require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'adyen/api' require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'rexml/document' module Net class HTTP class Post attr_reader :header attr_reader :assigned_basic_auth alias old_basic_auth basic_auth def basic_auth(username, password) if Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled @assigned_basic_auth = [username, password] else old_basic_auth end end def soap_action header['soapaction'].first end end class << self attr_accessor :stubbing_enabled, :posted, :stubbed_response def stubbing_enabled=(enabled) reset! if @stubbing_enabled = enabled end def reset! @posted = nil @stubbed_response = nil end end def host @address end alias old_start start def start Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled ? yield(self) : old_start end alias old_request request def request(request) if Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled self.class.posted = [self, request] self.class.stubbed_response else old_request(request) end end end end module Adyen module API class PaymentService public :authorise_payment_request_body, :authorise_recurring_payment_request_body end class RecurringService public :list_request_body end end end module APISpecHelper def node_for_current_method(object) node = end def xpath(query, &block) node_for_current_method.xpath(query, &block) end def text(query) node_for_current_method.text(query) end def stub_net_http(response_body) Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled = true response ='1.1', '200', 'OK') response.stub!(:body).and_return(response_body) Net::HTTP.stubbed_response = response end def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def for_each_xml_backend(&block) [:nokogiri, :rexml].each do |xml_backend| describe "with a #{xml_backend} backend" do before { Adyen::API::XMLQuerier.backend = xml_backend } after { Adyen::API::XMLQuerier.backend = :nokogiri } instance_eval(&block) end end end end class SOAPClient < Adyen::API::SimpleSOAPClient ENDPOINT_URI = '' end end shared_examples_for "payment requests" do it "includes the merchant account handle" do text('./payment:merchantAccount').should == 'SuperShopper' end it "includes the payment reference of the merchant" do text('./payment:reference').should == 'order-id' end it "includes the given amount of `currency'" do xpath('./payment:amount') do |amount| amount.text('./common:currency').should == 'EUR' amount.text('./common:value').should == '1234' end end it "includes the shopper’s details" do text('./payment:shopperReference').should == 'user-id' text('./payment:shopperEmail').should == '' text('./payment:shopperIP').should == '' end it "only includes shopper details for given parameters" do @payment.params[:shopper].delete(:reference) xpath('./payment:shopperReference').should be_empty @payment.params[:shopper].delete(:email) xpath('./payment:shopperEmail').should be_empty @payment.params[:shopper].delete(:ip) xpath('./payment:shopperIP').should be_empty end it "does not include any shopper details if none are given" do @payment.params.delete(:shopper) xpath('./payment:shopperReference').should be_empty xpath('./payment:shopperEmail').should be_empty xpath('./payment:shopperIP').should be_empty end end describe Adyen::API do include APISpecHelper before :all do Adyen::API.default_params = { :merchant_account => 'SuperShopper' } Adyen::API.username = 'SuperShopper' Adyen::API.password = 'secret' end describe Adyen::API::SimpleSOAPClient do before do @client = => 'order-id') end it "returns the endpoint, for the current environment, from the ENDPOINT_URI constant" do uri = APISpecHelper::SOAPClient.endpoint uri.scheme.should == 'https' == '' uri.path.should == '/soap/Action' end it "initializes with the given parameters" do @client.params[:reference].should == 'order-id' end it "merges the default parameters with the given ones" do @client.params[:merchant_account].should == 'SuperShopper' end describe "call_webservice_action" do before do stub_net_http(AUTHORISE_RESPONSE) @client.call_webservice_action('Action', '<bananas>Yes, please</bananas>') @request, @post = Net::HTTP.posted end after do Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled = false end it "posts to the class's endpoint" do endpoint = APISpecHelper::SOAPClient.endpoint == @request.port.should == endpoint.port @post.path.should == endpoint.path end it "makes a request over SSL" do @request.use_ssl.should == true end it "verifies certificates" do File.should exist(Adyen::API::SimpleSOAPClient::CACERT) @request.ca_file.should == Adyen::API::SimpleSOAPClient::CACERT @request.verify_mode.should == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end it "uses basic-authentication with