## RSence # Copyright 2008 Riassence Inc. # http://riassence.com/ # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com ## # The MainPlugin is accessible as +@plugins.main+ and just +main+ from other plugins. # # = MainPlugin provides mainly client setup and the following services: # * The root html page, which includes the scripts and sets up client startup variables. # * The url of the client as a HValue, including the anchor. # * Accessible via +msg.session[:main][:location_href]+ # * The local time of the client's web browser as a HValue, as seconds since epoch. # * Accessible via +msg.session[:main][:client_time]+ # * Sequential loading. See {#delayed_call #delayed_call} # * Provides the +#init_ui+ event for plugins that respond to it. class MainPlugin < Plugin # # Session-specific index page renderer (unused) # def session_index_html( request, response ) # # ses_key = @randgen.gen # sha_key = '' # # buffer = [ # "var qP=function(cmd){COMM.Queue.push(cmd);};" # ] # # req_num = 0 # # 3.times do |req_num| # sha_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( ses_key + sha_key ) # msg = @plugins.transporter.xhr( # request, response, { # :servlet => true, # :cookie => (req_num==0), # :query => { # 'ses_key' => "#{req_num}:.o.:#{sha_key}" # } # } # ) # buffer += msg.value_buffer # msg.buffer.each do |buffer_item| # buffer.push( "qP(function(){#{buffer_item};});") # end # ses_key = msg.ses_key # end # # buffer.unshift( "COMM.Session.newKey(#{ses_key.to_json});" ) # buffer.unshift( "COMM.Session.sha_key=#{sha_key.to_json};" ) # buffer.unshift( "COMM.Session.req_num=#{req_num};" ) # # index_html = render_index_html # # return index_html.gsub('__STARTUP_SEQUENCE__', buffer.join("\n") ) # end # Index page renderer def render_index_html index_html = @index_html_src.clone client_rev = client_pkg.client_cache.client_rev deps_src = '' @conf[:deps].each do |dep| deps_src += %{} end deps_src += %{} @conf[:default_libs].each do |dep| deps_src += %{} end client_base = File.join(@bconf[:h],client_rev) index_html.gsub!( '__SCRIPT_DEPS__', deps_src ) index_html.gsub!( '__CLIENT_BASE__', client_base ) index_html.gsub!( '__DEFAULT_TITLE__', @conf[:title] ) index_html.gsub!( '__CLIENT_REV__', client_rev ) index_html.gsub!( '__CLIENT_HELLO__', @bconf[:hello] ) index_html.gsub!( '__NOSCRIPT__', @conf[:noscript] ) return index_html end ### Top-level plugin events: # Binds configuration data as instance variables def init super @plugins.register_alias( :main, :index_html ) @randgen = RandGen.new( 40 ) ::RSence.config[:index_html][:instance] = self @conf = ::RSence.config[:index_html] @bconf = ::RSence.config[:broker_urls] @goodbye_uri = File.join(@bconf[:hello],'goodbye') end # Opens and renders the index page template def open super @index_html_src = file_read( ::RSence.config[:index_html][:index_tmpl] ) render_index_html end # Frees the ticket resource id of the "loading" gif image. def close super @plugins[:ticket].del_rsrc( @loading_gif_id ) end ### Servlet features; responds to GET / as well as POST /hello/goodbye # @private Internal structures, matches the "hello/goodbye" session termination POST request and the "/" index html page GET request def match( uri, method ) if uri == ::RSence.config[:index_html][:respond_address] and ( method == :get or method == :head ) return true elsif method == :post and uri == @goodbye_uri return true else return false end end # @private Internal structures, score for the "hello/goodbye" session termination request and the default index html page def score return 1000 # allows overriding with anything with a score below 1000 end # Inspects the http request header to decide if the browser supports gzip compressed responses. def support_gzip( header ) return false if not ::RSence.config[:no_gzip] return false if not header.has_key?('accept-encoding') return header['accept-encoding'].include?