/** * Drag'n'Drop module for RightJS * http://rightjs.org/plugins/drag-n-drop * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ (function(window, document, RightJS) { /** * Draggable unit * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ /** * The DND module initialization script * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var R = RightJS, $ = RightJS.$, $w = RightJS.$w, Class = RightJS.Class, isHash = RightJS.isHash, isArray = RightJS.isArray, Element = RightJS.Element, Observer = RightJS.Observer; var Draggable = new Class(Observer, { extend: { EVENTS: $w('before start drag stop drop'), Options: { handle: null, // a handle element that will start the drag snap: 0, // a number in pixels or [x,y] axis: null, // null or 'x' or 'y' or 'vertical' or 'horizontal' range: null, // {x: [min, max], y:[min, max]} or reference to another element dragClass: 'dragging', // the in-process class name clone: false, // if should keep a clone in place revert: false, // marker if the object should be moved back on finish revertDuration: 'normal', // the moving back fx duration scroll: true, // if it should automatically scroll scrollSensitivity: 32, // the scrolling area size in pixels zIndex: 10000000, // the element's z-index moveOut: false, // marker if the draggable should be moved out of it's context (for overflown elements) relName: 'draggable' // the audodiscovery feature key }, // referenece to the currently active draggable current: null, // scans the document for auto-processed draggables with the rel="draggable" attribute rescan: function(scope) { var key = this.Options.relName; ($(scope)||$(document)).select('*[rel^="'+key+'"]').each(function(element) { if (!element.draggable) { var data = element.get('data-'+key); new this(element, eval('('+data+')') || {}); } }, this); } }, /** * Basic controller * * @param mixed element reference * @param Object options */ initialize: function(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.$super(options); this.element.draggable = this.init(); }, /** * detaches the mouse observers out of the draggable element * * @return this */ destroy: function() { this.handle.stopObserving('mousedown', this._dragStart); delete(this.element.draggable); return this; }, // additional options processing setOptions: function(options) { this.$super(options); // checking the handle this.handle = this.options.handle ? $(this.options.handle) : this.element; // checking the spappings if (isArray(this.options.snap)) { this.snapX = this.options.snap[0]; this.snapY = this.options.snap[1]; } else { this.snapX = this.snapY = this.options.snap; } return this; }, /** * Moves the element back to the original position * * @return this */ revert: function() { var position = this.clone.position(); var end_style = { top: (position.y + this.ryDiff) + 'px', left: (position.x + this.rxDiff) + 'px' }; if (this.options.revertDuration && this.element.morph) { this.element.morph(end_style, { duration: this.options.revertDuration, onFinish: R(this.swapBack).bind(this) }); } else { this.element.setStyle(end_style); this.swapBack(); } return this; }, // protected init: function() { // caching the callback so that we could detach it later this._dragStart = R(this.dragStart).bind(this); this.handle.onMousedown(this._dragStart); return this; }, // handles the event start dragStart: function(event) { this.fire('before', this, event.stop()); // calculating the positions diff var position = this.element.position(); this.xDiff = event.pageX - position.x; this.yDiff = event.pageY - position.y; // grabbing the relative position diffs var relative_position = { y: R(this.element.getStyle('top')).toFloat(), x: R(this.element.getStyle('left')).toFloat() }; this.rxDiff = isNaN(relative_position.x) ? 0 : (relative_position.x - position.x); this.ryDiff = isNaN(relative_position.y) ? 0 : (relative_position.y - position.y); // preserving the element sizes var size = { x: this.element.getStyle('width'), y: this.element.getStyle('height') }; if (size.x == 'auto') { size.x = this.element._.offsetWidth + 'px'; } if (size.y == 'auto') { size.y = this.element._.offsetHeight + 'px'; } // building a clone element if necessary if (this.options.clone || this.options.revert) { this.clone = new Element(this.element._.cloneNode(true)).setStyle({ visibility: this.options.clone ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }).insertTo(this.element, 'before'); } // reinserting the element to the body so it was over all the other elements this.element.setStyle({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: