require "spec_helper"

RSpec.describe IsoDoc do
  it "cross-references notes" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)). to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
    <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <introduction id="intro">
    <note id="N1">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83e">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
<clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
    <note id="N2">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83d">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <note id="N">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
<p><xref target="N"/></p>

    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
    <note id="note1">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <note id="note2">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
<p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>

    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
    <note id="AN">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <clause id="annex1b">
    <note id="Anote1">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <note id="Anote2">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
                 <a href="#N1">Introduction, Note</a>
                 <a href="#N2">Preparatory, Note</a>
           <a href="#N">Clause 1, Note</a>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 3.1, Note  1</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 3.1, Note  2</a>
           <a href="#AN">Annex A.1, Note</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Annex A.2, Note  1</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Annex A.2, Note  2</a>
             <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <div id="N1" class="Note">
                 <p><span class="note_label">NOTE</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
                <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
                <div id="N2" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
                 <div id="N" class="Note">
                   <p><span class="note_label">NOTE</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
                   <a href="#N">Note</a>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
           <div id="note1" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE  1</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>
           <div id="note2" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE  2</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>
       <p>    <a href="#note1">Note  1</a> <a href="#note2">Note  2</a> </p>

               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
           <div id="AN" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
           <div id="Anote1" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE  1</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>
           <div id="Anote2" class="Note"><p><span class="note_label">NOTE  2</span>&#160; These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p></div>

  it "cross-references figures" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
        <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <foreword id="fwd">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
        <introduction id="intro">
        <figure id="N1">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
  <clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
        <figure id="N2">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
        <figure id="N">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
<p><xref target="N"/></p>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
        <figure id="note1">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <figure id="note2">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
  <p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
        <figure id="AN">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <clause id="annex1b">
        <figure id="Anote1">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <figure id="Anote2">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
               <div id="fwd">
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#N1">Figure 1</a>
           <a href="#N2">Figure 2</a>
           <a href="#N">Figure 3</a>
           <a href="#note1">Figure 4</a>
           <a href="#note2">Figure 5</a>
           <a href="#AN">Figure A.1</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Figure A.2</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Figure A.3</a>
             <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <div id="N1" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 1&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
         <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
               <div id="N2" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 2&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
                 <div id="N" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 3&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
                   <a href="#N">Figure 3</a>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
               <div id="note1" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 4&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
           <div id="note2" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 5&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
         <p>    <a href="#note1">Figure 4</a> <a href="#note2">Figure 5</a> </p>
               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
               <div id="AN" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure A.1&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
               <div id="Anote1" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure A.2&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
           <div id="Anote2" class="figure">

         <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
         <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure A.3&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>

  it "cross-references subfigures" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
        <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <foreword id="fwd">
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
    <figure id="N">
        <figure id="note1">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <figure id="note2">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
  <p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
    <clause id="annex1b">
    <figure id="AN">
        <figure id="Anote1">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
    <figure id="Anote2">
  <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name>
  <image src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_8357ede4-6d44-4672-bac4-9a85e82ab7f0" imagetype="PNG"/>
               <div id="fwd">
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
         <a href="#N">Figure 1</a>
         <a href="#note1">Figure 1-1</a>
         <a href="#note2">Figure 1-2</a>
         <a href="#AN">Figure A.1</a>
         <a href="#Anote1">Figure A.1-1</a>
         <a href="#Anote2">Figure A.1-2</a>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
         <div id="N" class="figure">
             <div id="note1" class="figure">

       <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
       <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 1-1&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
         <div id="note2" class="figure">

       <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
       <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure 1-2&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
       <p>    <a href="#note1">Figure 1-1</a> <a href="#note2">Figure 1-2</a> </p>
               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
         <div id="AN" class="figure">
             <div id="Anote1" class="figure">

       <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
       <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure A.1-1&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>
         <div id="Anote2" class="figure">

