require 'ole/types' require 'yaml' module Ole module Types # # The PropertySet class currently supports readonly access to the properties # serialized in "property set" streams, such as the file "\005SummaryInformation", # in OLE files. # # Think has its roots in MFC property set serialization. # # See for details # class PropertySet HEADER_SIZE = 28 HEADER_PACK = "vvVa#{Clsid::SIZE}V" OS_MAP = { 0 => :win16, 1 => :mac, 2 => :win32, 0x20001 => :ooffice, # open office on linux... } # define a smattering of the property set guids. #FMTID_SummaryInformation = Clsid.parse '{f29f85e0-4ff9-1068-ab91-08002b27b3d9}' #FMTID_DocSummaryInformation = Clsid.parse '{d5cdd502-2e9c-101b-9397-08002b2cf9ae}' #FMTID_UserDefinedProperties = Clsid.parse '{d5cdd505-2e9c-101b-9397-08002b2cf9ae}' DATA = YAML.load_file(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../data/propids.yaml'). inject({}) { |hash, (key, value)| hash.update Clsid.parse(key) => value } module Constants DATA.each { |guid, (name, map)| const_set name, guid } end include Constants class Section <, :offset) include Variant::Constants include Enumerable SIZE = Clsid::SIZE + 4 PACK = "a#{Clsid::SIZE}v" attr_reader :length def initialize str, property_set @property_set = property_set super(*str.unpack(PACK)) self.guid = Clsid.load guid @map = DATA[guid] ? DATA[guid][1] : nil load_header end def io end def load_header offset @byte_size, @length = 'V2' end def each offset + 8 * 8).scan(/.{8}/m).each do |str| id, property_offset = str.unpack 'V2' offset + property_offset type, value ='V2') # is the method of serialization here custom? case type when VT_LPSTR, VT_LPWSTR value = Variant.load type, # .... end yield id, type, value end self end def [] key unless Integer === key return unless @map and key = @map.invert[key] end return unless result = properties.assoc(key) result.last end def method_missing name, *args if args.empty? and @map and @map.values.include? name.to_s self[name.to_s] else super end end def properties @properties ||= to_enum.to_a end #def to_h # properties.inject({}) do |hash, (key, type, value)| # hash.update #end end attr_reader :io, :signature, :unknown, :os, :guid, :sections def initialize io @io = io load_header load_section_list * Section::SIZE) # expect no gap between last section and start of data. #Log.warn "gap between section list and property data" unless io.pos == end def load_header str @signature, @unknown, @os_id, @guid, @num_sections = str.unpack HEADER_PACK # should i check that unknown == 0? it usually is. so is the guid actually @guid = Clsid.load @guid @os = OS_MAP[@os_id] || Log.warn("unknown operating system id #{@os_id}") end def load_section_list str @sections = str.scan(/.{#{Section::SIZE}}/m).map { |s| s, self } end end end class Storage # i'm thinking - search for a property set in +filenames+ containing a # section with guid +guid+. then yield it. can read/write to it in the # block. # propsets themselves can have guids, but they are often all null. def with_property_set guid, filenames=nil end class PropertySetSectionProxy attr_reader :obj, :section_num def initialize obj, section_num @obj, @section_num = obj, section_num end def method_missing name, *args, &block do |io| section =[section_num] section.send name, *args, &block end end end # this will be changed to use with_property_set def summary_information dirent = root["\005SummaryInformation"] do |io| propset = sections = propset.sections # this will maybe get wrapped up as # section = propset[guid] # maybe taking it one step further, i'd hide the section thing, # and let you use composite keys, like # propset[4, guid] eg in MAPI, and just propset.doc_author. section = sections.find do |s| s.guid == Types::PropertySet::FMTID_SummaryInformation end return, sections.index(section)) end end alias summary_info :summary_information end end