require 'consul/async/utilities' require 'consul/async/stats' require 'consul/async/debug' require 'em-http' require 'net/http' require 'json' module Consul module Async # Configuration for Vault Endpoints class VaultConfiguration attr_reader :base_url, :token, :token_renew, :retry_duration, :min_duration, :wait_duration, :max_retry_duration, :retry_on_non_diff, :lease_duration_factor, :debug, :max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint, :fail_fast_errors, :tls_cert_chain, :tls_private_key, :tls_verify_peer def initialize(base_url: 'http://localhost:8200', debug: { network: false }, token: nil, token_renew: true, retry_duration: 10, min_duration: 0.1, lease_duration_factor: 0.5, max_retry_duration: 600, paths: {}, max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint: 10, fail_fast_errors: false, tls_cert_chain: nil, tls_private_key: nil, tls_verify_peer: true) @base_url = base_url @token_renew = token_renew @debug = debug @retry_duration = retry_duration @min_duration = min_duration @max_retry_duration = max_retry_duration @lease_duration_factor = lease_duration_factor @paths = paths @token = token @max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint = max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint @fail_fast_errors = fail_fast_errors @tls_cert_chain = tls_cert_chain @tls_private_key = tls_private_key @tls_verify_peer = tls_verify_peer end def ch(path, symbol) sub = @paths[path.to_sym] if sub && sub[symbol] ::Consul::Async::Debug.puts_info "Overriding #{symbol}:=#{sub[symbol]} for #{path}" sub[symbol] else method(symbol).call end end def create(path, agent: nil) return self unless @paths[path.to_sym] base_url = ch(path, :base_url) if agent agent = "http://#{agent}" unless agent.start_with? 'http', 'https' base_url = agent end base_url, debug: ch(path, :debug), token: ch(path, :token), retry_duration: ch(path, :retry_duration), min_duration: ch(path, :min_duration), max_retry_duration: ch(path, :max_retry_duration), lease_duration_factor: ch(path, :lease_duration_factor), paths: @paths, max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint: @max_consecutive_errors_on_endpoint, fail_fast_errors: @fail_fast_errors) end end # Keep information about Vault result of a query class VaultResult attr_reader :data, :http, :stats, :retry_in def initialize(result, modified, stats, retry_in) @data = result.response @modified = modified @http = result @data_json = result.json @last_update = @next_update = + retry_in @stats = stats @retry_in = retry_in end def modified? @modified end def mutate(new_data) @data = new_data.dup @data_json = nil end def [](path) json[path] end def json @data_json = JSON.parse(data) if @data_json.nil? @data_json end end # VaultHttpResponse supports empty results (when no data has been received yet) class VaultHttpResponse attr_reader :response_header, :response, :error, :json def initialize(http, override_nil_response = nil) if http.nil? @response_header = nil @response = override_nil_response @error = 'Not initialized yet' else @response_header = http.response_header.nil? ? nil : http.response_header.dup.freeze @response = http.response.nil? || http.response.empty? ? override_nil_response : http.response.dup.freeze @error = http.error.nil? ? nil : http.error.dup.freeze end @json = JSON[response] end end # Endpoint in vault (a path in Vault) class VaultEndpoint attr_reader :conf, :path, :http_method, :queue, :stats, :last_result, :enforce_json_200, :start_time, :default_value, :query_params def initialize(conf, path, http_method = 'GET', enforce_json_200 = true, query_params = {}, default_value = '{}', post_data = {}, agent: nil) @conf = conf.create(path, agent: agent) @default_value = default_value @path = path @http_method = http_method @queue = @x_consul_index = 0 @s_callbacks = [] @e_callbacks = [] @enforce_json_200 = enforce_json_200 @start_time = @consecutive_errors = 0 @query_params = query_params @post_data = post_data @stopping = false @stats = @last_result =, default_value), false, stats, 1) on_response { |result| @stats.on_response result } on_error { |http| @stats.on_error http } _enable_network_debug if conf.debug && conf.debug[:network] fetch queue.push 0 end def _enable_network_debug on_response do |result| state = result.x_consul_index.to_i < 1 ? '[WARN]' : '[ OK ]' stats = result.stats warn "[DBUG]#{state}#{result.modified? ? '[MODFIED]' : '[NO DIFF]'}" \ "[s:#{stats.successes},err:#{stats.errors}]" \ "[#{stats.body_bytes_human.ljust(8)}][#{stats.bytes_per_sec_human.ljust(9)}]"\ " #{path.ljust(48)} idx:#{result.x_consul_index}, next in #{result.retry_in} s" end on_error { |http| ::Consul::Async::Debug.puts_error "#{path}: #{http.error}" } end def on_response(&block) @s_callbacks << block end def on_error(&block) @e_callbacks << block end def ready? @ready end def terminate @stopping = true end private def build_request res = { head: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'X-Vault-Token' => conf.token }, query: {}, path: path, keepalive: true, callback: method(:on_response) } # if @post_data # res[:body] = JSON.generate(@post_data) # end @query_params.each_pair do |k, v| res[:query][k] = v end res end def get_lease_duration(result) result.json['lease_duration'] || conf.min_duration end def _get_errors(http) return [http.error] if http.error unless http.json.nil? return http.json['errors'] if http.json.key?('errors') end ['unknown error'] end def _handle_error(http) retry_in = [conf.max_retry_duration, conf.retry_duration + 2**@consecutive_errors].min ::Consul::Async::Debug.puts_error "[#{path}][#{http_method}] Code: #{http.response_header.status} #{_get_errors(http).join(' - ')} - Retry in #{retry_in}s" @consecutive_errors += 1 http_result =, default_value) EventMachine.add_timer(retry_in) do yield queue.push(0) end @e_callbacks.each { |c| } end def fetch options = { connect_timeout: 5, # default connection setup timeout inactivity_timeout: 1 # default connection inactivity (post-setup) timeout } unless conf.tls_cert_chain.nil? options[:tls] = { cert_chain_file: conf.tls_cert_chain, private_key_file: conf.tls_private_key, verify_peer: conf.tls_verify_peer } end connection =, options) cb = proc do |_| http = connection.send(http_method.downcase, build_request) # Under the hood: c.send('get', {stuff}) === c.get({stuff}) http.callback do http_result =, default_value) if enforce_json_200 && http.response_header.status != 200 _handle_error(http_result) { connection =, options) } else @consecutive_errors = 0 modified = @last_result.nil? ? true : != http_result.response # Leaving it do to stats with this later retry_in = get_lease_duration(http_result) * conf.lease_duration_factor retry_in = [retry_in, conf.max_retry_duration].min retry_in = [retry_in, conf.min_duration].max result =, modified, stats, retry_in) unless @stopping EventMachine.add_timer(retry_in) do queue.push(0) end end @last_result = result @ready = true @s_callbacks.each { |c| } end end http.errback do _handle_error(http) { connection =, options) } unless @stopping end queue.pop(&cb) end queue.pop(&cb) end end end end