= Relaton CLI (relaton-cli): Relaton Command-line Interface image:https://img.shields.io/gem/v/relaton-cli.svg["Gem Version", link="https://rubygems.org/gems/relaton-cli"] image:https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/workflows/ubuntu/badge.svg["Build Status", link="https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/actions?workflow=ubuntu"] image:https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/workflows/macos/badge.svg["Build Status", link="https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/actions?workflow=macos"] image:https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/workflows/windows/badge.svg["Build Status", link="https://github.com/relaton/relaton-cli/actions?workflow=windows"] image:https://codeclimate.com/github/metanorma/relaton-cli/badges/gpa.svg["Code Climate", link="https://codeclimate.com/github/metanorma/relaton-cli"] Documentation in development. Please refer to https://github.com/relaton/relaton. == Commands The following commands are provided. === relaton concatenate [source,console] ---- $ relaton concatenate Source-Directory Relaton-Collection-File -t TITLE -g ORGANIZATION ---- Iterates through all the Relaton files (YAML and XML) in `Source-Directory`, and concatenates them into a Relaton Collection file. The extension of the Collection file can be set using the `Relaton-Collection-File` file name (i.e, if it uses an extension of `yaml`, a Relaton YAML file will be created; if `rxl`, a Relaton XML file will be created, or via the `-x [ext]` (or `--extension`) option. For each Relaton input file in the `Source-Directory`, if a document file with the same base name is identified (i.e. an XML, HTML, PDF or DOC file), a link to that file is inserted. If the `TITLE` or `ORGANIZATION` options are given, they are added to the `Collection-File` output as the title and author of the `Relaton-Collection-File` document. === relaton split [source,console] ---- $ relaton split Relaton-Collection-File Relaton-File-Directory -x rxl ---- Splits a `Relaton-Collection-File` into multiple files in the `Relaton-File-Directory`, and it also suports an additional `-x` or `--extension` options to use different extension. === relaton fetch [source,console] ---- $ relaton fetch CODE -t TYPE -f FORMAT -y YEAR ---- Fetch the Relaton XML entry corresponding to the document identifier `CODE`. * `YEAR` is optional, and specifies the year of publication of the standard. * `FORMAT` is optional, and specifies the output format; the recognised values for `FORMAT` are `xml` (default), `bibtex`. * `TYPE` specifies the standards class library to be used, that the identifier is part of; the recognised values for `TYPE` are `isobib`, `ietfbib`, `iecbib`, `gbbib`. === relaton extract [source,console] ---- $ relaton extract Metanorma-XML-Directory Relaton-XML-Directory -x EXTENSION ---- Iterate through all the Metanorma XML files in `Metanorma-XML-Directory`, and extract the `bibdata` element from each. Save the `bibdata` element for each file to `Relaton-XML-Directory`, as the Relaton XML description for that file. If a document identifier is present in `bibdata`, it is used as the name of the file; otherwise, the original file name is used. The filename is suffixed with `EXTENSION`; by default, `.rxl` is used. [[relaton-xml2html]] === relaton xml2html [source,console] ---- $ relaton xml2html [] [] ---- Render a Relaton Collection XML as an HTML file. Used to generate an HTML index of standards. * `relaton-xml` is the Relaton Collection XML file. * `stylesheet` is the CSS stylesheet to be used to style the output. For the CSS styling of each bibliographic element, see below. * `html-template-dir` is a directory containing HTML Liquid Template files into which the bibliographic entries are to be inserted. There are two templates necessary: ** Index template (`_index.liquid_`) *** The HTML Template file `_index.liquid` recognises the following parameters: *** `css`: where the CSS stylesheet `stylesheet` is injected *** `title`: the Title of the collection, `./relaton-collection/title` in `relaton-xml` *** `author`: the Author of the collection, `./relaton-collection/contributor[role/@type = 'author']/organization/name` in `relaton-xml` *** `content`: the list of resources generated by the script ** Individual bibliographic entries template (`_document.liquid`) *** This template recognises attributes of a bibliographic entry (`document`) which follow the naming convention of <>; e.g. `document.html` is the HTML URI for the document. The default stylesheet and templates are given (which also demonstrates the structure) in the `templates` directory. Sample HTML output for a bibliographic entry: [source,html] ---- ---- === relaton yaml2xml [source,console] ---- $ relaton yaml2xml YAML -o OUTPUT-DIRECTORY -x RELATON_EXTENSION -p PREFIX -r LIBRARY ---- Convert a Relaton YAML file (`filename.yaml`) into a Relaton XML file (`filename.xml`). If the Relaton YAML file specifies multiple bibliograph items, and `OUTPUT-DIRECTORY` is nominated, also convert the file into a list of Relaton XML files for each entry, stored in that directory. The document identifier is used as the name of each Relaton XML file; the Relaton XML filename is suffixed with `RELATON_EXTENSION` (default `.rxl`) and prefixed with `PREFIX` (default empty). Any libraries that need to be required for the conversion are specified in `LIBRARY` as a space-delimited list. [[relaton-yaml]] A Relaton Collection YAML file contains some initial metadata, and a list of metadata about each bibliographic entry: [source,yaml] ---- root: author: The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium title: CalConnect Standards Registry items: - technical_committee: PUBLISH docid: type: CC id: CC 36000 type: standard title: type: main content: Standardization documents -- Vocabulary docstatus: stage: proposal date: type: issued value: 2018-10-25 - technical_committee: DATETIME docid: type: CC id: CC 34000 type: standard title: type: main content: Date and time -- Concepts and vocabulary docstatus: stage: proposal date: type: issued value: 2018-10-25 ---- A Relaton YAML file describing an individual bibliographic entry is limited to metadata specific to that entry. Flavor gems have additional fields. The link:https://github.com/relaton/relaton-bib/blob/master/docs/hash.adoc#yaml[Relaton YAML] illustrates the common fields supported by all flavor gems. === relaton xml2yaml [source,console] ---- $ relaton xml2yaml XML -o OUTPUT-DIRECTORY -x RELATON_EXTENSION -p PREFIX -r LIBRARY ---- Convert a Relaton XML file (`filename.xml` or `filename.rxl`) into a Relaton YAML file (`filename.yaml`). If the Relaton XML file is a collection, and `OUTPUT-DIRECTORY` is nominated, also convert the file into a list of Relaton YAML files for each entry, stored in that directory. The document identifier is used as the name of each Relaton XML file; the Relaton XML filename is suffixed with `RELATON_EXTENSION` (default `.yaml`) and prefixed with `PREFIX` (default empty). Any libraries that need to be required for the conversion are specified in `LIBRARY` as a space-delimited list. === relaton yaml2html [source,console] ---- $ relaton yaml2html YAML [] [] ---- Render a Relaton YAML file (`filename.yaml`) as an HTML file. The `stylesheet` and `liquid-template-dir` directories are as for <>.