# This file allows you to override various Teabag configuration directives when running from the command line. It is not # required from within the Rails environment, so overriding directives that have been defined within the initializer # is not possible. # # You can override various configuration directives defined here by using arguments with the teabag command. # # teabag --driver=selenium --fail_fast=false # rake teabag FAIL_FAST=false # # Set RAILS_ROOT and load the environment. ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] = File.expand_path("../dummy", __FILE__) require File.expand_path("../dummy/config/environment", __FILE__) Teabag.setup do |config| # Driver #config.driver = "selenium" # available: phantomjs, selenium # Behaviors #config.server_timeout = 20 # timeout for starting the server #config.fail_fast = true # abort after the first failing suite # Output #config.formatters = "dot" # available: dot, tap_y, swayze_or_oprah #config.suppress_log = false # suppress logs coming from console[log/error/debug] #config.color = true end