gpview - quick viewer for the values of a variable specified by a gtool4-type URL.

  1. for 1-dimensional variable, make line plot.
  2. for 2-dimensional variable, make contour/tone plot.
  3. for 3/more-dimensional variable, make contour/tone plot, select first 2D. possible to make animation.


The first command form is

% gpview [options] gturl1 gturl2 gturl3 ...

where the format of the gturl is


The second commnad form is

% gpview --var url [options] gtfile1 gtfile2 ...

where the format of the url is



if you want to know more description, please read



print this message.

--var url:

set the variable name and slicing parameters.

--wsn [1-4]:

set work staion number. each number represent output device: 1 : X window. 2 : PS file. (named 3 : Tcl/Tk file. 4 : GTK Windows (depend on dcl-5.3)

--clrmap [1-]:

set colormap to draw tone/contour.

--itr [1-4,5-7,10-15,20-23,30-33]:

set axis scale. default is 1. 1 : linear scale for x/y axis 2 : linear scale for x , log scale for y axis 3 : log scale for x , linear scale for y axis 4 : log scale for x/y axis

--similar [simfac,vxoff,vyoff]:

(for 5<=itr<=7) set similarity parameters which are fed in DCL.grssim.

--map_axis [uxc,uyc,rot]:

(for 10<=itr<=33) set mapping parameters which are fed in DCL.umpcnt.


set title of figure

--aspect <aspect>:

set aspect ratio of Viewport. default is 2.0.


not draw annotations.

--animate/anim <dim>:

plot animation along <dim>. <dim> must be name of dimension.

--alternate, --Ga:

enable to backing store.

--nowait, --Gw:

not wait for any actions if animate

--reverse, --Gr:

plot animation reversible if animate

--smooth, --Gaw:

equal to --anlternate && --nowait


exchange(transpose) x/y axis.

--mean <dim>:

mean along axis <dim>.

--m, --map <map_type>:

plot map. itr number must be set. this option is neglect if itr number is 1-4. abailable map type is coast_world, border_world, plate_world, state_usa, coast_japan, pref_japan

--operation <math_func>:

operation of the specified math function on the data. <math_func> should be a math function with one argument such as log10, sqrt, sin, etc.



make line plot forced. (about first 1D)


make mark plot forced. (about first 1D)


set DCL line index, which set the color/thickness of the line primitive. please see DCL documents.


set line type.

--range [min:max]

set min/max value for line plot. min or max must be set.


set number of lines on each figure



make contour and tone plot.


make contour plot, without tone.


make tone plot, without contour.

--range [min:max]:

set min/max value for contour/tone plot. min or max must be set.


set min/max value for contour plot. this is more dominant than --range


set min/max value for tone plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int

--interval,--int [num]:

set interval value for contour/tone plot. set the number of lines if you set negative value.


set interval value for contour plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int


set interval value for tone plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int.


set values of contour/tone levels.


set values of contour levels.


set tone of contour levels.


set each patterns for tone plot.


do not draw color bar


do not draw zero contour


For a single GPhys variable,

% gpview
% gpview,lon=130:150,lat=0:90:2
% gpview --nocont,lon=130:150,lat=0    
% gpview --noshade,lon=130:150,lat=0    
% gpview --mean lon,lon=130:150,lat=0
% gpview --exch,lon=130:150,lat=0
% gpview --animate lon,lon=130:150
% gpview --animate lon --alternate
% gpview --smooth lon,lon=130:150
% gpview --levels 0,10,20,30 --pattern 30999,40999,50999,60999,70999
% gpview --overplot=3 --anim t,lon=0
% gpview --mark,lon=0,lat=0
% gpview --operation log10,lon=0

For multiple GPhys variables,

% gpview
% gpview,lon=130:150,lon=150:170
% gpview --overplot=3 --anim t,lon=0,lon=10
% gpview --var temp,lon=130:150 data?.nc 
% gpview --anim t --var temp,lon=130:150 data*.nc 


2004/12/14  D Tsukahara && T Horinouti(parse_gturl)
2005/01/08  D Tsukahara (add option --exch and able to invalid value)
2005/01/09  D Tsukahara (add option --animate, smooth, alternate, index )
2005/01/10  D Tsukahara (transpose axis with attr "positive:down" ,
                         abailable loopsense_flag. )
2005/01/10  D Tsukahara (implement GGraph::color_bar, and margin_info, 
                         which file name, date, and toolname. )
2005/01/11  D Tsukahara ( 1. write document about OPTIONS. 
                          2. add many options. more info please see document. )
2005/01/23  S Takehiro  (add option --similar, map_axis)
2005/02/09  D Tsukahara && M Nakano (add option --reverse, --Gr, --map)
2005/02/10  D Tsukahara (change option parser (getopts => getoptlong))
2005/02/24  D Tsukahara (apply --range for line plot)
2005/06/15  S Takehiro (add option --levels, --clevels, --slevels, --patterns)
2005/06/17  S Takehiro (missing_value attribute setting removed)
2005/06/22  S Takehiro (debug, clipping control added to GGraph::annotate)
2005/06/23  S Takehiro (debug, option --title implemented)
2005/07/15  S Takehiro (option --noannotate implemented)
2005/08/07  S Takehiro (option --overplot implemented)
2005/08/09  S Takehiro && T Horinouchi (add option --help and help function.
                                          URL information corrected. )
2005/08/23  S Takehiro (multiple Gphys variables plotting 
                         and option --var implemented)
2005/08/23  S Takehiro (common methods to gp* command moved to gpcommon.rb)
2005/10/30  S Takehiro (option --animate recoverd)
2005/10/31  S Takehiro (option --smooth bug fixed)
2006/03/07  M Nakano (option --int bug fixed)
2007/10/03  S Takehiro (option --nocolorbar implemented)
2008/04/03  S Takehiro (option --nozero implemented)
2008/12/14  S Takehiro (option --mark implemented)
2010/03/10  Y SASAKI (change help block into RD format)
2011/01/14  T Tanigawa && S Takehiro (option --operation implemented)