       <img src="rice_images/rice_image1.png" height="auto" width="auto"/>
       <p class="FigureTitle" align="center">Figure A.1-2&#160;&#8212; Split-it-right sample divider</p></div>

  it "cross-references examples" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
        <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
        <introduction id="intro">
        <example id="N1">
<clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
        <example id="N2">
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
        <example id="N">
<p><xref target="N"/></p>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
        <example id="note1">
        <example id="note2">
<p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
        <example id="AN">
    <clause id="annex1b">
        <example id="Anote1">
        <example id="Anote2">
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#N1">Introduction, Example</a>
           <a href="#N2">Preparatory, Example</a>
           <a href="#N">Clause 1, Example</a>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 3.1, Example  1</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 3.1, Example  2</a>
           <a href="#AN">Annex A.1, Example</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Annex A.2, Example  1</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Annex A.2, Example  2</a>
             <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <table id="N1" class="example">
                   <td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE</td>
                   <td valign="top" class="example">
               <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
               <table id="N2" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE</td><td valign="top" class="example">
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
                 <table id="N" class="example">
                     <td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE</td>
                     <td valign="top" class="example">
                   <a href="#N">Example</a>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
               <table id="note1" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE  1</td><td valign="top" class="example">
               <table id="note2" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE  2</td><td valign="top" class="example">
       <p>    <a href="#note1">Example  1</a> <a href="#note2">Example  2</a> </p>
               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
               <table id="AN" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE</td><td valign="top" class="example">
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
               <table id="Anote1" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE  1</td><td valign="top" class="example">
               <table id="Anote2" class="example"><tr><td valign="top" class="example_label" style="width:82.8pt;">EXAMPLE  2</td><td valign="top" class="example">

  it "cross-references formulae" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
            <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <introduction id="intro">
    <formula id="N1">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
  <clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
    <formula id="N2">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <formula id="N">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
  <p><xref target="N"/></p>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
    <formula id="note1">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
    <formula id="note2">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
  <p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
    <formula id="AN">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
    <clause id="annex1b">
    <formula id="Anote1">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
    <formula id="Anote2">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>

    <formula id="_be9158af-7e93-4ee2-90c5-26d31c181934">
  <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 %</stem>
<dl id="_e4fe94fe-1cde-49d9-b1ad-743293b7e21d">
    <stem type="AsciiMath">r</stem>
    <p id="_1b99995d-ff03-40f5-8f2e-ab9665a69b77">is the repeatability limit.</p>
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#N1">Introduction, Formula (1)</a>
           <a href="#N2">Preparatory, Formula (2)</a>
           <a href="#N">Clause 1, Formula (3)</a>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 3.1, Formula (4)</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 3.1, Formula (5)</a>
           <a href="#AN">Annex A.1, Formula (A.1)</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Annex A.2, Formula (A.2)</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Annex A.2, Formula (A.3)</a>
             <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <div id="N1" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (1)</div>
                       <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
    <div id="N2" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (2)</div>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
                 <div id="N" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (3)</div>
                   <a href="#N">Formula (3)</a>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
           <div id="note1" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (4)</div>
           <div id="note2" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (5)</div>
         <p>    <a href="#note1">Formula (4)</a> <a href="#note2">Formula (5)</a> </p>
               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
           <div id="AN" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (A.1)</div>
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
           <div id="Anote1" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (A.2)</div>
           <div id="Anote2" class="formula"><span class="stem">(#(r = 1 %)#)</span>&#160; (A.3)</div>

