require 'uuidtools' class Event < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :calendar has_site if respond_to? :has_site belongs_to :event_venue accepts_nested_attributes_for :event_venue, :reject_if => proc { |attributes| attributes.all? {|k,v| v.blank?} } # radiant 0.8.1 is using rails 2.3.4, which doesn't include the :all_blank sugar belongs_to :master, :class_name => 'Event' has_many :occurrences, :class_name => 'Event', :foreign_key => 'master_id', :dependent => :destroy has_many :recurrence_rules, :class_name => 'EventRecurrenceRule', :dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:active => true} accepts_nested_attributes_for :recurrence_rules, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => lambda { |attributes| attributes['active'].to_s != '1' } validates_presence_of :uuid, :title, :start_date, :status_id validates_uniqueness_of :uuid before_validation :set_uuid before_validation :set_default_status after_save :update_occurrences default_scope :order => 'start_date ASC', :include => :event_venue named_scope :imported, { :conditions => ["status_id = ?", Status[:imported].to_s] } named_scope :submitted, { :conditions => ["status_id = ?", Status[:submitted].to_s] } named_scope :approved, { :conditions => ["status_id >= (?)", Status[:published].to_s] } named_scope :primary, { :conditions => "master_id IS NULL" } named_scope :recurrent, { :conditions => "master_id IS NOT NULL" } named_scope :in_calendars, lambda { |calendars| # list of calendar objects ids ={ |c| } { :conditions => [{"calendar_id = ?"}.join(" OR "), *ids] } } named_scope :after, lambda { |datetime| # datetime. eg calendar.occurrences.after( { :conditions => ['start_date > ?', datetime] } } named_scope :before, lambda { |datetime| # datetime. eg calendar.occurrences.before( { :conditions => ['start_date < ?', datetime] } } named_scope :within, lambda { |period| # CalendarPeriod object { :conditions => ['start_date > :start AND start_date < :finish', {:start => period.start, :finish => period.finish}] } } named_scope :between, lambda { |start, finish| # datetimable objects. eg. Event.between(reader.last_login, { :conditions => ['start_date > :start AND start_date < :finish', {:start => start, :finish => finish}] } } named_scope :future_and_current, { :conditions => ['(end_date > :now) OR (end_date IS NULL AND start_date > :now)', {:now =>}] } named_scope :unfinished, lambda { |start| # datetimable object. { :conditions => ['start_date < :start AND end_date > :start', {:start => start}] } } named_scope :coincident_with, lambda { |start, finish| # datetimable objects. { :conditions => ['(start_date < :finish AND end_date > :start) OR (end_date IS NULL AND start_date > :start AND start_date < :finish)', {:start => start, :finish => finish}] } } named_scope :by_end_date, { :order => "end_date ASC" } named_scope :at_venue, lambda { |venue| # EventVenue object { :conditions => ["event_venue_id = ?",] } } named_scope :except_these, lambda { |uuids| # array of uuid strings { :conditions => ["uuid not in (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *uuids] } } def self.in_the_last(period) # seconds. eg calendar.occurrences.in_the_last(1.week) finish = start = finish - period between(start, finish) end def self.in_year(year) # just a number. eg calendar.occurrences.in_year(2010) start = DateTime.civil(year) finish = start + 1.year between(start, finish) end def self.in_month(year, month) # numbers. eg calendar.occurrences.in_month(2010, 12) start = DateTime.civil(year, month) finish = start + 1.month between(start, finish) end def self.in_week(year, week) # numbers, with a commercial week: eg calendar.occurrences.in_week(2010, 35) start = DateTime.commercial(year, week) finish = start + 1.week between(start, finish) end def self.on_day (year, month, day) # numbers: eg calendar.occurrences.on_day(2010, 12, 12) start = DateTime.civil(year, month, day) finish = start + between(start, finish) end def self.future after( end def self.past before( end def self.as_months stack = {} find(:all).each_with_object({}) do |event, stack| y = event.start_date.year m = Date::MONTHNAMES[event.start_date.month] stack[y] ||= {} stack[y][m] ||= [] stack[y][m].push event end stack end def category calendar.category if calendar end def slug calendar.slug if calendar end def location if event_venue event_venue.to_s else read_attribute(:location) end end def address event_venue.address if event_venue end def postcode event_venue.postcode if event_venue end def description_paragraph if description =~ /\<p/ description else "<p>#{description}</p>" end end def short_description(length=256, ellipsis="...") truncate(description, length, ellipsis) end def master? master.nil? end def occurrence? !master? end def date start_date.to_datetime.strftime(date_format) end def month Date::MONTHNAMES[start_date.month] end def short_month Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[start_date.month] end def year start_date.year end def day Date::DAYNAMES[] end def mday