('gzip') end # Outputs the startup web page. def get( req, response, ses ) index_html = render_index_html response.status = 200 response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' response['Date'] = httime( Time.now ) response['Server'] = 'RSence' response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' if support_gzip( req.header ) index_gzip = GZString.new('') gzwriter = Zlib::GzipWriter.new( index_gzip, 9 ) gzwriter.write( index_html ) gzwriter.close response['Content-Length'] = index_gzip.bytesize.to_s response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.body = index_gzip else response['Content-Length'] = index_html.bytesize.to_s response.body = index_html end end # Returns the "hello/goodbye" session termination request def post( req, res, ses ) @plugins.sessions.expire_ses_by_req( req, res ) end ### Features accessible from other plugins: # The +#url_responder+ gets called whenever the anchor (pound) of location.href changes. # It enables virtual url events for back/forward buttons and bookmarking in browsers whenever utilized. # # Client-side support is included in js/url_responder.js # # Also allows virtual-host -like behavior if utilized. def url_responder(msg,location_href) ses = get_ses( msg ) # Virtual locations: if location_href.data.include?('#') # split 'http://localhost:8001/#/some_uri' # -> ['http://localhost:8001/','/some_uri'] ses[:url] = location_href.data.split('#') virtual_uri = ses[:url][1] # built-in support for signing out, deletes the # server-side session and reloads the page if virtual_uri == '/sign_out' resp_addr = @conf[:respond_address] msg.expire_session() msg.reply( [ 'COMM.Transporter.stop=true;', "location.href=#{resp_addr.to_json};" ].join('') ) end else ses[:url] = [location_href.data,nil] end # url_responder always accepts locations return true end # Returns base url of browser (before the '#' sign) def url( msg ) get_ses( msg )[:url][0] end # Returns pound url of browser (after the '#' sign) def pound( msg ) get_ses( msg )[:url][1] end ### Session events: # New session initialization, called just once per session. def init_ses( msg ) super restore_ses( msg ) end def index_deps_setup( msg ) ses = msg.session if not ses.has_key?( :deps ) # make an array of dependencies for this session, if not already done ses[:deps] = [] end compound_pkgs = RSence.config[:client_pkg][:compound_packages] boot_dep = @conf[:boot_lib] unless ses[:deps].include?( boot_dep ) if compound_pkgs.include?( boot_dep ) compound_pkgs[ boot_dep ].each do |pkg_name| ses[:deps].push( pkg_name ) msg.reply(%{jsLoader.loaded("#{pkg_name}");}) end end ses[:deps].push( boot_dep ) msg.reply(%{jsLoader.loaded("#{boot_dep}");}) if boot_dep == 'rsence' ses[:deps].push( 'std_widgets' ) msg.reply(%{jsLoader.loaded("std_widgets");}) end end @conf[:default_libs].each do |dep_lib| unless ses[:deps].include?( dep_lib ) if compound_pkgs.include?( dep_lib ) compound_pkgs[ dep_lib ].each do |pkg_name| ses[:deps].push( pkg_name ) msg.reply(%{jsLoader.loaded("#{pkg_name}");}) end end ses[:deps].push( dep_lib ) msg.reply(%{jsLoader.loaded("#{dep_lib}");}) end end end # Called once when a session is restored or cloned using the cookie's ses_key def restore_ses( msg ) super index_deps_setup( msg ) ## Resets session data to defaults ses = get_ses( msg ) ses[:boot] = 0 ses[:url] = [nil,nil] ses[:delayed_calls] = [] ses[:poll_mode] = true end # Interface for adding delayed calls # # When adding a delayed call, use an Array to define a plugin/method with optional arguments that will be called on the next request. The client will call back immediately when a delayed call is pending. The first param of the method is a +msg+. Don't include the +msg+ of the current request in params, it will be inserted automatically for the delayed call. # # It can also be used for loading sequences to the client, when using a String as the +params+. # # == Format of +params+ for plugin callback: # Array:: [ plugin_name, method_name, *args ] # # == Format of +params+ for javascript sequences: # String:: Javascript to send # # Calls will be flushed per request with the following conditions: # * At most four (4) delayed calls will be processed at a time # * If the calls use more than 200ms combined, even less will be processed at a time # # @param [Message] msg The message instance. # @param [Array, String] params