module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module PayflowCommonAPI def self.included(base) base.default_currency = 'USD' base.class_inheritable_accessor :partner # Set the default partner to PayPal base.partner = 'PayPal' base.supported_countries = ['US', 'CA', 'SG', 'AU'] base.class_inheritable_accessor :timeout base.timeout = 60 # Enable safe retry of failed connections # Payflow is safe to retry because retried transactions use the same # X-VPS-Request-ID header. If a transaction is detected as a duplicate # only the original transaction data will be used by Payflow, and the # subsequent Responses will have a :duplicate parameter set in the params # hash. base.retry_safe = true end XMLNS = '' TEST_URL = '' LIVE_URL = '' CARD_MAPPING = { :visa => 'Visa', :master => 'MasterCard', :discover => 'Discover', :american_express => 'Amex', :jcb => 'JCB', :diners_club => 'DinersClub', :switch => 'Switch', :solo => 'Solo' } TRANSACTIONS = { :purchase => "Sale", :authorization => "Authorization", :capture => "Capture", :void => "Void", :credit => "Credit" } CVV_CODE = { 'Match' => 'M', 'No Match' => 'N', 'Service Not Available' => 'U', 'Service not Requested' => 'P' } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options @options[:partner] = partner if @options[:partner].blank? super end def test? @options[:test] || super end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) request = build_reference_request(:capture, money, authorization, options) commit(request) end def void(authorization, options = {}) request = build_reference_request(:void, nil, authorization, options) commit(request) end private def build_request(body, request_type = nil) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'XMLPayRequest', 'Timeout' => 30, 'version' => "2.1", "xmlns" => XMLNS do xml.tag! 'RequestData' do xml.tag! 'Vendor', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Partner', @options[:partner] if request_type == :recurring xml << body else xml.tag! 'Transactions' do xml.tag! 'Transaction' do xml.tag! 'Verbosity', 'MEDIUM' xml << body end end end end xml.tag! 'RequestAuth' do xml.tag! 'UserPass' do xml.tag! 'User', !@options[:user].blank? ? @options[:user] : @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Password', @options[:password] end end end! end def build_reference_request(action, money, authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! TRANSACTIONS[action] do xml.tag! 'PNRef', authorization unless money.nil? xml.tag! 'Invoice' do xml.tag! 'TotalAmt', amount(money), 'Currency' => options[:currency] || currency(money) end end end! end def add_address(xml, tag, address, options) return if address.nil? xml.tag! tag do xml.tag! 'Name', address[:name] unless address[:name].blank? xml.tag! 'EMail', options[:email] unless options[:email].blank? xml.tag! 'Phone', address[:phone] unless address[:phone].blank? xml.tag! 'CustCode', options[:customer] if !options[:customer].blank? && tag == 'BillTo' xml.tag! 'Address' do xml.tag! 'Street', address[:address1] unless address[:address1].blank? xml.tag! 'City', address[:city] unless address[:city].blank? xml.tag! 'State', address[:state].blank? ? "N/A" : address[:state] xml.tag! 'Country', address[:country] unless address[:country].blank? xml.tag! 'Zip', address[:zip] unless address[:zip].blank? end end end def parse(data) response = {} xml = root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//ResponseData") # REXML::XPath in Ruby 1.8.6 is now unable to match nodes based on their attributes tx_result = REXML::XPath.first(root, "//TransactionResult") if tx_result && tx_result.attributes['Duplicate'] == "true" response[:duplicate] = true end root.elements.to_a.each do |node| parse_element(response, node) end response end def parse_element(response, node) node_name = case when node_name == :rp_payment_result # Since we'll have multiple history items, we can't just flatten everything # down as we do everywhere else. RPPaymentResult elements are not contained # in an RPPaymentResults element so we'll come here multiple times response[node_name] ||= [] response[node_name] << ( payment_result_response = {} ) node.elements.each{ |e| parse_element(payment_result_response, e) } when node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|e| parse_element(response, e) } when node_name.to_s =~ /amt$/ # *Amt elements don't put the value in the #text - instead they use a Currency attribute response[node_name] = node.attributes['Currency'] when node_name == :ext_data response[node.attributes['Name'].underscore.to_sym] = node.attributes['Value'] else response[node_name] = node.text end end def build_headers(content_length) { "Content-Type" => "text/xml", "Content-Length" => content_length.to_s, "X-VPS-Timeout" => timeout.to_s, "X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product" => "ActiveMerchant", "X-VPS-VIT-Runtime-Version" => RUBY_VERSION, "X-VPS-Request-ID" => Utils.generate_unique_id } end def commit(request_body, request_type = nil) request = build_request(request_body, request_type) headers = build_headers(request.size) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL, request, headers)) build_response(response[:result] == "0", response[:message], response, :test => test?, :authorization => response[:pn_ref] || response[:rp_ref], :cvv_result => CVV_CODE[response[:cv_result]], :avs_result => { :code => response[:avs_result] } ) end end end end