require 'sinatra/reloader' # consider big_band class Boned::APIBase < Sinatra::Base set :public => 'public/' set :views => 'views/' set :static => true configure :dev do "Environment: #{ENV['RACK_ENV']}" register Sinatra::Reloader dont_reload "lib/**/*.rb" also_reload "lib/boned.rb" before do #Bone.debug = true $/, $/, "--> #{request_method} #{current_uri_path}" content_type 'text/plain' Boned.allow_register = true end end configure :prod do Bone.debug = false before do content_type 'application/json' Boned.allow_register = false end end helpers do def carefully(ret='', &blk) begin ret = rescue => ex generic_error ex.class, ex end ret end def generic_error(event=nil, ex=nil) "#{event} #{request_token}:#{request_signature}" unless event.nil? unless ex.nil? ex.message Bone.ld ex.backtrace end return error(404, "Bad bone rising") end def error_message msg "[400] #{msg}" return error(400, msg) end def request_token env['HTTP_X_BONE_TOKEN'] || params[:token] end def request_signature @request_signature ||= params[:sig] || env['HTTP_X_BONE_SIGNATURE'] @request_signature end def request_secret # no leading/trail whitspace end @request_secret ||= (body_content || env['HTTP_X_BONE_SECRET']).strip @request_secret end def body_content @body_content ||= @body_content end def uri(*path) [root_path, path].flatten.join('/') end def root_path env['SCRIPT_NAME'] end def current_uri_path env['REQUEST_URI'] end def request_method env['REQUEST_METHOD'].to_s.downcase # important to be downcase for signature check end def current_host env['HTTP_HOST'].to_s.downcase end def secure? (env['HTTP_X_SCHEME'] == "https") # X-Scheme is set by nginx end def local? LOCAL_HOSTS.member?(env['SERVER_NAME']) && (client_ipaddress == '') end def assert_token assert_exists request_token, "No token" end def assert_secret assert_exists request_secret, "No secret" end def check_token generic_error "[unknown-token]" if !Bone.token? request_token true end def check_signature assert_exists request_signature, "No signature" unless params[:sigversion] == Bone::API::HTTP::SIGVERSION error_message "API must be version: #{Bone::API::HTTP::SIGVERSION}" end # We need to re-parse the query string b/c Sinatra or Rack is # including the value of the POST body as a key with no value. qs = Bone::API::HTTP.parse_query request.query_string qs.delete 'sig' # Yo dawg, I put a signature in your signature stamp, now = (qs['stamp'] || 0).to_i, Bone::API::HTTP.canonical_time generic_error "[sig-expired] #{stamp}" if (now - stamp) > 30.seconds tobj = request_token secret = tobj.secret.value path = current_uri_path.split('?').first sig = Bone::API::HTTP.generate_signature secret, current_host, request_method, path, qs, body_content generic_error "[sig-mismatch] #{sig}" if sig != request_signature request_token end # +names+ One or more a required parameter names (Symbol) def assert_params(*names) names.each do |n| return error_message("Missing param: %s" % n) if params[n].to_s.empty? end true end alias_method :assert_param, :assert_params def assert_exists(val, msg) return error_message msg if val.to_s.empty? true end def assert_true(val, msg) return error_message msg if val != true true end def assert_sha1(val) return error_message("#{val} is not a sha1 digest") unless is_sha1?(val) end def assert_sha256(val) return error_message("#{val} is not a sha256 digest") unless is_sha256?(val) end def is_sha1?(val) val.to_s.match(/\A[0-9a-f]{40}\z/) end def is_sha256?(val) val.to_s.match(/\A[0-9a-f]{64}\z/) end end end