# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strong # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/dry-logic/all/dry-logic.rbi # # dry-logic-1.0.6 module Dry end module Dry::Logic def self.Rule(*args, **options, &block); end end module Dry::Logic::Operators def &(other); end def >(other); end def ^(other); end def and(other); end def or(other); end def then(other); end def xor(other); end def |(other); end end module Dry::Logic::Operations end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract def curry(*args); end def id; end def initialize(*rules, **options); end def new(rules, **new_options); end def options; end def rules; end def to_ast; end def with(new_options); end include Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_40 include Dry::Core::Constants include Dry::Equalizer::Methods include Dry::Logic::Operators end module Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_40 def cmp?(comparator, other); end def hash; end def inspect; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary < Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract def ast(input = nil); end def initialize(*rules, **options); end def left; end def right; end def to_s; end end class Dry::Logic::Result def ast(input = nil); end def failure?; end def id; end def initialize(success, id = nil, &block); end def serializer; end def success; end def success?; end def to_ast; end def to_s; end def type; end def visit(ast); end def visit_and(node); end def visit_hint(node); end def visit_not(node); end def visit_or(node); end def visit_predicate(node); end def visit_xor(node); end include Dry::Core::Constants end class Dry::Logic::Operations::And < Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary def [](input); end def call(input); end def hints; end def initialize(*arg0, **arg1); end def operator; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Or < Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary def [](input); end def call(input); end def operator; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Xor < Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary def [](input); end def ast(input = nil); end def call(input); end def operator; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Implication < Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary def [](input); end def call(input); end def operator; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary < Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract def ast(input = nil); end def initialize(*rules, **options); end def rule; end def to_s; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Negation < Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary def [](input); end def call(input); end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Evaluator def initialize(path); end def path; end include Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_41 include Dry::Equalizer::Methods end module Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_41 def cmp?(comparator, other); end def hash; end def inspect; end end class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Set def [](input); end def call(input); end def evaluators; end def initialize(evaluators); end def self.new(paths); end include Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_42 include Dry::Equalizer::Methods end module Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_42 def cmp?(comparator, other); end def hash; end def inspect; end end class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Key < Dry::Logic::Evaluator def [](input); end def call(input); end end class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Attr < Dry::Logic::Evaluator def [](input); end def call(input); end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Key < Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary def [](hash); end def ast(input = nil); end def call(hash); end def evaluator; end def initialize(*rules, **options); end def path; end def self.evaluator(name); end def self.new(rules, **options); end def to_s; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Attr < Dry::Logic::Operations::Key def self.evaluator(name); end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Each < Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary def [](arr); end def call(input); end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Set < Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract def [](input); end def ast(input = nil); end def call(input); end def to_s; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Operations::Check < Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary def [](input); end def ast(input = nil); end def call(input); end def evaluator; end def initialize(*rules, **options); end def self.new(rule, **options); end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::Rule def args; end def args_with_names(*input); end def arity; end def ast(input = nil); end def bind(object); end def curry(*new_args); end def eval_args(object); end def id; end def initialize(predicate, options = nil); end def options; end def parameters; end def predicate; end def self.build(predicate, args: nil, arity: nil, **options); end def self.interfaces; end def self.specialize(arity, curried, base = nil); end def type; end def with(new_opts); end include Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_43 include Dry::Core::Constants include Dry::Equalizer::Methods include Dry::Logic::Operators end class Dry::Logic::Rule::Interface < Module def arity; end def constant?; end def curried; end def curried?; end def curried_args; end def define_constant_application; end def define_constructor; end def define_fixed_application; end def define_splat_application; end def initialize(arity, curried); end def name; end def unapplied; end def unapplied_args; end def variable_arity?; end end module Anonymous_Dry_Equalizer_43 def cmp?(comparator, other); end def hash; end def inspect; end end class Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate < Dry::Logic::Rule def ast(input = nil); end def name; end def self.specialize(arity, curried, base = nil); end def to_ast(input = nil); end def to_s; end def type; end end class Dry::Logic::RuleCompiler def call(ast); end def initialize(predicates); end def predicates; end def visit(node); end def visit_and(node); end def visit_attr(node); end def visit_check(node); end def visit_each(node); end def visit_implication(node); end def visit_key(node); end def visit_not(node); end def visit_or(node); end def visit_predicate(node); end def visit_set(node); end def visit_xor(node); end include Dry::Core::Constants end module Dry::Logic::Predicates def self.included(other); end extend Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods end module Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods def [](name); end def array?(input); end def attr?(name, input); end def bool?(input); end def bytesize?(size, input); end def case?(pattern, input); end def date?(input); end def date_time?(input); end def decimal?(input); end def empty?(input); end def eql?(left, right); end def even?(input); end def excluded_from?(list, input); end def excludes?(value, input); end def exclusion?(list, input); end def false?(value); end def filled?(input); end def float?(input); end def format?(regex, input); end def gt?(num, input); end def gteq?(num, input); end def hash?(input); end def included_in?(list, input); end def includes?(value, input); end def inclusion?(list, input); end def int?(input); end def is?(left, right); end def key?(name, input); end def lt?(num, input); end def lteq?(num, input); end def max_bytesize?(num, input); end def max_size?(num, input); end def min_bytesize?(num, input); end def min_size?(num, input); end def nil?(input); end def none?(input); end def not_eql?(left, right); end def number?(input); end def odd?(input); end def predicate(name, &block); end def respond_to?(method, input); end def size?(size, input); end def str?(input); end def time?(input); end def true?(value); end def type?(type, input); end def uuid_v4?(input); end end