# lib/gemwarrior/repl.rb # My own, simple, Read Evaluate Print Loop module require 'readline' require 'os' require 'clocker' require_relative 'misc/timer' require_relative 'misc/wordlist' require_relative 'evaluator' require_relative 'version' module Gemwarrior class Repl # CONSTANTS ## MESSAGES QUIT_MESSAGE = 'Temporal flux detected. Shutting down...'.colorize(:red) SPLASH_MESSAGE = 'Welcome to the land of *Jool*, where randomized fortune is just as likely as mayhem.' attr_accessor :world, :eval def initialize(world, evaluator) self.world = world self.eval = evaluator end def start(initialCommand = nil) setup_screen(initialCommand) clocker = Clocker.new at_exit do pl = world.player duration = clocker.stop print_stats(duration, pl) end clocker.clock { # main loop loop do prompt begin input = read_line result = eval.evaluate(input) if result.eql?("exit") exit else puts result end rescue Interrupt puts puts QUIT_MESSAGE exit end end } end private def clear_screen OS.windows? ? system('cls') : system('clear') end def print_logo if world.sound Music::cue([ {:freq_or_note => 'A3,E4,C#5,F#5', :duration => 1000} ]) end puts "/-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-\\".colorize(:yellow) puts '|G|E|M| |W|A|R|R|I|O|R|'.colorize(:yellow) puts "\\-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-/".colorize(:yellow) puts '[[[[[[[DEBUGGING]]]]]]]'.colorize(:white) if world.debug_mode end def print_splash_message SPLASH_MESSAGE.length.times do print '=' end puts puts SPLASH_MESSAGE SPLASH_MESSAGE.length.times do print '=' end puts end def print_fortune noun1_values = WordList.new(world.use_wordnik, 'noun-plural') noun2_values = WordList.new(world.use_wordnik, 'noun-plural') noun3_values = WordList.new(world.use_wordnik, 'noun-plural') puts "* Remember: #{noun1_values.get_random_value} and #{noun2_values.get_random_value} are the key to #{noun3_values.get_random_value} *\n\n" end def print_help puts '* Basic functions: look, go, character, inventory, attack *' puts '* Type \'help\' for complete command list' puts '* Most commands can be abbreviated to their first letter *' puts end def print_stats(duration, pl) puts '######################################################################' puts print 'Gem Warrior'.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black) print " played for #{duration[:mins].to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} minutes, #{duration[:secs].to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} seconds, and #{duration[:ms].to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} milliseconds\n" puts '----------------------------------------------------------------------' print "Player killed #{pl.monsters_killed.to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} monster(s)" print "\n".ljust(8) print "picked up #{pl.items_taken.to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} item(s)" print "\n".ljust(8) print "traveled #{pl.movements_made.to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} time(s)" print "\n".ljust(8) print "rested #{pl.rests_taken.to_s.colorize(:color => :white, :background => :black)} time(s)" puts puts '######################################################################' end def setup_screen(initialCommand = nil) # welcome player to game clear_screen print_logo print_splash_message print_fortune print_help unless world.debug_mode # hook to do something right off the bat puts eval.evaluate(initialCommand) unless initialCommand.nil? end def prompt prompt_template = "\n[LV:%3s][XP:%3s][ROX:%3s] -- [HP:%3s/%-3s][STM:%2s/%-2s] -- [%s @ %s]" if world.debug_mode prompt_template += "[%s, %s, %s]" end prompt_vars_arr = [ world.player.level, world.player.xp, world.player.rox, world.player.hp_cur, world.player.hp_max, world.player.stam_cur, world.player.stam_max, world.player.name, world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords).name ] if world.debug_mode prompt_vars_arr.push(world.player.cur_coords[:x], world.player.cur_coords[:y], world.player.cur_coords[:z]) end puts (prompt_template % prompt_vars_arr).colorize(:yellow) end def read_line prompt_text = world.debug_mode ? ' GW[D]> ' : ' GW> ' Readline.readline(prompt_text, true).to_s end end end