  it "cross-references tables" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
        <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <introduction id="intro">
    <table id="N1">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
  <clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
    <table id="N2">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
        <table id="N">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
    <p><xref target="N"/></p>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
        <table id="note1">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
        <table id="note2">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
    <p>    <xref target="note1"/> <xref target="note2"/> </p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
        <table id="AN">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
    <clause id="annex1b">
        <table id="Anote1">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
        <table id="Anote2">
    <name>Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</name>
      <td align="left">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
      <td align="center">13</td>
      <td align="center">11</td>
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
       <a href="#N1">Table 1</a>
       <a href="#N2">Table 2</a>
       <a href="#N">Table 3</a>
       <a href="#note1">Table 4</a>
       <a href="#note2">Table 5</a>
       <a href="#AN">Table A.1</a>
       <a href="#Anote1">Table A.2</a>
       <a href="#Anote2">Table A.3</a>
             <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table 1&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p>
               <table id="N1" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                     <td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
                     <td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td>
                     <td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td>
                      <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
       <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table 2&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="N2" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
                 <p class="TableTitle" align="center">
                   Table 3&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield
                 <table id="N" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                       <td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td>
                       <td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td>
                       <td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td>
                   <a href="#N">Table 3</a>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
               <div id="widgets">
                 <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
                 <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
           <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table 4&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="note1" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>
           <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table 5&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="note2" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>
       <p>    <a href="#note1">Table 4</a> <a href="#note2">Table 5</a> </p>
               <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
                 <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
           <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table A.1&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="AN" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>
                 <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
           <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table A.2&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="Anote1" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>
           <p class="TableTitle" align="center">Table A.3&#160;&#8212; Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield</p><table id="Anote2" class="MsoISOTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td align="left" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">13</td><td align="center" style="border-top:solid windowtext 1.5pt;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.5pt;">11</td></tr></tbody></table>

  it "cross-references term notes" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
            <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="note3"/>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <terms id="terms">
<term id="_waxy_rice"><preferred>waxy rice</preferred>
<termnote id="note1">
  <p id="_b0cb3dfd-78fc-47dd-a339-84070d947463">The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p>
<term id="_nonwaxy_rice"><preferred>nonwaxy rice</preferred>
<termnote id="note2">
  <p id="_b0cb3dfd-78fc-47dd-a339-84070d947463">The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p>
<termnote id="note3">
  <p id="_b0cb3dfd-78fc-47dd-a339-84070d947463">The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p>

                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 2.1, Note 1</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 2.2, Note 1</a>
           <a href="#note3">Clause 2.2, Note 2</a>
               <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
               <div id="scope">
                 <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
               <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>For the purposes of this document,
           the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
       <p class="TermNum" id="_waxy_rice">2.1</p><p class="Terms" style="text-align:left;">waxy rice</p>
       <div class="Note"><p>Note 1 to entry: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p></div><p class="TermNum" id="_nonwaxy_rice">2.2</p><p class="Terms" style="text-align:left;">nonwaxy rice</p>
       <div class="Note"><p>Note 1 to entry: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p></div>
       <div class="Note"><p>Note 2 to entry: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.</p></div></div>

  it "cross-references sections" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
      <iso-standard xmlns="">
      <foreword obligation="informative">
         <p id="A">This is a preamble
         <xref target="C"/>
         <xref target="C1"/>
         <xref target="D"/>
         <xref target="H"/>
         <xref target="I"/>
         <xref target="J"/>
         <xref target="K"/>
         <xref target="L"/>
         <xref target="M"/>
         <xref target="N"/>
         <xref target="O"/>
         <xref target="P"/>
         <xref target="Q"/>
         <xref target="Q1"/>
         <xref target="R"/>
        <introduction id="B" obligation="informative"><title>Introduction</title><clause id="C" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
         <title>Introduction Subsection</title>
       <clause id="C1" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">Text</clause>
       <clause id="D" obligation="normative">
         <p id="E">Text</p>

       <terms id="H" obligation="normative"><title>Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</title><terms id="I" obligation="normative">
         <title>Normal Terms</title>
         <term id="J">
       <definitions id="K">
       <definitions id="L">
       <clause id="M" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"><title>Clause 4</title><clause id="N" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
       <clause id="O" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
         <title>Clause 4.2</title>

