custom_demo_id+ - Optional - Comma-separated list of custom demo IDs. Either this or demo_ids must be provided. # * +panel_ids+ - REQUIRED - Comma-separated list of panel IDs. # * +market_id+ - REQUIRED - Market ID to get information for. # * +population_base+ - REQUIRED - Base population. # * +reporting_level+ - REQUIRED - Geo level to get homes for. def audience_home(daypart_id, panel_ids, market_id, population_base, reporting_level, opts ={}) options = @options options[:query] = { daypart_id: daypart_id, panel_ids: panel_ids, market_id: market_id, reporting_level: reporting_level, population_base: population_base }.merge(opts) self.class.get('/audience/homes', options) end # Gets all Census Tracts def census_tracts self.class.get('/census-tracts', @options) end # Gets specified Census Tract # # ==== Attributes # # * +id+ - Required - Census TractID def census_tract(id) self.class.get("/census-tracts/#{id}", @options) end def counties self.class.get('/counties', @options) end def custom_demos self.class.get('/custom-demos', @options) end def custom_demo(id) self.class.get("/custom-demos/#{id}", @options) end # Create a Custom Demographic # # ==== Attributes # # * +name+ - Required - The name of demographic # * +age_min+ - Optional - The minimum age in the custom demo # * +age_max+ - Optional - The maximum age in the custom demo # * +hhinc_min+ - Optional - The minimum household income in the custom demo # * +hhinc_max+ - Optional - The maximum household income in the custom demo # * +races+ - Optional - The races included in the custom demo. Supported values are white, black, amerindian, asian, pacific, other # * +sex+ - Optional - The sex in the custom demo # * +employed+ - Optional - The employment status in the custom demo # * +audience+ - Required - Who can use this custom demo def create_custom_demo(name, audience = 'company', opts = {}) options = @options options[:query] = { name: name, audience: audience }.merge(opts)'/custom-demos', options) end # Update a Custom Demographic # # ==== Attributes # # * +id+ - Required - Custom Demographic ID # * +name+ - Optional - The name of demographic # * +age_min+ - Optional - The minimum age in the custom demo # * +age_max+ - Optional - The maximum age in the custom demo # * +hhinc_min+ - Optional - The minimum household income in the custom demo # * +hhinc_max+ - Optional - The maximum household income in the custom demo # * +races+ - Optional - The races included in the custom demo. Supported values are white, black, amerindian, asian, pacific, other # * +sex+ - Optional - The sex in the custom demo # * +employed+ - Optional - The employment status in the custom demo # * +audience+ - Optional - Who can use this custom demo def update_custom_demo(id, opts = {}) options = @options options[:query] = opts self.class.put("/custom-demos/#{id}", options) end # Delete a Custom Demographic # # ==== Attributes # # * +id+ - Required - Custom Demographic ID def delete_custom_demo(id) self.class.delete("/custom-demos/#{id}", @options) end def custom_markets self.class.get('/custom-markets', @options) end def day_parts self.class.get('/day-parts', @options) end def day_part(id) self.class.get("/day-parts/#{id}", @options) end def demos self.class.get('/demos/categories', @options) end # Get the Demo Subcategories referenced by the ID # # ==== Attributes # # * +id+ - The id of the object you wish to retrieve. def demo_subcategories(id) self.class.get("/demos/subcategories/#{id}/demos", @options) end def market(market) self.class.get("/markets/#{market}", @options) end def markets self.class.get('/markets', @options) end # Get all the MediaTypes def media_types self.class.get('/media-types', @options) end # Get the MediaType referenced by the ID # # ==== Attributes # # * +id+ - The id of the object you wish to retrieve. def media_type(id) self.class.get("/media-types/#{id}", @options) end def operators self.class.get('/operators', @options) end def panel_sets self.class.get('/panel-sets', @options) end # Get all the panels # # # ==== Attributes # # Required - One of markets, counties, states # * +markets+ - Optional - Market uuid # * +counties+ - Optional - Counties FIPS # * +states+ - Optional - State FIPS # * +order_by+ - Optional - Columns to order output by (?order_by=operator+asc,geopath_panel_id+desc) # * +page+ - Required - page number # * +page_len+ - Optional - Number of items per page. Only used if param page is present (Required even though the docs say it is optional) # * +filters+ - Optional - List of filter names # * +operator_name+ - Optional - (If listed in filters) List of operator names to filter by # * +plant_unit_id+ - Optional - (If listed in filters) List of plant unit ids to filter by # * +structure_id+ - Optional - (If listed in filters) List of structure ids to filter by # * +media_type_name+ - Optional -(If listed in filters) List of media_type_names ids to filter by def panels(params = {}, opts = { full: true, page: 1, page_length: 100}) options = @options options[:query] = params.merge(opts) self.class.get('/panels', @options) end def panel(id) self.class.get("/panels/#{id}", @options) end def panels_nearby self.class.get('/panels/nearby', @options) end def plants self.class.get('/plants', @options) end def plant(id) self.class.get("/plants/#{id}", @options) end def states self.class.get('/states', @options) end end end