# frozen_string_literal: true require 'docker' require 'logging' require 'bolt/node/errors' module Bolt module Transport class Docker < Base class Connection def initialize(target) @target = target @logger = Logging.logger[target.host] end def connect # Explicitly create the new Connection to avoid relying on global state in the Docker module. url = @target.options['service-url'] || ::Docker.url options = ::Docker.options.merge(@target.options['service-options'] || {}) @container = ::Docker::Container.get(@target.host, {}, ::Docker::Connection.new(url, options)) @logger.debug { "Opened session" } rescue StandardError => e raise Bolt::Node::ConnectError.new( "Failed to connect to #{@target.uri}: #{e.message}", 'CONNECT_ERROR' ) end def execute(*command, options) if options[:environment] envs = options[:environment].map { |env, val| "#{env}=#{val}" } command = ['env'] + envs + command end @logger.debug { "Executing: #{command}" } result = @container.exec(command, options) { |stream, chunk| @logger.debug("#{stream}: #{chunk}") } if result[2] == 0 @logger.debug { "Command returned successfully" } else @logger.info { "Command failed with exit code #{result[2]}" } end result rescue StandardError @logger.debug { "Command aborted" } raise end def write_remote_file(source, destination) @container.store_file(destination, File.binread(source)) rescue StandardError => e raise Bolt::Node::FileError.new(e.message, 'WRITE_ERROR') end def write_remote_directory(source, destination) tar = ::Docker::Util.create_dir_tar(source) mkdirs([destination]) @container.archive_in_stream(destination) { tar.read(Excon.defaults[:chunk_size]).to_s } rescue StandardError => e raise Bolt::Node::FileError.new(e.message, 'WRITE_ERROR') end def mkdirs(dirs) _, stderr, exitcode = execute('mkdir', '-p', *dirs, {}) if exitcode != 0 message = "Could not create directories: #{stderr.join}" raise Bolt::Node::FileError.new(message, 'MKDIR_ERROR') end end def make_tempdir tmpdir = @target.options.fetch('tmpdir', '/tmp') tmppath = "#{tmpdir}/#{SecureRandom.uuid}" stdout, stderr, exitcode = execute('mkdir', '-m', '700', tmppath, {}) if exitcode != 0 raise Bolt::Node::FileError.new("Could not make tempdir: #{stderr.join}", 'TEMPDIR_ERROR') end tmppath || stdout.first end def with_remote_tempdir dir = make_tempdir yield dir ensure if dir _, stderr, exitcode = execute('rm', '-rf', dir, {}) if exitcode != 0 @logger.warn("Failed to clean up tempdir '#{dir}': #{stderr.join}") end end end def write_remote_executable(dir, file, filename = nil) filename ||= File.basename(file) remote_path = File.join(dir.to_s, filename) write_remote_file(file, remote_path) make_executable(remote_path) remote_path end def make_executable(path) _, stderr, exitcode = execute('chmod', 'u+x', path, {}) if exitcode != 0 message = "Could not make file '#{path}' executable: #{stderr.join}" raise Bolt::Node::FileError.new(message, 'CHMOD_ERROR') end end end end end end