       </sections><annex id="P" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
         <clause id="Q" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
         <title>Annex A.1</title>
         <clause id="Q1" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
         <title>Annex A.1a</title>
       </annex><bibliography><references id="R" obligation="informative">
         <title>Normative References</title>
       </references><clause id="S" obligation="informative">
         <references id="T" obligation="informative">
         <title>Bibliography Subsection</title>
    <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
    <p id="A">This is a preamble
    <a href="#C">Introduction Subsection</a>
    <a href="#C1">Introduction, 2</a>
    <a href="#D">Clause 1</a>
    <a href="#H">Clause 3</a>
    <a href="#I">Clause 3.1</a>
    <a href="#J">Clause 3.1.1</a>
    <a href="#K">Clause 3.2</a>
    <a href="#L">Clause 4</a>
    <a href="#M">Clause 5</a>
    <a href="#N">Clause 5.1</a>
    <a href="#O">Clause 5.2</a>
    <a href="#P">Annex A</a>
    <a href="#Q">Annex A.1</a>
    <a href="#Q1">Annex A.1.1</a>
    <a href="#R">Clause 2</a>
                 <div class="Section3" id="B">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <div id="C">
          <h2>Introduction Subsection</h2>
               <div id="C1"><h2/>Text</div>
    <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
    <div id="D">
    <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
      <p id="E">Text</p>
    <h1>2.&#160; Normative references</h1>
      <p>There are no normative references in this document.</p>
    <div id="H"><h1>3.&#160; Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</h1><p>For the purposes of this document,
      the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
    <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
    standardization at the following addresses:</p>

    <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
    <a href=""></a></p> </li>
    <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
    <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
       <div id="I">
          <h2>3.1. Normal Terms</h2>
          <p class="TermNum" id="J">3.1.1</p>
          <p class="Terms" style="text-align:left;">Term2</p>

        </div><div id="K"><h2>3.2. Symbols and abbreviated terms</h2>
               <div id="L" class="Symbols">
                 <h1>4.&#160; Symbols and abbreviated terms</h1>
               <div id="M">
                 <h1>5.&#160; Clause 4</h1>
                 <div id="N">
          <h2>5.1. Introduction</h2>
                 <div id="O">
          <h2>5.2. Clause 4.2</h2>
               <div id="P" class="Section3">
                 <h1 class="Annex"><b>Annex A</b><br/>(normative)<br/><br/><b>Annex</b></h1>
                 <div id="Q">
          <h2>A.1. Annex A.1</h2>
          <div id="Q1">
          <h3>A.1.1. Annex A.1a</h3>
                 <h1 class="Section3">Bibliography</h1>
                   <h2 class="Section3">Bibliography Subsection</h2>

  it "cross-references lists" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
    <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <introduction id="intro">
     <ol id="N1">
  <clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
     <ol id="N2">
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <ol id="N">
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
    <ol id="note1">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <ol id="note2">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
    <ol id="AN">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <clause id="annex1b">
    <ol id="Anote1">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
    <ol id="Anote2">
  <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#N1">Introduction, List</a>
           <a href="#N2">Preparatory, List</a>
           <a href="#N">Clause 1, List</a>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 3.1, List  1</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 3.1, List  2</a>
           <a href="#AN">Annex A.1, List</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Annex A.2, List  1</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Annex A.2, List  2</a>
                                         <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <ol type="a" id="N1">
               <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
            <ol type="a" id="N2">
             <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
             <div id="scope">
               <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
               <ol type="a" id="N">
             <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
             <div id="widgets">
               <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
               <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="note1">
         <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
           <ol type="a" id="note2">
         <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
             <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
               <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="AN">
         <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
               <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="Anote1">
         <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>
           <ol type="a" id="Anote2">
         <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83a">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p>

