require "rake" require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/contrib/rubyforgepublisher' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' desc "Runs the Rspec suite" task(:default) do run_suite end desc "Runs the Rspec suite" task(:spec) do run_suite end desc "Copies the trunk to a tag with the name of the current release" task(:tag_release) do tag_release end def run_suite dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) system("ruby #{dir}/spec/spec_suite.rb") || raise("Example Suite failed") end PKG_NAME = "polonium" PKG_VERSION = "0.3.1" PKG_FILES = FileList[ '[A-Z]*', '*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb' ] spec = do |s| = PKG_NAME s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = "Selenium RC with Rails integration and enhanced assertions." s.test_files = "spec/spec_suite.rb" s.description = s.summary s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = [ "README", "CHANGES" ] s.rdoc_options = ["--main", "README", "--inline-source", "--line-numbers"] s.test_files = Dir.glob('spec/*_spec.rb') s.require_path = 'lib' = "Pivotal Labs" = "" s.homepage = "" s.rubyforge_project = "pivotalrb" s.add_dependency "Selenium", ">=1.1.14" end do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end def tag_release raise 'make this work for Git' end