require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for "an essence" do let(:element) { } let(:content) { 'foo') } let(:content_description) { {'name' => 'foo'} } it "touches the content after update" do content.update(essence: essence, essence_type: date = content.updated_at content.essence.update(essence.ingredient_column.to_sym => ingredient_value) content.reload expect(content.updated_at).not_to eq(date) end it "should have correct partial path" do underscored_essence = expect(essence.to_partial_path).to eq("alchemy/essences/#{underscored_essence}_view") end describe '#description' do subject { essence.description } context 'without element' do it { eq({}) } end context 'with element' do before do expect(essence).to receive(:element).at_least(:once).and_return(element) end context 'but without content descriptions' do it { eq({}) } end context 'and content descriptions' do before do allow(essence).to receive(:content).and_return(content) end context 'containing the content name' do before do expect(element).to receive(:content_descriptions).at_least(:once).and_return([content_description]) end it "returns the content description" do eq(content_description) end end context 'not containing the content name' do before do expect(element).to receive(:content_descriptions).at_least(:once).and_return([]) end it { eq({}) } end end end end describe '#ingredient=' do it 'should set the value to ingredient column' do essence.ingredient = ingredient_value expect(essence.ingredient).to eq ingredient_value end end describe 'validations' do context 'without essence description in elements.yml' do it 'should return an empty array' do allow(essence).to receive(:description).and_return nil expect(essence.validations).to eq([]) end end context 'without validations defined in essence description in elements.yml' do it 'should return an empty array' do allow(essence).to receive(:description).and_return({name: 'test', type: 'EssenceText'}) expect(essence.validations).to eq([]) end end describe 'presence' do before do allow(essence).to receive(:description).and_return({'validate' => ['presence']}) end context 'when the ingredient column is empty' do before do essence.update(essence.ingredient_column.to_sym => nil) end it 'should not be valid' do expect(essence).to_not be_valid end end context 'when the ingredient column is not nil' do before do essence.update(essence.ingredient_column.to_sym => ingredient_value) end it 'should be valid' do expect(essence).to be_valid end end end describe 'uniqueness' do before do allow(essence).to receive(:element).and_return(build_stubbed(:element)) expect(essence).to receive(:description).at_least(:once).and_return({'validate' => ['uniqueness']}) essence.update(essence.ingredient_column.to_sym => ingredient_value) end context 'when a duplicate exists' do before do allow(essence).to receive(:duplicates).and_return([essence.dup]) end it 'should not be valid' do expect(essence).to_not be_valid end context 'when validated essence is not public' do before do expect(essence).to receive(:public?).and_return(false) end it 'should be valid' do expect(essence).to be_valid end end end context 'when no duplicate exists' do before do expect(essence).to receive(:duplicates).and_return([]) end it 'should be valid' do expect(essence).to be_valid end end end describe '#acts_as_essence?' do it 'should return true' do expect(essence.acts_as_essence?).to be_truthy end end end context 'delegations' do let(:page) { create(:restricted_page) } let(:element) { create(:element, name: 'headline', create_contents_after_create: true, page: page) } let(:content) { element.contents.find_by(essence_type: 'Alchemy::EssenceText') } let(:essence) { content.essence } it "delegates restricted? to page" do expect(page.restricted?).to be(true) expect(essence.restricted?).to be(true) end it "delegates trashed? to element" do element.update!(position: nil) expect(element.trashed?).to be true expect(essence.trashed?).to be true end it "delegates public? to element" do element.update!(public: false) expect(element.public?).to be false expect(essence.public?).to be false end end describe 'essence relations' do let(:page) { create(:restricted_page) } let(:element) { create(:element) } it "registers itself on page as essence relation" do expect(page.respond_to?(essence.class.model_name.route_key)).to be(true) end it "registers itself on element as essence relation" do expect(element.respond_to?(essence.class.model_name.route_key)).to be(true) end end end