  it "cross-references list items" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
    <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N1"/>
    <xref target="N2"/>
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <introduction id="intro">
    <ol id="N01">
  <li id="N1"><p>A</p></li>
  <clause id="xyz"><title>Preparatory</title>
     <ol id="N02">
  <li id="N2"><p>A</p></li>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <ol id="N0">
  <li id="N"><p>A</p></li>
    <terms id="terms"/>
    <clause id="widgets"><title>Widgets</title>
    <clause id="widgets1">
    <ol id="note1l">
  <li id="note1"><p>A</p></li>
    <ol id="note2l">
  <li id="note2"><p>A</p></li>
    <annex id="annex1">
    <clause id="annex1a">
    <ol id="ANl">
  <li id="AN"><p>A</p></li>
    <clause id="annex1b">
    <ol id="Anote1l">
  <li id="Anote1"><p>A</p></li>
    <ol id="Anote2l">
  <li id="Anote2"><p>A</p></li>
                 <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
           <a href="#N1">Introduction, a)</a>
           <a href="#N2">Preparatory, a)</a>
           <a href="#N">Clause 1, a)</a>
           <a href="#note1">Clause 3.1, List  1 a)</a>
           <a href="#note2">Clause 3.1, List  2 a)</a>
           <a href="#AN">Annex A.1, a)</a>
           <a href="#Anote1">Annex A.2, List  1 a)</a>
           <a href="#Anote2">Annex A.2, List  2 a)</a>
                                         <div class="Section3" id="intro">
               <h1 class="IntroTitle">Introduction</h1>
               <ol type="a" id="N01">
         <li id="N1"><p>A</p></li>
               <div id="xyz"><h2>Preparatory</h2>
            <ol type="a" id="N02">
         <li id="N2"><p>A</p></li>
             <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
             <div id="scope">
               <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
               <ol type="a" id="N0">
         <li id="N"><p>A</p></li>
             <div id="terms"><h1>2.&#160; Terms and definitions</h1><p>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
       <p>ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in
       standardization at the following addresses:</p>

       <li> <p>ISO Online browsing platform: available at
         <a href=""></a></p> </li>
       <li> <p>IEC Electropedia: available at
         <a href=""></a>
       </p> </li> </ul>
             <div id="widgets">
               <h1>3.&#160; Widgets</h1>
               <div id="widgets1"><h2>3.1. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="note1l">
         <li id="note1"><p>A</p></li>
           <ol type="a" id="note2l">
         <li id="note2"><p>A</p></li>
             <div id="annex1" class="Section3">
               <div id="annex1a"><h2>A.1. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="ANl">
         <li id="AN"><p>A</p></li>
               <div id="annex1b"><h2>A.2. </h2>
           <ol type="a" id="Anote1l">
         <li id="Anote1"><p>A</p></li>
           <ol type="a" id="Anote2l">
         <li id="Anote2"><p>A</p></li>

  it "cross-references nested list items" do
    expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT"
    <iso-standard xmlns="">
    <xref target="N"/>
    <xref target="note1"/>
    <xref target="note2"/>
    <xref target="AN"/>
    <xref target="Anote1"/>
    <xref target="Anote2"/>
    <clause id="scope"><title>Scope</title>
    <ol id="N1">
      <li id="N"><p>A</p>
      <li id="note1"><p>A</p>
      <li id="note2"><p>A</p>
      <li id="AN"><p>A</p>
      <li id="Anote1"><p>A</p>
      <li id="Anote2"><p>A</p></li>
                  <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1>
        <a href="#N">Clause 1, a)</a>
        <a href="#note1">Clause 1, a.1)</a>
        <a href="#note2">Clause 1, a.1.i)</a>
        <a href="#AN">Clause 1, a.1.i.A)</a>
        <a href="#Anote1">Clause 1, a.1.i.A.I)</a>
        <a href="#Anote2">Clause 1, a.1.i.A.I.a)</a>
                <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/>
                             <div id="scope">
               <h1>1.&#160; Scope</h1>
               <ol type="a" id="N1">
         <li id="N"><p>A</p>
         <ol type="1">
         <li id="note1"><p>A</p>
         <ol type="i">
         <li id="note2"><p>A</p>
         <ol type="A">
         <li id="AN"><p>A</p>
         <ol type="I">
         <li id="Anote1"><p>A</p>
         <ol type="a">
         <li id="Anote2"><p>A</p></li>
