# -*- ruby -*- $:.unshift "../../hoe/dev/lib" require "rubygems" require "hoe" Hoe.plugin :seattlerb Hoe.plugin :racc Hoe.plugin :isolate Hoe.plugin :rdoc Hoe.add_include_dirs "../../sexp_processor/dev/lib" Hoe.add_include_dirs "../../minitest/dev/lib" Hoe.add_include_dirs "../../oedipus_lex/dev/lib" V1 = %w[18 19] V2 = %w[20 21 22 23 24] V1_2 = V1 + V2 Hoe.spec "ruby_parser" do developer "Ryan Davis", "ryand-ruby@zenspider.com" license "MIT" dependency "sexp_processor", "~> 4.1" dependency "rake", "< 11", :developer dependency "oedipus_lex", "~> 2.1", :developer if plugin? :perforce then # generated files V1_2.each do |n| self.perforce_ignore << "lib/ruby#{n}_parser.rb" end V2.each do |n| self.perforce_ignore << "lib/ruby#{n}_parser.y" end self.perforce_ignore << "lib/ruby_lexer.rex.rb" end if plugin?(:racc) self.racc_flags << " -t" if ENV["DEBUG"] self.racc_flags << " --superclass RubyParser::Parser" # self.racc_flags << " --runtime ruby_parser" # TODO: broken in racc end end V2.each do |n| file "lib/ruby#{n}_parser.y" => "lib/ruby_parser.yy" do |t| cmd = 'unifdef -tk -DV=%s -UDEAD %s > %s || true' % [n, t.source, t.name] sh cmd end end V1_2.each do |n| file "lib/ruby#{n}_parser.rb" => "lib/ruby#{n}_parser.y" end file "lib/ruby_lexer.rex.rb" => "lib/ruby_lexer.rex" task :clean do rm_rf(Dir["**/*~"] + Dir["diff.diff"] + # not all diffs. bit me too many times Dir["coverage.info"] + Dir["coverage"] + Dir["lib/ruby2*_parser.y"] + Dir["lib/*.output"]) end task :sort do sh "grepsort '^ +def' lib/ruby_lexer.rb" sh "grepsort '^ +def (test|util)' test/test_ruby_lexer.rb" end desc "what was that command again?" task :huh? do puts "ruby #{Hoe::RUBY_FLAGS} bin/ruby_parse -q -g ..." end task :irb => [:isolate] do sh "GEM_HOME=#{Gem.path.first} irb -rubygems -Ilib -rruby_parser;" end def (task(:phony)).timestamp Time.at 0 end task :isolate => :phony def in_compare Dir.chdir "compare" do yield end end def dl v dir = v[/^\d+\.\d+/] url = "https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/#{dir}/ruby-#{v}.tar.bz2" path = File.basename url unless File.exist? path then system "curl -O #{url}" end end def ruby_parse version v = version[/^\d+\.\d+/].delete "." rp_txt = "rp#{v}.txt" mri_txt = "mri#{v}.txt" parse_y = "parse#{v}.y" tarball = "ruby-#{version}.tar.bz2" ruby_dir = "ruby-#{version}" diff = "diff#{v}.diff" rp_out = "lib/ruby#{v}_parser.output" c_diff = "compare/#{diff}" c_rp_txt = "compare/#{rp_txt}" c_mri_txt = "compare/#{mri_txt}" c_parse_y = "compare/#{parse_y}" c_tarball = "compare/#{tarball}" file tarball do in_compare do dl version end end file c_parse_y => c_tarball do in_compare do system "tar yxf #{tarball} #{ruby_dir}/{id.h,parse.y,tool/{id2token.rb,vpath.rb}}" Dir.chdir ruby_dir do if File.exist? "tool/id2token.rb" then sh "ruby tool/id2token.rb --path-separator=.:./ id.h parse.y > ../#{parse_y}" else cp "parse.y", "../#{parse_y}" end end sh "rm -rf #{ruby_dir}" end end file c_mri_txt => c_parse_y do in_compare do sh "bison -r all #{parse_y}" sh "./normalize.rb parse#{v}.output > #{mri_txt}" rm ["parse#{v}.output", "parse#{v}.tab.c"] end end file rp_out => :parser file c_rp_txt => rp_out do in_compare do sh "./normalize.rb ../#{rp_out} > #{rp_txt}" end end compare = "compare#{v}" desc "Compare all grammars to MRI" task :compare => compare task c_diff => [c_mri_txt, c_rp_txt] do in_compare do system "diff -du #{mri_txt} #{rp_txt} > #{diff}" end end desc "Compare #{v} grammar to MRI #{version}" task compare => c_diff do in_compare do system "wc -l #{diff}" end end task :clean do rm_f Dir[c_parse_y, c_mri_txt, c_rp_txt] end task :realclean do rm_f Dir[tarball] end end ruby_parse "1.8.7-p374" ruby_parse "1.9.3-p551" ruby_parse "2.0.0-p648" ruby_parse "2.1.9" ruby_parse "2.2.6" ruby_parse "2.3.3" # TODO ruby_parse "2.4.0" task :debug => :isolate do ENV["V"] ||= V1_2.last Rake.application[:parser].invoke # this way we can have DEBUG set Rake.application[:lexer].invoke # this way we can have DEBUG set $: << "lib" require "ruby_parser" require "pp" klass = Object.const_get("Ruby#{ENV["V"]}Parser") rescue nil raise "Unsupported version #{ENV["V"]}" unless klass parser = klass.new time = (ENV["RP_TIMEOUT"] || 10).to_i n = ENV["BUG"] file = (n && "bug#{n}.rb") || ENV["F"] || ENV["FILE"] ruby = if file then File.read(file) else file = "env" ENV["R"] || ENV["RUBY"] end begin pp parser.process(ruby, file, time) rescue Racc::ParseError => e p e ss = parser.lexer.ss src = ss.string lines = src[0..ss.pos].split(/\n/) abort "on #{file}:#{lines.size}" end end task :debug_ruby do file = ENV["F"] || ENV["FILE"] sh "/Users/ryan/Desktop/DVDs/debugparser/miniruby -cwy #{file} 2>&1 | ./yuck.rb" end task :extract => :isolate do ENV["V"] ||= V1_2.last Rake.application[:parser].invoke # this way we can have DEBUG set file = ENV["F"] || ENV["FILE"] ruby "-Ilib", "bin/ruby_parse_extract_error", file end task :bugs do sh "for f in bug*.rb ; do #{Gem.ruby} -S rake debug F=$f && rm $f ; done" end # vim: syntax=Ruby