#-- # Cross-compile ruby, using Rake # # This source code is released under the MIT License. # See LICENSE file for details #++ # # This code is inspired and based on notes from the following sites: # # http://tenderlovemaking.com/2008/11/21/cross-compiling-ruby-gems-for-win32/ # http://github.com/jbarnette/johnson/tree/master/cross-compile.txt # http://eigenclass.org/hiki/cross+compiling+rcovrt # # This recipe only cleanup the dependency chain and automate it. # Also opens the door to usage different ruby versions # for cross-compilation. # require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' begin require 'psych' rescue LoadError end require 'yaml' require "rbconfig" # load compiler helpers # add lib directory to the search path libdir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib')) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ then puts "This command is meant to be executed under Linux or OSX, not Windows (is for cross-compilation)" exit(1) end require 'rake/extensioncompiler' MAKE = ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find { |c| system("#{c} -v > /dev/null 2>&1") } USER_HOME = File.expand_path("~/.rake-compiler") RUBY_CC_VERSION = "ruby-" << ENV.fetch("VERSION", "1.8.7-p371") RUBY_SOURCE = ENV['SOURCE'] RUBY_BUILD = RbConfig::CONFIG["host"] # grab the major "1.8" or "1.9" part of the version number MAJOR = RUBY_CC_VERSION.match(/.*-(\d.\d).\d/)[1] # Use Rake::ExtensionCompiler helpers to find the proper host MINGW_HOST = ENV['HOST'] || Rake::ExtensionCompiler.mingw_host MINGW_TARGET = MINGW_HOST.gsub('msvc', '') # Unset any possible variable that might affect compilation ["CC", "CXX", "CPPFLAGS", "LDFLAGS", "RUBYOPT"].each do |var| ENV.delete(var) end # define a location where sources will be stored directory "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}" directory "#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}" # clean intermediate files and folders CLEAN.include("#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}") CLEAN.include("#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}") # remove the final products and sources CLOBBER.include("#{USER_HOME}/sources") CLOBBER.include("#{USER_HOME}/builds") CLOBBER.include("#{USER_HOME}/ruby/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}") CLOBBER.include("#{USER_HOME}/config.yml") # ruby source file should be stored there file "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}.tar.bz2" => ["#{USER_HOME}/sources"] do |t| # download the source file using wget or curl chdir File.dirname(t.name) do if RUBY_SOURCE url = RUBY_SOURCE else url = "http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/#{MAJOR}/#{File.basename(t.name)}" end sh "wget #{url} || curl -O #{url}" end end # Extract the sources source_file = RUBY_SOURCE ? RUBY_SOURCE.split('/').last : "#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}.tar.bz2" file "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}" => ["#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{source_file}"] do |t| chdir File.dirname(t.name) do t.prerequisites.each { |f| sh "tar xf #{File.basename(f)}" } end end # backup makefile.in file "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile.in.bak" => ["#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}"] do |t| cp "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile.in", t.name end # correct the makefiles file "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile.in" => ["#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile.in.bak"] do |t| content = File.open(t.name, 'rb') { |f| f.read } out = "" content.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^\s*ALT_SEPARATOR =/ out << "\t\t ALT_SEPARATOR = \"\\\\\\\\\"; \\\n" else out << line end end when_writing("Patching Makefile.in") { File.open(t.name, 'wb') { |f| f.write(out) } } end task :mingw32 do unless MINGW_HOST then warn "You need to install mingw32 cross compile functionality to be able to continue." warn "Please refer to your distribution/package manager documentation about installation." fail end end # generate the makefile in a clean build location file "#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile" => ["#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}", "#{USER_HOME}/sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile.in"] do |t| options = [ "--host=#{MINGW_HOST}", "--target=#{MINGW_TARGET}", "--build=#{RUBY_BUILD}", '--enable-shared', '--disable-install-doc', '--without-tk', '--without-tcl' ] # Force Winsock2 for Ruby 1.8, 1.9 defaults to it options << "--with-winsock2" if MAJOR == "1.8" chdir File.dirname(t.name) do prefix = File.expand_path("../../../ruby/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}") options << "--prefix=#{prefix}" sh File.expand_path("../../../sources/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/configure"), *options end end # make file "#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/ruby.exe" => ["#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/Makefile"] do |t| chdir File.dirname(t.prerequisites.first) do sh MAKE end end # make install file "#{USER_HOME}/ruby/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/bin/ruby.exe" => ["#{USER_HOME}/builds/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/ruby.exe"] do |t| chdir File.dirname(t.prerequisites.first) do sh "#{MAKE} install" end end task :install => ["#{USER_HOME}/ruby/#{MINGW_HOST}/#{RUBY_CC_VERSION}/bin/ruby.exe"] desc "Update rake-compiler list of installed Ruby versions" task 'update-config' do config_file = "#{USER_HOME}/config.yml" if File.exist?(config_file) then puts "Updating #{config_file}" config = YAML.load_file(config_file) else puts "Generating #{config_file}" config = {} end files = Dir.glob("#{USER_HOME}/ruby/*/*/**/rbconfig.rb").sort files.each do |rbconfig| version, platform = rbconfig.match(/.*-(\d.\d.\d).*\/([-\w]+)\/rbconfig/)[1,2] platforms = [platform] # fake alternate (binary compatible) i386-mswin32-60 platform platform == "i386-mingw32" and platforms.push "i386-mswin32-60" platforms.each do |plat| config["rbconfig-#{plat}-#{version}"] = rbconfig # also store RubyGems-compatible version gem_platform = Gem::Platform.new(plat) config["rbconfig-#{gem_platform}-#{version}"] = rbconfig end puts "Found Ruby version #{version} for platform #{platform} (#{rbconfig})" end when_writing("Saving changes into #{config_file}") { File.open(config_file, 'w') do |f| f.puts config.to_yaml end } end task :default do # Force the display of the available tasks when no option is given Rake.application.options.show_task_pattern = // Rake.application.display_tasks_and_comments end desc "Build #{RUBY_CC_VERSION} suitable for cross-platform development." task 'cross-ruby' => [:mingw32, :install, 'update-config']