Draggable.Options.zIndex++, top: (position.y + this.ryDiff) + 'px', left: (position.x + this.rxDiff) + 'px', width: size.x, height: size.y }).addClass(this.options.dragClass); if (this.options.moveOut) { this.element.insertTo(document.body); } // caching the window scrolls this.winScrolls = $(window).scrolls(); this.winSizes = $(window).size(); Draggable.current = this.calcConstraints().fire('start', this, event); this.style = this.element._.style; }, // catches the mouse move event dragProcess: function(event) { var page_x = event.pageX, page_y = event.pageY, x = page_x - this.xDiff, y = page_y - this.yDiff; // checking the range if (this.ranged) { if (this.minX > x) { x = this.minX; } if (this.maxX < x) { x = this.maxX; } if (this.minY > y) { y = this.minY; } if (this.maxY < y) { y = this.maxY; } } // checking the scrolls if (this.options.scroll) { var scrolls = {x: this.winScrolls.x, y: this.winScrolls.y}, sensitivity = this.options.scrollSensitivity; if ((page_y - scrolls.y) < sensitivity) { scrolls.y = page_y - sensitivity; } else if ((scrolls.y + this.winSizes.y - page_y) < sensitivity){ scrolls.y = page_y - this.winSizes.y + sensitivity; } if ((page_x - scrolls.x) < sensitivity) { scrolls.x = page_x - sensitivity; } else if ((scrolls.x + this.winSizes.x - page_x) < sensitivity){ scrolls.x = page_x - this.winSizes.x + sensitivity; } if (scrolls.y < 0) { scrolls.y = 0; } if (scrolls.x < 0) { scrolls.x = 0; } if (scrolls.y < this.winScrolls.y || scrolls.y > this.winScrolls.y || scrolls.x < this.winScrolls.x || scrolls.x > this.winScrolls.x) { $(window).scrollTo(this.winScrolls = scrolls); } } // checking the snaps if (this.snapX) { x = x - x % this.snapX; } if (this.snapY) { y = y - y % this.snapY; } // checking the constraints if (!this.axisY) { this.style.left = (x + this.rxDiff) + 'px'; } if (!this.axisX) { this.style.top = (y + this.ryDiff) + 'px'; } this.fire('drag', this, event); }, // handles the event stop dragStop: function(event) { this.element.removeClass(this.options.dragClass); // notifying the droppables for the drop Droppable.checkDrop(event, this); if (this.options.revert) { this.revert(); } Draggable.current = null; this.fire('stop', this, event); }, // swaps the clone element to the actual element back swapBack: function() { if (this.clone) { this.clone.replace( this.element.setStyle({ width: this.clone.getStyle('width'), height: this.clone.getStyle('height'), position: this.clone.getStyle('position'), zIndex: this.clone.getStyle('zIndex') || '' }) ); } }, // calculates the constraints calcConstraints: function() { var axis = this.options.axis; this.axisX = R(['x', 'horizontal']).include(axis); this.axisY = R(['y', 'vertical']).include(axis); this.ranged = false; var range = this.options.range; if (range) { this.ranged = true; // if the range is defined by another element var element = $(range); if (element instanceof Element) { var dims = element.dimensions(); range = { x: [dims.left, dims.left + dims.width], y: [dims.top, dims.top + dims.height] }; } if (isHash(range)) { var size = this.element.size(); if (range.x) { this.minX = range.x[0]; this.maxX = range.x[1] - size.x; } if (range.y) { this.minY = range.y[0]; this.maxY = range.y[1] - size.y; } } } return this; } }); /** * Droppable unit * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Droppable = new Class(Observer, { extend: { EVENTS: $w('drop hover leave'), Options: { accept: '*', containment: null, // the list of elements (or ids) that should to be accepted overlap: null, // 'x', 'y', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'both' makes it respond only if the draggable overlaps the droppable overlapSize: 0.5, // the overlapping level 0 for nothing 1 for the whole thing allowClass: 'droppable-allow', denyClass: 'droppable-deny', relName: 'droppable' // automatically discovered feature key }, // See the Draggable rescan method, case we're kinda hijacking it in here rescan: eval('['+Draggable.rescan.toString().replace(/\.draggable/g, '.droppable')+']')[0], /** * Checks for hoverting draggable * * @param Event mouse event * @param Draggable draggable */ checkHover: function(event, draggable) { for (var i=0, length = this.active.length; i < length; i++) { this.active[i].checkHover(event, draggable); } }, /** * Checks for a drop * * @param Event mouse event * @param Draggable draggable */ checkDrop: function(event, draggable) { for (var i=0, length = this.active.length; i < length; i++) { this.active[i].checkDrop(event, draggable); } }, active: [] }, /** * Basic cosntructor * * @param mixed the draggable element reference * @param Object options */ initialize: function(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.