the credentials set on the Adyen::API module" do username, password = @post.assigned_basic_auth username.should == 'SuperShopper' password.should == 'secret' end it "sends the proper headers" do @post.header.should == { 'accept' => ['text/xml'], 'content-type' => ['text/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'soapaction' => ['Action'] } end end end describe "shortcut methods" do it "performs a `authorise payment' request" do payment = mock('PaymentService') Adyen::API::PaymentService.should_receive(:new).with(:reference => 'order-id').and_return(payment) payment.should_receive(:authorise_payment) Adyen::API.authorise_payment(:reference => 'order-id') end it "performs a `authorise recurring payment' request" do payment = mock('PaymentService') Adyen::API::PaymentService.should_receive(:new).with(:reference => 'order-id').and_return(payment) payment.should_receive(:authorise_recurring_payment) Adyen::API.authorise_recurring_payment(:reference => 'order-id') end end describe Adyen::API::PaymentService do describe "for a normal payment request" do before do @params = { :reference => 'order-id', :amount => { :currency => 'EUR', :value => '1234', }, :shopper => { :email => '', :reference => 'user-id', :ip => '', }, :card => { :expiry_month => 12, :expiry_year => 2012, :holder_name => 'Simon わくわく Hopper', :number => '4444333322221111', :cvc => '737', # Maestro UK/Solo only #:issue_number => , #:start_month => , #:start_year => , } } @payment = end describe "authorise_payment_request_body" do before :all do @method = :authorise_payment_request_body end it_should_behave_like "payment requests" it "includes the creditcard details" do xpath('./payment:card') do |card| # there's no reason why Nokogiri should escape these characters, but as long as they're correct card.text('./payment:holderName').should == 'Simon わくわく Hopper' card.text('./payment:number').should == '4444333322221111' card.text('./payment:cvc').should == '737' card.text('./payment:expiryMonth').should == '12' card.text('./payment:expiryYear').should == '2012' end end it "formats the creditcard’s expiry month as a two digit number" do @payment.params[:card][:expiry_month] = 6 text('./payment:card/payment:expiryMonth').should == '06' end it "includes the necessary recurring contract info if the `:recurring' param is truthful" do xpath('./recurring:recurring/payment:contract').should be_empty @payment.params[:recurring] = true text('./recurring:recurring/payment:contract').should == 'RECURRING' end end describe "authorise_payment" do before do stub_net_http(AUTHORISE_RESPONSE) @payment.authorise_payment @request, @post = Net::HTTP.posted end after do Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled = false end it "posts the body generated for the given parameters" do @post.body.should == @payment.authorise_payment_request_body end it "posts to the correct SOAP action" do @post.soap_action.should == 'authorise' end for_each_xml_backend do it "returns a hash with parsed response details" do @payment.authorise_payment.should == { :psp_reference => '9876543210987654', :result_code => 'Authorised', :auth_code => '1234', :refusal_reason => '' } end end end describe "authorise_recurring_payment_request_body" do before :all do @method = :authorise_recurring_payment_request_body end it_should_behave_like "payment requests" it "does not include any creditcard details" do xpath('./payment:card').should be_empty end it "includes the contract type, which is always `RECURRING'" do text('./recurring:recurring/payment:contract').should == 'RECURRING' end it "obviously includes the obligatory self-‘describing’ nonsense parameters" do text('./payment:shopperInteraction').should == 'ContAuth' end it "uses the latest recurring detail reference, by default" do text('./payment:selectedRecurringDetailReference').should == 'LATEST' end it "uses the given recurring detail reference" do @payment.params[:recurring_detail_reference] = 'RecurringDetailReference1' text('./payment:selectedRecurringDetailReference').should == 'RecurringDetailReference1' end end describe "authorise_recurring_payment" do before do stub_net_http(AUTHORISE_RESPONSE) @payment.authorise_recurring_payment @request, @post = Net::HTTP.posted end after do Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled = false end it "posts the body generated for the given parameters" do @post.body.should == @payment.authorise_recurring_payment_request_body end it "posts to the correct SOAP action" do @post.soap_action.should == 'authorise' end for_each_xml_backend do it "returns a hash with parsed response details" do @payment.authorise_recurring_payment.should == { :psp_reference => '9876543210987654', :result_code => 'Authorised', :auth_code => '1234', :refusal_reason => '' } end end end end private def node_for_current_method super(@payment).xpath('//payment:authorise/payment:paymentRequest') end end describe Adyen::API::RecurringService do before do @params = { :shopper => { :reference => 'user-id' } } @recurring = end describe "list_request_body" do before :all do @method = :list_request_body end it "includes the merchant account handle" do text('./recurring:merchantAccount').should == 'SuperShopper' end it "includes the shopper’s reference" do text('./recurring:shopperReference').should == 'user-id' end it "includes the type of contract, which is always `RECURRING'" do text('./recurring:recurring/recurring:contract').should == 'RECURRING' end end describe "list" do before do stub_net_http(LIST_RESPONSE) @recurring.list @request, @post = Net::HTTP.posted end after do Net::HTTP.stubbing_enabled = false end it "posts the body generated for the given parameters" do @post.body.should == @recurring.list_request_body end it "posts to the correct SOAP action" do @post.soap_action.should == 'listRecurringDetails' end for_each_xml_backend do it "returns a hash with parsed response details" do @recurring.list.should == { :creation_date => DateTime.parse('2009-10-27T11:26:22.203+01:00'), :last_known_shopper_email => '', :shopper_reference => 'user-id', :details => [ { :card => { :expiry_date =>, 12, 31), :holder_name => 'S. Hopper', :number => '1111' }, :recurring_detail_reference => 'RecurringDetailReference1', :variant => 'mc', :creation_date => DateTime.parse('2009-10-27T11:50:12.178+01:00') }, { :bank => { :bank_account_number => '123456789', :bank_location_id => 'bank-location-id', :bank_name => 'AnyBank', :bic => 'BBBBCCLLbbb', :country_code => 'NL', :iban => 'NL69PSTB0001234567', :owner_name => 'S. Hopper' }, :recurring_detail_reference => 'RecurringDetailReference2', :variant => 'IDEAL', :creation_date => DateTime.parse('2009-10-27T11:26:22.216+01:00') }, ], } end end end private def node_for_current_method super(@recurring).xpath('//recurring:listRecurringDetails/recurring:request') end end end AUTHORISE_RESPONSE = <<EOS <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soap:Body> <ns1:authoriseResponse xmlns:ns1=""> <ns1:paymentResult> <additionalData xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <authCode xmlns="">1234</authCode> <dccAmount xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <dccSignature xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <fraudResult xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <issuerUrl xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <md xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <paRequest xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <pspReference xmlns="">9876543210987654</pspReference> <refusalReason xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <resultCode xmlns="">Authorised</resultCode> </ns1:paymentResult> </ns1:authoriseResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> EOS LIST_RESPONSE = <<EOS <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soap:Body> <ns1:listRecurringDetailsResponse xmlns:ns1=""> <ns1:result xmlns:ns2=""> <ns1:creationDate>2009-10-27T11:26:22.203+01:00</ns1:creationDate> <details xmlns=""> <RecurringDetail> <bank xsi:nil="true"/> <card> <cvc xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <expiryMonth xmlns="">12</expiryMonth> <expiryYear xmlns="">2012</expiryYear> <holderName xmlns="">S. Hopper</holderName> <issueNumber xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <number xmlns="">1111</number> <startMonth xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> <startYear xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/> </card> <creationDate>2009-10-27T11:50:12.178+01:00</creationDate> <elv xsi:nil="true"/> <name/> <recurringDetailReference>RecurringDetailReference1</recurringDetailReference> <variant>mc</variant> </RecurringDetail> <RecurringDetail> <bank> <bankAccountNumber xmlns="">123456789</bankAccountNumber> <bankLocationId xmlns="">bank-location-id</bankLocationId> <bankName xmlns="">AnyBank</bankName> <bic xmlns="">BBBBCCLLbbb</bic> <countryCode xmlns="">NL</countryCode> <iban xmlns="">NL69PSTB0001234567</iban> <ownerName xmlns="">S. Hopper</ownerName> </bank> <card xsi:nil="true"/> <creationDate>2009-10-27T11:26:22.216+01:00</creationDate> <elv xsi:nil="true"/> <name/> <recurringDetailReference>RecurringDetailReference2</recurringDetailReference> <variant>IDEAL</variant> </RecurringDetail> </details> <ns1:lastKnownShopperEmail></ns1:lastKnownShopperEmail> <ns1:shopperReference>user-id</ns1:shopperReference> </ns1:result> </ns1:listRecurringDetailsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> EOS