require 'thor' require 'gitx' require 'gitx/cli/base_command' require 'gitx/cli/update_command' require 'gitx/github' module Gitx module Cli class IntegrateCommand < BaseCommand include Gitx::Github desc 'integrate', 'integrate the current branch into one of the aggregate development branches (default = staging)' method_option :resume, type: :string, aliases: '-r', desc: 'resume merging of feature-branch' def integrate(integration_branch = 'staging') assert_aggregate_branch!(integration_branch) branch = feature_branch_name print_message(branch, integration_branch) begin execute_command(UpdateCommand, :update) rescue raise MergeError, 'Merge conflict occurred. Please fix merge conflict and rerun the integrate command' end pull_request = pull_request_for_branch(branch) integrate_branch(branch, integration_branch, pull_request) unless options[:resume] checkout_branch branch create_integrate_comment(pull_request) if pull_request end private def print_message(branch, integration_branch) message = options[:resume] ? 'Resuming integration of' : 'Integrating' say "#{message} " say "#{branch} ", :green say 'into ' say integration_branch, :green end def pull_request_for_branch(branch) return nil if config.reserved_branch?(branch) find_or_create_pull_request(branch) end def integrate_branch(branch, integration_branch, pull_request) fetch_remote_branch(integration_branch) commit_message = "[gitx] Integrating #{branch} into #{integration_branch}" commit_message += " (Pull request ##{pull_request.number})" if pull_request begin run_cmd %Q(git merge --no-ff -m "#{commit_message}" #{branch}) rescue raise MergeError, "Merge conflict occurred. Please fix merge conflict and rerun command with --resume #{branch} flag" end run_cmd 'git push origin HEAD' end def feature_branch_name @feature_branch ||= begin feature_branch = options[:resume] || until local_branch_exists?(feature_branch) feature_branch = ask("#{feature_branch} does not exist. Please select one of the available local branches: #{local_branches}") end feature_branch end end # nuke local branch and pull fresh version from remote repo def fetch_remote_branch(target_branch) create_remote_branch(target_branch) unless remote_branch_exists?(target_branch) run_cmd 'git fetch origin' run_cmd "git branch -D #{target_branch}", allow_failure: true checkout_branch target_branch end def local_branch_exists?(branch) local_branches.include?(branch) end def local_branches @local_branches ||= repo.branches.each_name(:local) end def remote_branch_exists?(target_branch) repo.branches.each_name(:remote).include?("origin/#{target_branch}") end def create_remote_branch(target_branch) repo.create_branch(target_branch, Gitx::BASE_BRANCH) run_cmd "git push origin #{target_branch}:#{target_branch}" end def create_integrate_comment(pull_request) comment = '[gitx] integrated into staging :twisted_rightwards_arrows:' github_client.add_comment(github_slug, pull_request.number, comment) end end end end