start_date.mday end def mday_padded "%02d" % mday end def short_date start_date.to_datetime.strftime(short_date_format) end def start_time start_date.to_datetime.strftime(start_date.min == 0 ? round_time_format : time_format).downcase end def end_time end_date.to_datetime.strftime(end_date.min == 0 ? round_time_format : time_format).downcase if end_date end def last_day end_date.to_datetime.strftime(date_format)if end_date end def duration if end_date end_date - start_date else 0 end end def starts if all_day? "all day" else start_time end end def finishes if all_day? "all day" else end_time end end def summarize_start if one_day? "all day on #{date}" elsif all_day? "from #{date}" else "#{start_time} on #{date}" end end def summarize_period period = [] if one_day? period << "all day on #{date}" elsif all_day? period << "from #{date} to #{end_date.to_datetime.strftime(date_format)}" elsif within_day? period << "#{start_time}" period << "to #{end_time}" if end_time period << "on #{date}" else period << "#{start_time} on #{date}" period << "to #{end_time} on #{end_date.to_datetime.strftime(date_format)}" end period.join(' ') end def url if url = read_attribute(:url) return nil if url.blank? url = "http://#{url}" unless url =~ /^(http:\/){0,1}\// url.strip end end def one_day? all_day? && within_day? end def within_day? (!end_date || start_date.to_date.jd == end_date.to_date.jd || end_date == start_date + end # sometimes we need to filter an existing list to get the day's events # usually in a radius tag, to avoid going back to the database for each day in a list # so we call {|e| e.on_this_day?(day) } def on_this_day?(date) if end_date start_date < date.end_of_day && end_date > date.beginning_of_day else start_date > date.beginning_of_day && start_date < date.end_of_day end end def in_this_month?(date) if end_date start_date < date.end_of_month && end_date > date.beginning_of_month else start_date > date.beginning_of_month && start_date < date.end_of_month end end def continuing? end_date && start_date < && end_date > end def finished? start_date < && (!end_date || end_date < end def editable? status != Status[:imported] end def recurs? master || occurrences.any? end def status Status.find(self.status_id) end def status=(value) self.status_id = end def recurrence recurrence_rules.first.to_s end def add_recurrence(rule) self.recurrence_rules << EventRecurrenceRule.from(rule) end def to_ri_cal RiCal.Event do |cal_event| cal_event.uid = uuid cal_event.summary = title cal_event.description = description if description cal_event.dtstart = (all_day? ? start_date.to_date : start_date) if start_date cal_event.dtend = (all_day? ? end_date.to_date : end_date) if end_date cal_event.url = url if url cal_event.rrules = if recurrence_rules.any? cal_event.location = location if location end end def ical self.to_ri_cal.to_s end def self.create_from(cal_event) event = new({ :uuid => cal_event.uid, :title => cal_event.summary, :description => cal_event.description, :url => cal_event.url, :start_date => cal_event.dtstart, :end_date => cal_event.dtend, :all_day => !cal_event.dtstart.is_a?(DateTime), :created_at => cal_event.dtstamp }) event.status = Status[:imported] event.set_venue_from_location(cal_event.location) cal_event.rrule.each { |rule| event.add_recurrence(rule) } event rescue => error logger.error "Event import error: #{error}." raise end def update_from(cal_event) #TODO handle and merge local updates self.update_attributes({ :title => cal_event.summary, :description => cal_event.description, :url => cal_event.url, :start_date => cal_event.dtstart, :end_date => cal_event.dtend, :all_day => !cal_event.dtstart.is_a?(DateTime) }) self.status = Status[:imported] self.set_venue_from_location(cal_event.location) cal_event.rrule.each { |rule| self.add_recurrence(rule) }! self rescue => error logger.error "Event update error: #{error}." raise end def set_venue_from_location(location='') unless location.blank? self.event_venue = EventVenue.find_by_title(location) || EventVenue.find_or_create_by_location(location) end end protected def set_uuid self.uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.to_s if uuid.blank? end def set_default_status self.status ||= Status[:Published] end # doesn't yet observe exceptions def update_occurrences occurrences.destroy_all if recurrence_rules.any? recurrence_horizon = + (Radiant::Config['event_calendar.recurrence_horizon'] || 10).to_i.years to_ri_cal.occurrences(:before => recurrence_horizon).each do |occ| occurrences.create!(self.attributes.merge(:start_date => occ.dtstart, :end_date => occ.dtend, :uuid => nil)) unless occ.dtstart == self.start_date end end end def date_format Radiant::Config['event_calendar.date_format'] || "%-1d %B" end def short_date_format Radiant::Config['event_calendar.short_date_format'] || "%-1d/%m/%Y" end def time_format Radiant::Config['event_calendar.time_format'] || "%-1I:%M%p" end def round_time_format Radiant::Config['event_calendar.round_time_format'] || "%-1I%p" end end