The params of the delayed call. # # @return [nil] def delayed_call( msg, params ) get_ses( msg )[:delayed_calls].push( params ) end # @private Initializes the client-side COMM.urlResponder and sesWatcher def boot0( msg, ses ) msg.reply read_js( 'main' ) msg.reply("ELEM.setStyle(0,'background-color','#{::RSence.config[:main_plugin][:bg_color]}');") ## url_responder is bound in the client-space ## to tell the server its status by updating its value location_href_id = ses[:location_href].val_id.to_json msg.reply "try{COMM.Values.values[#{location_href_id}].bind(COMM.urlResponder);}catch(e){console.log('urlResponder failed, reason:',e);}" ## This enables SesWatcher that changes :client_time every n seconds, which depends on the server_poll_interval configuration setting. ## It makes the client to poll the server on regular intervals, when polling mode is disabled. # 5000ms = 5secs client_time_id = ses[:client_time].val_id.to_json poll_interval = ::RSence.config[:main_plugin][:server_poll_interval] msg.reply "try{window.sesWatcher=COMM.SessionWatcher.nu(#{poll_interval},#{client_time_id});}catch(e){console.log('sesWatcher failed, reason:',e);}" end # @private Calls the init_ui method of each loaded plugin and removes the loading -message def boot1( msg, ses ) # Delegates the init_ui method to each plugin to signal bootstrap completion. msg.plugins.delegate( 'init_ui', msg ) unless ses[:dont_init_ui] end # Disables the init_ui event. def dont_init_ui( msg ) get_ses( msg )[:dont_init_ui] = true end # Enables the init_ui event. def do_init_ui( msg ) get_ses( msg )[:dont_init_ui] = false end # Flushes commands in the :delayed_calls array def flush_delayed( msg, ses ) ## Limits the amount of delayed calls to process to 4. ## Prevents the client from choking even when the server ## load is light. if ses[:delayed_calls].size < 4 call_count = ses[:delayed_calls].size else call_count = 4 end time_start = Time.now.to_f time_taken = 0.0 ## process delayed calls, until: ## - over 200ms of cpu time has been spent ## - the :delayed_calls -array is empty ## - call_count limit is reached until time_taken > 0.2 or ses[:delayed_calls].size == 0 or call_count == 0 # gets the next call delayed_call = ses[:delayed_calls].shift if RSence.args[:debug] puts "delayed_call: #{delayed_call.inspect}" end # strings are always javascript, used for segmenting client load if delayed_call.class == String msg.reply delayed_call # arrays are plugin calls elsif delayed_call.class == Array # ['plugin_name', 'method_name'] pairs call the named plugin:method with just msg if delayed_call.size == 2 (plugin_name,method_name) = delayed_call msg.run(plugin_name,method_name,msg) # if the array contains more items, they are used as additional method params else (plugin_name,method_name) = delayed_call[0..1] method_params = delayed_call[2..-1] msg.run(plugin_name,method_name,msg,*method_params) end end ## calculates time taken time_taken = Time.now.to_f - time_start call_count -= 1 end ## Sets the client into poll mode, unless the :delayed_calls -array is empty if ses[:boot] > 1 if ses[:delayed_calls].empty? end_polling( msg, ses ) else start_polling( msg, ses ) end end end # When nothing is delayed and the second poll has been made (init_ui called), # sets the client to non-polling-mode, having only value synchronization trigger # new requests. On the client, SesWatcher forces the change by sending the # client time periodically. def end_polling( msg, ses ) if ses[:poll_mode] == true msg.reply "COMM.Transporter.poll(0);" ses[:poll_mode] = false end end # Starts polling mode. def start_polling( msg, ses ) if ses[:poll_mode] == false msg.reply( "COMM.Transporter.poll(#{::RSence.config[:transporter_conf][:client_poll_priority]});" ) ses[:poll_mode] = true end end # Called on every request of an active, valid session def idle(msg) ses = get_ses( msg ) if ses[:boot] == 0 boot0( msg, ses ) elsif ses[:boot] == 1 boot1( msg, ses ) elsif not ses[:delayed_calls].empty? flush_delayed( msg, ses ) elsif ses[:boot] > 1 end_polling( msg, ses ) end ## Increment the counter forever. ses[:boot] += 1 end end