$super(options); Droppable.active.push(this.element._droppable = this); }, /** * Detaches the attached events * * @return self */ destroy: function() { Droppable.active = Droppable.active.without(this); delete(this.element.droppable); return this; }, /** * checks the event for hovering * * @param Event mouse event * @param Draggable the draggable object */ checkHover: function(event, draggable) { if (this.hoveredBy(event, draggable)) { if (!this._hovered) { this._hovered = true; this.element.addClass(this.options[this.allows(draggable) ? 'allowClass' : 'denyClass']); this.fire('hover', draggable, this, event); } } else if (this._hovered) { this._hovered = false; this.reset().fire('leave', draggable, this, event); } }, /** * Checks if it should process the drop from draggable * * @param Event mouse event * @param Draggable draggable */ checkDrop: function(event, draggable) { this.reset(); if (this.hoveredBy(event, draggable) && this.allows(draggable)) { draggable.fire('drop', this, draggable, event); this.fire('drop', draggable, this, event); } }, /** * resets the element state * * @return self */ reset: function() { this.element.removeClass(this.options.allowClass).removeClass(this.options.denyClass); return this; }, // protected // checks if the element is hovered by the event hoveredBy: function(event, draggable) { var dims = this.element.dimensions(), t_top = dims.top, t_left = dims.left, t_right = dims.left + dims.width, t_bottom = dims.top + dims.height, event_x = event.pageX, event_y = event.pageY; // checking the overlapping if (this.options.overlap) { var drag_dims = draggable.element.dimensions(), level = this.options.overlapSize, top = drag_dims.top, left = drag_dims.left, right = drag_dims.left + drag_dims.width, bottom = drag_dims.top + drag_dims.height; switch (this.options.overlap) { // horizontal overlapping only check case 'x': case 'horizontal': return ( (top > t_top && top < t_bottom) || (bottom > t_top && bottom < t_bottom) ) && ( (left > t_left && left < (t_right - dims.width * level)) || (right < t_right && right > (t_left + dims.width * level)) ); // vertical overlapping only check case 'y': case 'vertical': return ( (left > t_left && left < t_right) || (right > t_left && right < t_right) ) && ( (top > t_top && top < (t_bottom - dims.height * level)) || (bottom < t_bottom && bottom > (t_top + dims.height * level)) ); // both overlaps check default: return ( (left > t_left && left < (t_right - dims.width * level)) || (right < t_right && right > (t_left + dims.width * level)) ) && ( (top > t_top && top < (t_bottom - dims.height * level)) || (bottom < t_bottom && bottom > (t_top + dims.height * level)) ); } } else { // simple check agains the event position return event_x > t_left && event_x < t_right && event_y > t_top && event_y < t_bottom; } }, // checks if the object accepts the draggable allows: function(draggable) { if (this.options.containment && !this._scanned) { this.options.containment = R(this.options.containment).map($); this._scanned = true; } // checking the invitations list var welcomed = this.options.containment ? this.options.containment.includes(draggable.element) : true; return welcomed && (this.options.accept == '*' ? true : draggable.element.match(this.options.accept)); } }); /** * The document events hooker * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ $(document).on({ // parocesses the automatically discovered elements ready: function() { Draggable.rescan(); Droppable.rescan(); }, // watch the draggables moving arond mousemove: function(event) { if (Draggable.current !== null) { Draggable.current.dragProcess(event); Droppable.checkHover(event, Draggable.current); } }, // releases the current draggable on mouse up mouseup: function(event) { if (Draggable.current !== null) { Draggable.current.dragStop(event); } } }); /** * Element level hooks for drag'n'drops * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ Element.include({ makeDraggable: function(options) { new Draggable(this, options); return this; }, undoDraggable: function() { if ('draggable' in this) { this.draggable.destroy(); } return this; }, makeDroppable: function(options) { new Droppable(this, options); return this; }, undoDroppable: function() { if ('droppable' in this) { this.droppable.destroy(); } return this; } }); window.Draggable = RightJS.Draggable = Draggable; window.Droppable = RightJS.Droppable = Droppable; })(window, document, RightJS);