require 'spec_helper' describe "be_truthy" do it "passes with truthy values" do expect(true).to be_truthy expect(1.0).to be_truthy expect([]).to be_truthy end it 'fails properly with truthy values' do expect(false).to be_truthy end it "fails with falsey values" do expect { expect(false).to be_truthy }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect(nil).to be_truthy }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "be_falsey" do it "passes with falsey values" do expect(false).to be_falsey expect(nil).to be_falsey end it "fails with truthy values" do expect { expect(true).to be_falsey }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect({}).to be_falsey }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "be_nil" do it "passes when object is nil" do expect(nil).to be_nil end it "fails with any other object" do expect { expect(false).to be_nil }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect(:foo).to be_nil }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "be_kind_of" do it "passes if actual is kind of expected class" do expect("foo").to be_kind_of(String) expect("foo").to_not be_kind_of(Numeric) end it "passes if actual is kind of superclass of expected class" do expect([]).to be_kind_of(Object) end it "fails if expected is not a kind of expected" do expect { expect("foo").to be_kind_of(Integer) }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect("foo").to_not be_kind_of(String) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "eq" do it "matches when actual == expected" do expect(:foo).to eq(:foo) end it "does not match when actual != expected" do expect(:foo).not_to eq(42) end it "fails if matcher does not match" do expect { expect(:foo).to eq(42) }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect(:foo).not_to eq(:foo) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "eql" do it "matches when expected.eql?(actual)" do expect(1).to eql(1) end it "does not match when !expected.eql?(actual)" do expect(1).to_not eql(:foo) end it "fails if matcher does not match" do expect { expect(1).to eql(:bar) }.to raise_error(Exception) expect { expect(2).to_not eql(2) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "include" do it "matches if actual includes expected" do expect("foo").to include("f") expect([:foo, :bar, :baz]).to include(:baz) expect({ :yellow => 'lorry' }).to include(:yellow) end it "does not match if actual does not inlcude expected" do expect("foo").to_not include("b") expect([:foo, :bar, :baz]).to_not include(:kapow) expect({ :yellow => 'lorry' }).to_not include(:red) end it "fails if matcher does not match" do expect { expect("bar").to include("z") }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "respond_to" do it "matches if actual responds to sym" do expect("foo").to respond_to(:upcase) end it "does not match if actual does not respond to sym" do expect( respond_to(:upcase) end it "fails if actual does not respond to sym" do expect { expect( respond_to(:upcase) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "match" do it "matches if actual matches expected" do expect("foobar").to match(/ar/) expect("foobar").to match("oob") end it "does not match if actual does not match expected" do expect("foobar").to_not match(/baz/) expect("foobar").to_not match("woosh") end it "fails unless matcher matches" do expect { exprct("hello").to match(/world/) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe "operator ==" do it "matches if actual == expected" do "hello".should == "hello" end it "does not match when actual does not == expected" do "hello".should_not == "world" end it "fails unless matcher matches" do expect { "hello".should == "world" }.to raise_error(Exception) end end class PredicateTest def foo? true end def bar? false end end describe "predicate matchers" do it "works with positive expectations" do expect( be_foo end it "work with negative expectations" do expect( be_bar end end