require 'faraday' require 'logger' module OAuth2 # The OAuth2::Client class class Client # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength RESERVED_PARAM_KEYS = %w[headers parse].freeze attr_reader :id, :secret, :site attr_accessor :options attr_writer :connection # Instantiate a new OAuth 2.0 client using the # Client ID and Client Secret registered to your # application. # # @param [String] client_id the client_id value # @param [String] client_secret the client_secret value # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the client with # @option opts [String] :site the OAuth2 provider site host # @option opts [String] :redirect_uri the absolute URI to the Redirection Endpoint for use in authorization grants and token exchange # @option opts [String] :authorize_url ('/oauth/authorize') absolute or relative URL path to the Authorization endpoint # @option opts [String] :token_url ('/oauth/token') absolute or relative URL path to the Token endpoint # @option opts [Symbol] :token_method (:post) HTTP method to use to request token (:get or :post) # @option opts [Symbol] :auth_scheme (:basic_auth) HTTP method to use to authorize request (:basic_auth or :request_body) # @option opts [Hash] :connection_opts ({}) Hash of connection options to pass to initialize Faraday with # @option opts [FixNum] :max_redirects (5) maximum number of redirects to follow # @option opts [Boolean] :raise_errors (true) whether or not to raise an OAuth2::Error on responses with 400+ status codes # @option opts [Proc] :extract_access_token proc that extracts the access token from the response # @yield [builder] The Faraday connection builder def initialize(client_id, client_secret, options = {}, &block) opts = options.dup @id = client_id @secret = client_secret @site = opts.delete(:site) ssl = opts.delete(:ssl) @options = { :authorize_url => '/oauth/authorize', :token_url => '/oauth/token', :token_method => :post, :auth_scheme => :request_body, :connection_opts => {}, :connection_build => block, :max_redirects => 5, :raise_errors => true, :extract_access_token => DEFAULT_EXTRACT_ACCESS_TOKEN, }.merge(opts) @options[:connection_opts][:ssl] = ssl if ssl end # Set the site host # # @param [String] the OAuth2 provider site host def site=(value) @connection = nil @site = value end # The Faraday connection object def connection @connection ||=, options[:connection_opts]) do |builder| if options[:connection_build] options[:connection_build].call(builder) end end end # The authorize endpoint URL of the OAuth2 provider # # @param [Hash] params additional query parameters def authorize_url(params = {}) params = (params || {}).merge(redirection_params) connection.build_url(options[:authorize_url], params).to_s end # The token endpoint URL of the OAuth2 provider # # @param [Hash] params additional query parameters def token_url(params = nil) connection.build_url(options[:token_url], params).to_s end # Makes a request relative to the specified site root. # # @param [Symbol] verb one of :get, :post, :put, :delete # @param [String] url URL path of request # @param [Hash] opts the options to make the request with # @option opts [Hash] :params additional query parameters for the URL of the request # @option opts [Hash, String] :body the body of the request # @option opts [Hash] :headers http request headers # @option opts [Boolean] :raise_errors whether or not to raise an OAuth2::Error on 400+ status # code response for this request. Will default to client option # @option opts [Symbol] :parse @see Response::initialize # @yield [req] The Faraday request def request(verb, url, opts = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize connection.response :logger,$stdout) if ENV['OAUTH_DEBUG'] == 'true' url = connection.build_url(url).to_s response = connection.run_request(verb, url, opts[:body], opts[:headers]) do |req| req.params.update(opts[:params]) if opts[:params] yield(req) if block_given? end response =, :parse => opts[:parse]) case response.status when 301, 302, 303, 307 opts[:redirect_count] ||= 0 opts[:redirect_count] += 1 return response if opts[:redirect_count] > options[:max_redirects] if response.status == 303 verb = :get opts.delete(:body) end request(verb, response.headers['location'], opts) when 200..299, 300..399 # on non-redirecting 3xx statuses, just return the response response when 400..599 error = raise(error) if opts.fetch(:raise_errors, options[:raise_errors]) response.error = error response else error = raise(error, "Unhandled status code value of #{response.status}") end end # Initializes an AccessToken by making a request to the token endpoint # # @param [Hash] params a Hash of params for the token endpoint # @param [Hash] access token options, to pass to the AccessToken object # @param [Class] class of access token for easier subclassing OAuth2::AccessToken # @return [AccessToken] the initialized AccessToken def get_token(params, access_token_opts = {}, extract_access_token = options[:extract_access_token]) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength params = do |key, value| if RESERVED_PARAM_KEYS.include?(key) [key.to_sym, value] else [key, value] end end params = Hash[params] params =, secret, options[:auth_scheme]).apply(params) opts = {:raise_errors => options[:raise_errors], :parse => params.delete(:parse)} headers = params.delete(:headers) || {} if options[:token_method] == :post opts[:body] = params opts[:headers] = {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} else opts[:params] = params opts[:headers] = {} end opts[:headers].merge!(headers) response = request(options[:token_method], token_url, opts) access_token = begin build_access_token(response, access_token_opts, extract_access_token) rescue StandardError nil end if options[:raise_errors] && !access_token error = raise(error) end access_token end # The Authorization Code strategy # # @see def auth_code @auth_code ||= end # The Implicit strategy # # @see def implicit @implicit ||= end # The Resource Owner Password Credentials strategy # # @see def password @password ||= end # The Client Credentials strategy # # @see def client_credentials @client_credentials ||= end def assertion @assertion ||= end # The redirect_uri parameters, if configured # # The redirect_uri query parameter is OPTIONAL (though encouraged) when # requesting authorization. If it is provided at authorization time it MUST # also be provided with the token exchange request. # # Providing the :redirect_uri to the OAuth2::Client instantiation will take # care of managing this. # # @api semipublic # # @see # @see # @see # @see # @return [Hash] the params to add to a request or URL def redirection_params if options[:redirect_uri] {'redirect_uri' => options[:redirect_uri]} else {} end end DEFAULT_EXTRACT_ACCESS_TOKEN = proc do |client, hash| token = hash.delete('access_token') || hash.delete(:access_token) token &&, token, hash) end private def build_access_token(response, access_token_opts, extract_access_token) parsed_response = response.parsed.dup return unless parsed_response.is_a?(Hash) hash = parsed_response.merge(access_token_opts) # Provide backwards compatibility for old AcessToken.form_hash pattern # Should be deprecated in 2.x if extract_access_token.is_a?(Class) && extract_access_token.respond_to?(:from_hash) extract_access_token.from_hash(self, hash) else, hash) end end end end