module ActiveAdmin module Views module Pages class Index < Base def title active_admin_config.plural_resource_name end def config active_admin_config.get_page_presenter(:index) || default_index_config end # Render's the index configuration that was set in the # controller. Defaults to rendering the ActiveAdmin::Pages::Index::Table def main_content build_scopes if items_in_collection? render_index else if params[:q] render_empty_results else render_blank_slate end end end protected def items_in_collection? # Remove the order clause before limiting to 1. This ensures that # any referenced columns in the order will not try to be accessed. # # When we call #exists?, the query's select statement is changed to "1". # # If we don't reorder, there may be some columns referenced in the order # clause that requires the original select. collection.reorder("").limit(1).exists? end # TODO: Refactor to new HTML DSL def build_download_format_links(formats = [:csv, :xml, :json]) links = formats.collect do |format| link_to format.to_s.upcase, { :format => format}.merge(request.query_parameters.except(:commit, :format)) end text_node [I18n.t(''), links].flatten.join(" ").html_safe end def build_scopes if active_admin_config.scopes.any? scope_options = { :scope_count => config[:scope_count].nil? ? true : config[:scope_count] } div :class => "table_tools" do scopes_renderer active_admin_config.scopes, scope_options end end end # Creates a default configuration for the resource class. This is a table # with each column displayed as well as all the default actions def default_index_config @default_index_config ||= => :table) end # Returns the actual class for renderering the main content on the index # page. To set this, use the :as option in the page_presenter block. def find_index_renderer_class(symbol_or_class) case symbol_or_class when Symbol ::ActiveAdmin::Views.const_get("IndexAs" + symbol_or_class.to_s.camelcase) when Class symbol_or_class else raise ArgumentError, "'as' requires a class or a symbol" end end def render_blank_slate blank_slate_content = I18n.t("active_admin.blank_slate.content", :resource_name => active_admin_config.plural_resource_name) if controller.action_methods.include?('new') blank_slate_content += " " + link_to(I18n.t(""), new_resource_path) end insert_tag(view_factory.blank_slate, blank_slate_content) end def render_empty_results empty_results_content = I18n.t("active_admin.pagination.empty", :model => active_admin_config.resource_name.pluralize) insert_tag(view_factory.blank_slate, empty_results_content) end def render_index renderer_class = find_index_renderer_class(config[:as]) paginator = config[:paginator].nil? ? true : config[:paginator] download_links = config[:download_links].nil? ? true : config[:download_links] paginated_collection(collection, :entry_name => active_admin_config.resource_name, :entries_name => active_admin_config.plural_resource_name, :download_links => download_links, :paginator => paginator) do div :class => 'index_content' do insert_tag(renderer_class, config, collection) end end end end end end end